Part Two
Record of Yoga 1912 1920 26 NOVEMBER 31 DECEMBER 1912
The regular record of the sadhana begins today, because now the perceptions are clear enough to render it of some real value and not merely a record of mistakes and overstatements. What has been effected with some finality & thoroughness, is the submission or dasyam. Certain lower strata of the personality surrounding the body in the atmosphere of the karmadeha, still vibrate with the old desires and attempt to act. But in the rest there is karmasannyasa. Prakriti drives the body, mind, heart & will without any interference from the Jiva, which only identifies itself now with the asraddha; for the identification with the activity, even if for a moment it seems to be restored, cannot stand for more than the moment & is not even then complete. The identification with the asraddha remains to be removed. Negative samata is, in a way, complete. Active samata has yet to be perfectly established. There has been a reaction by which the bhukti has been clouded, though not entirely lost. It is still strongest in the indriyas, though sometimes breached. Sukham & hasyam are overclouded, but there is a negative shanti. The second chatusthaya suffers from want of tejah, pravritti and sraddha in the swashakti. The third is active, but limited. Trikaldrishti works, though inaccurate in exact time, place & circumstance, but there is nothing but the result to distinguish the true from the false, because the vivek is clouded. Power works in preparing the subjective state of others & the world steadily but slowly & against a dull & heavy resistance; in objective result it is as yet poor & uncertain except in isolated details. A number of prayogas are fulfilled with exactness, some partially, others not at all. Samadhi does not progress, nor the bhautasiddhi. The physical siddhi is under the dominion of a reaction. Lipi & rupa establish their activity slowly. The fifth chatusthaya depends on the Power & at present the
118 success is faulty & limited, in many directions nil. The sixth is clouded. ——— Nov. 26. Today a number of prayogas seem to be in course of being fulfilled—eg. Chatalja; Turkish resistance in Macedonia; action of the Triple Alliance. Today also the trikaldrishti has been almost infallibly accurate. The cloud has disappeared, and the siddhi except in the body is once more active. In the karma evidence has been given of effectuality of prayoga where it seemed to have failed;—of ishita rather than of aishwarya, and not sufficient, but nevertheless effective. (R.50 from D).. Kama is beginning to revive. Ananda has been restored though not perfectly. Rupa is once more, but imperfectly effective; the Akasha still resists clearness & spontaneity & stability, but stability without spontaneity and spontaneity without stability have returned. The profuse stable lipi is being manifested, but the Akasha resists either legibility or stability. The karma deha is clear of the resistance in the sukshmapranavad annam, but not of that in the sthulapranavad annam where the remnants of the impure sukshmaprana have taken refuge. A good many of the predictions in the lipi past, recent & immediate are being justified by the event. Tejas & lipsa are being reestabl[ish]ed in the buddhi, chitta and prana; but the force of the sraddha is still insufficient. The Vani is once again active. The bodily condition is very low and the remnants of roga active.
Nov 27. Today the following have been fulfilled 1. Foreseen, when the last long spell of rain was in progress & its vicissitudes & dispersion accurately foreseen, that there would be another spell of cloud & rain Nov—Dec. Fulfilled today. 2. Break & sunshine foreseen in the afternoon (seen at, though signs contrary; fulfilled..[)] 3. Lipi "Break". ie. "It will be a break & not a final dispersion["] fulfilled. The clouds gathered again in the evening. 119 4. Series. a. B. [Bijoy] will come between 7.20 & 7.25. B. came at 7.23. b. S [Saurin] (?) will come at 7.40 exactly. N [Nolini] came at 7.40 exactly. S tried to come about that time. c. S (?) will come at 7.55. R. [Ramaswamy] came at 7.55. d. S will come at 8.5. Unfulfilled. S about this time was again thinking of coming e. S will come at 8.25 corrected 8.35. S came at 8.33. f. M [Moni] will come after S, last of all, but before 9. pm. fixed at 8.55 exactly. M came at 8.54 or 8.55. just after I sat down to meals at 8.52. Besides, the ideas of what will happen or is the case in little details of the occurrences in the house are usually correct, but not always. The trend is to the satyam—intellectual infallibility, for the direct vijnanamay action is still held back in order to allow the mind to contract the habit of correctness, ie of not disfiguring by misapplication the truth from the vijnana. The rupadrishti grows in strength and the bodily condition is turning towards improvement by lessening of the tamas of adhogati (sranti). The brain works at anything enjoined on it, but there is a disinclination in the karmadeha previous to the work or for a particular work. The fumes of tamas are strong in the brain, but do not prevent the luminosity working, although it is like the sun on a clouded day. Ananda is well restored to the regular point it had formerly reached except in kamananda and raudrananda. The tivrata is absent. But the general tendency of the siddhi is to take possession of this lower stratum also with its former circumstances. Roga however persists.
