GOD leads man while man is misleading himself; the higher nature watches over the stumblings of the lower mortality: this is the tangle and contradiction out of which we have to escape into a clear knowledge, the self-unity to which alone is possible a faultless action. Page-105 "There is always something abnormal and eccentric about men of genius." And why not? For genius itself is an abnormal birth and out of man's ordinary centre. Page-106 If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu. Courage and love are the only indispensable virtues; even if all the others are eclipsed or fall asleep, these two will save the soul alive. Meanness and selfishness are the only sins that I find it difficult to pardon; yet they alone are almost universal. Therefore these also must not be hated in others, but in ourselves annihilated. Page-107 Our country is God the Mother; speak not evil of her unless thou canst do it with love and tenderness. . Atheism is a necessary protest against the wickedness of the Churches and the narrowness of creeds. God uses it as a stone to smash these soiled card-houses. Page-108 Call not everything evil which men call evil, but only that reject which God has rejected; call not everything good which men call good, but accept only what God has accepted. Page-109 So long as a Cause has on its side one soul that is intangible in faith, it cannot perish. Page-110 When thou hast the command, care only to fulfil it. The rest is God's will and arrangement which men call chance and luck and fortune. All is not settled when a cause is humanly lost and hopeless; all is settled, only when the soul renounces its effort. Fight, while thy hands are free, with thy hands and thy voice and thy brain and all manner of weapons. Art thou chained in thy enemy's dungeons and have his gags silenced thee? Fight with Page-111 thy silent all-besieging soul and thy wide-ranging will-power and when thou art dead, fight still with the world-encompassing force that went out from God within thee. There is no disturbance in the depths of the Ocean, but above there is the joyous thunder of its shouting and its racing shoreward; so is it with the liberated soul in the midst of violent action. The soul does not act; it only breathes out from itself over- whelming action. Page-112 always the eternal word of our Lover and Master, "I will free' thee from all sin and evil; do not grieve." Purity is in thy soul; but for actions, where is their purity or impurity? O Death, our masked friend and maker of opportunities, when thou wouldst open the gate, hesitate not to tell us beforehand; for we are not of those who are shaken by its iron jarring. Page-113 It is noble to pardon thine own injurers, but not so noble to par- don wrongs done to others. Nevertheless pardon these too, but when needful, calmly avenge. Avoid vain disputing; but exchange views freely. If dispute thou must, learn from thy adversary; for even from a fool, if thou listen not with the ear and the reasoning mind but the soul's light, thou canst gather much wisdom. Page-114 Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living Private dispute should always be avoided; but shrink not from the public battle; yet even there appreciate the strength of thy adversary. The mediaeval ascetics hated women and thought they were created by God for the temptation of monks. One may be allowed to think more nobly both of God and of woman. Page-115 Fix not the time and the way in which thy ideal shall be fulfilled. Work and leave time and way to God all-knowing.
As the light of a star reaches the earth hundreds of years after the star has ceased to exist, so the event already accomplished in Page-116 Brahman at the beginning manifests itself now in our material experience. If communism ever re-establishes itself successfully upon earth, it must be on a foundation of soul's brotherhood and the death of egoism. A forced association and a mechanical comradeship would end in a world-wide fiasco. Page-117 India had three fortresses of a communal life, the village community, the larger joint family and the order of the Sannyasins; all these are broken or breaking with the stride of egoistic conceptions of social life; but is not this after all only the breaking of these imperfect moulds on the way to a larger and diviner communism? Page-118 Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted. Page-119 Democracy in Europe is the rule of the Cabinet minister, the corrupt deputy or the self-seeking capitalist masqued by the occasional sovereignty of a wavering populace. Socialism in Europe is likely to be the rule of the official and policeman masqued by the theoretic sovereignty of an abstract State. It is chimerical to enquire which is the better system; it would be difficult to decide which is the worse. Page-120 riches, nor of the poor for their poverty, of the king for his power and majesty nor of the people for their hope and fervour, but be on God's side always. Unless indeed He has commanded thee to war against Him! then do that with thy whole heart and strength and rapture. Page-121 nor of humanity; the despotism of the tool and the mattock will fail like all the preceding despotisms. Only when egoism dies and God in man governs his own human universality, can this earth support a happy and contented race of beings. Page-122 This is not according to my Shastra or my Science, say the men of rule, the formalists. Fool! is God then only a book that there should be nothing true and good except what is written? Page-123 The path of works is in a way the most difficult side of God's triune causeway; yet is it not also, in this material world at least, the easiest, widest and most delightful? For at every moment we clash against God the worker and grow into His being by a thousand divine touches. Page-124 thy very sources of life and strength, then seize and expel them or thou diest. Page-125 have been its chief steward and indispensable arranger.
Disease is needlessly prolonged and ends in death oftener than is inevitable, because the mind of the patient supports and dwells upon the disease of his body. Page-126 The healthiest ages of mankind were those in which there were the fewest material remedies. Page-127
I would rather die and have done with it than spend life in defending myself against a phantasmal siege of microbes. If that is to be barbarous, unenlightened, I embrace gladly my Cimmerian darkness. Page-128 |