Nov 28 Clouds continue, fulfilling the trikaldrishti. Satyapratijna is now more common. Instance of wrong circumstance. A crow comes to the verandah opposite the door and advances towards the door. Prediction. "He will turn sharp to the right & fly away." First error, hasty idea of 120 immediate fulfilment,—at once put away by the viveka which saw that it would advance a little farther. Fulfilled. Second error. Idea, born of excess of energy, that it would fly away over the width of the verandah in the direction & line foreseen. It turned to the right & followed the exact line indicated, but hopping, not flying, reached the edge, stopped & then flew away. At night there was once more confusion of the Trikaldrishti. The first arrival fixed at 7.57 took place at 7.57, but the rest, though ultimately foreseen, were confused by false indications. D's [dog's] going out at night, foreseen, happened in spite of all precautions and in the way foreseen. Extension of power strongly opposed. The Secret of Veda is now fixed & exact confirmations occur frequently.
Nov 29 The dispersion of the clouds foreseen yesterday morning as destined to happen today the first thing in the morning, took place suddenly at the time indicated, although the whole sky was dark & heavy till that moment. All yesterday the skies were heavily overcast but there was no rain. This also had been foreseen. The spell of entirely cloudy weather has lasted, allowing for one imperfect break, exactly the time predicted & foreseen some eight or ten days before, viz three days. There will be still flying clouds & temporary spells. For some days there have been continual proofs of vyapti prakamya. eg the presence of an Austrian warship at Durazzo, the rumour of the Austrian consul being killed, etc. Yesterday there came in the mind the positive idea that Turkey had asked to be included in the Balkan Confederacy; today the same is given (in yesterday's evening paper reaching here this morning), as a strange piece of news from Constantinople and Sofia. This is striking as there was neither data nor probability & the knowledge, of the fact or rumour, came suddenly without previous thinking in that direction. Vyapti & prakamya of precise thought has begun to be frequent & often confirmed by the speech or action of the person or animal in whom it is perceived. Formerly only feeling & general 121 thought used to come. Vyapti and prakamya are now abundant, continuous and almost perfect in arrangement, ie in assignment of its source & nature. Fresh rain in the evening foreseen & also the stages by which the break was overcome; but in the interval there was much uncertainty owing to a fresh stratum of the karmadeha (sthulapranavad annam). There is frequent unease & the equivalent of ashanti in the body & the anna-kosha & the chitta is clouded, but the mind is calm. (N.B The body is only the centralised part of the annakosha.) Power is still successfully resisted, but not so successfully as before. eg the motion of a kite through the sky followed by the trikaldrishti and each fresh movement seen; while steadily describing straight flight & minimum gyre (from right to left) in
succession, thus At night, the first arrival was correctly predicted at 8.10 (8.11 was the actual time) but not, firmly, the person. There was much confusion, many guesses by the intellect about the order of the persons & the order finally fixed on, was entirely wrong. Only it was correctly seen that none would come before eight or after nine. An arrival was fixed at 8.22, but another occurrence took place at 8.22. In other words, the correct times are suggested to the very minute, but the wrong circumstances are frequently attached by the intellect. It is in the intellect striving to do the work of the vijnana, & not in or from the vijnana direct that these perceptions come; but in the intellect only so much can be done as has been already established by the vijnana, & it has not as yet established correctness of circumstance. Therefore the vijnana this night has been made once more active and is carrying on the siddhi. The separate activity of the intellect occurs, as before, only as an element of imperfection or in interregnal periods. The ahaituka kamananda, with great difficulty, became again active at moments, but its continuance is strongly obstructed. The sahaituka physical anandas are once more tivra. 122 There is an entire disappearance in the prana of the tejasic sraddha, ie hasty & excessive belief which turns into exaggerated expectation, & a great strength of samata—even in the karmadeha, whence only a vague physical uneasiness comes into the subtle part of the body in place of the old disappointment and despondency in the manahkosha. The reaction of anger in the karmadeha is no longer violent, but only a subdued, though at times a strong irritation, which being no longer able to insist, soon disappears. The body, however, is disappointed & tamasic. There has been excessive sleep (7 hours or more) for the last three nights. It is predicted that from tomorrow Place as well as Time will begin to be accurate.
Nov 30. Rapidity only in the Veda-jnana. The place is beginning to be accurate, but the arrangement is not yet perfect. eg. a bird flying is observed, all the turns of movement are accurately predicted, but not always in their proper order; one turn is omitted or another too soon expected etc. Occasionally a momentary impulse in the bird or in the force that is driving it, is taken for a destined movement, but this source of error, which used to be dominant, is now very weak in its incidence & occasional in its occurrence... B [Bijoy] is now responding rapidly to the suggestions of the Power in the siddhiprayoga, but still needs too much the aid of speech. His purity & mukti from dwandwa is perfect except in the karmadeha & the preparation of mukti from ahankara is being completed. Vijnana in the intellect, jnanam, in him is very strong, but not yet turned towards trikaldrishti. Prakamya & vyapti are well developed but not perfect. The other siddhis in him work fitfully. Samadhi is being prepared through dream. He gets sometimes the first stages of ahaituka & chidghana ananda... Strong perception that S. [Srinivasachari] Bh [Bharati] & A [Aiyar] would come in the evening, less strong about A than the others & only general; fulfilled. Other vyaptis fulfilled or proved, vyaptis of action, vyaptis of thought, vyaptis of feeling. Prakamya generally turns into a vyapti. Prakamya vyapti may now be said to be perfect,—as perfect as it can be without perfection of the 123 trikaldrishti. Clash of ahankaras over B; first sign of a fresh movement forward so far as he is concerned.
December 1st Teja, tapas & prakasha are now coalescing into a harmony; power is increasing in small matters towards perfection of detail, but the movement is only in its initial stage. This initial movement was foreseen & the time fixed three days ago. The perception of the various & subtly shaded significance in lipi & rupa-symbol is perfected; but the rupadrishti itself is manifesting slowly. Images in the akasha are frequently perfect, but when perfect never stable except in very crude forms & that only because of the past strong development in crude images on the lines of perfection by effort which belonged to the initial & mediary stages of the sadhan. Comparative helplessness in the therapeutic power in certain directions, & always only a slow and gradual process. This afternoon clear & vivid lipi finally emerged from the akasha and the rupa in the crude forms shows a tendency to established stability while the old forms of rupa, sthapatya, saurya, manasa are reemerging in their old perfection. Instantaneous developed rupa is becoming more frequent, but vanishes with the instant. Faith in the vani, lipi & rupa is established except for outside immediate events & the adesha siddhi, in which field faith in the trikaldrishti is not yet firm. Except in this field, tejasic will has separated itself from trikaldrishti & vyaptiprakamya of intention or tendency is no longer adopted as vyaptiprakamya of event or as trikaldrishti of the event. Therefore, if the unoccupied or rather ill-occupied field can be occupied, the perfection of trikaldrishti is within sight. Rapidity of progress promised in lipi & vani for some days past, is now beginning, not only in the Veda, but in the third chatusthaya also. Samata is perfect, tejas is establishing itself, jnana is full & active. ——— 124 December 3d Yesterday was a day of external suspension, almost of recoil. In the evening only the positive siddhi began to remanifest, but negatively the remnants of the impure tejasic elements in the karmadeha were [ ]1 farther eliminated & weakened. On the other hand, the new tejas has increased & grows on the buddhi which is admitting the subjective conditions of the adeshasiddhi, eg the Asura & Rakshasa bhavas of Mahakali, but not the probability of the siddhi itself in this life. Kamananda though it comes, has not overcome the opposition to its intensity & permanence. The higher material forms of lipi, in which vividness, simultaneity & amplitude are now gained, are beginning to manifest spontaneously. Only perfect spontaneity is lacking as yet to the perfected lipi. Rupadrishti is still held back at the point of development it had reached. Unstable developed images, stable images of a great crudity occur. Swapna Samadhi, night before last, gained a greater frequency of single & grouped image, but is still unable to develop long continuity of one series of events, which only occurs in purified swapna. Fresh proofs of trikaldrishti come daily, but the habitual invariability of correctness is not yet attained. A mixed action is the ordinary level, unvarying correctness only happens when the vijnana is in full vigour. The sky is once more clouded. This renewal of clouded weather in December had been foreseen, but not its date or even its approximate time. Sleep for two nights has been restricted, of its own motion, to six hours or a little over. The karmadeha is physically full of tamas and an effect is produced on the material body which is slow to work & does not easily respond to the demand for new siddhi; but the bhauta-siddhi is showing some signs of improvement and there is no actual collapse of the tapas, but only sluggishness in physical pravritti. Rupadrishti has emerged still farther. The Akasha today has been given the tendency to reject imperfect forms, & now in the sukshma layer of this annakasha fairly stable perfect forms of birds have begun to appear in all the crude forms & some of the ghana
1 MS were 125 and developed; but not yet the pronounced developed forms.... Certain contacts once painful are losing their discomfort in the raudra vishayananda . . Kamananda appears in increasing force. There are now only a few categories of events which create a mixed ananda or recall the old reactions of depression & recoil. The vani is being justified in all its immediate predictions, & the script vani has disappeared. The morning's news all go farther in the direction of fulfilment. Shaktiprayoga in detail is still strongly resisted, though it sometimes prevails partially or completely, but not when there is a question of exact time & place or circumstance. Trikaldrishti is hampered by the attempt in the environment at infallibility of the mere intellect. This external intellectual suggestion usually is the first thing that comes & is generally erroneous, although, formerly, being specially guided it was often correct. This applies almost entirely to the question of detail. In the broad idea there is a greater correctness. It is now in the personal environment and not in the karmadeha that the subjective asiddhi acts. The following programme has been given in script, but it is not yet certain that it is correct. Vijnana Chatusthaya 1. Rupadrishti farther developed today, the 3d , and confirmed in stability tomorrow. 2 Spontaneity of Lipi tomorrow. A little tonight 3 Trikaldrishti will begin to work perfectly from tomorrow 4. The Power to overcome resistance in the next three days. 5. Samadhi to be regularised during December. == Sharira Chatusthaya 6. Intensity of ananda to precede permanence. Intensity from 3d to 10th , permanence from 10th to 31st. 7 Health in the last half of the month. 8. First successes of the saundarya 3d to 10th 9. Utthapana in the latter half of the month. == Adeshasiddhi. 10 "Equipment begins in the next week and is fulfilled in the two weeks succeeding."
126 So far as can be seen, 7—10 are not intended to be strongly or completely fulfilled. The spontaneity of the vivid & simultaneous lipi has begun today, as predicted, both in Chitra and Akash. The step forward in [Rupa]2 was only the appearance of chaya & tejas akashic crude forms on a background, strong in material and distinct but not sharp in outline. Kama Ananda increased in intensity & frequency.
Dec 4th .. 9.30 am. There is a farther movement of exhaustion of the environment, but the tejasic movement hampering the trikaldrishti refuses to be evicted & it is still only by waiting that the trikaldrishti can be got right. Ambiguous and misleading combinations in vani & lipi (immediate) still occur, though as an exception. Frequency of Kamananda continues and tends to increase, but is not prolonged as it was once yesterday. Death of S.A's [Srinivasachari's] child. It was brought to me on the 29th or 30th Nov. On the 1st I had the trikaldrishti of its death; this was repeated three times in Lipi, "death["], and confirmed in Vani Script "The child will die." On the 2d I got the vyapti of an improvement, confirmed by R [Ramaswamy], but at the same time the trikaldrishti that the improvement would be immediately followed by death. This has now been confirmed by the event. There was one imperfection, a suggestion from outside and a hope within, growing almost into confidence, that the trikaldrishti, in spite of so many confirmations, might not be true. Nevertheless, there came a warning not to indulge the hope, but wait the event. Today there is to be final fulfilment of the spontaneity of the lipi. (Written on the 5th ) This has been fulfilled, although at first the fulfilment was attended by a swift & violent obstruction first to the appearance of the lipi, next to its spontaneity[,] thirdly to its vividness, fourthly, to its completeness, fullness of sentence & separation of different lipis. The enemy tried to bring back or at least
2 MS Lipi 127 prolong all the old defects of confusion, fragmentariness, mixture of sentences, faintness, inability to appear, necessity of mental support & suggestion, illegibility etc. Outwardly, it seemed to succeed, but the Lipi showed itself through perfectly established and asserted its legibility, spontaneity, fullness, sequence & with some difficulty its vividness. Moreover, it is now moving towards the elimination of imperfect lipi altogether. At the same time the tejas has become constant & indifferent to failure, even to continued and persistent failure. The opposition now comes not from the personal environment, but from the Dasyus in the outside world and they fight not close (anti), but dure, from a distance. Their effort is to preserve the obstruction, to prevent Ananda from establishing itself and to enforce Asraddha by defeating the Adeshasiddhi. As regards the Ananda they have now (the 4th night & 5th ) definitely failed. There is ahaituka Ananda well-established, even in spite of asraddha. In other words, the depression caused by the withholding of the Adesha-siddhi is so reduced in effectiveness that it can only now limit the Ananda and not any longer prevent its manifestation. Rupadrishti was confirmed only to the extent of other crude forms appearing in the Akasha and on the background. Trikaldrishti acts once more, after its temporary clouding, but the confusion of the avaraka tamas is not yet removed and the tejasic intellectual action maintained from outside by the enemy is not extruded. It is possible that perfect trikaldrishti may be beginning to evolve its normal as opposed to its exceptional action, but this cannot yet be confidently asserted.
Dec. 5th .. Lipi. Today is the last day of the imperfect tejas. It has been predicted that the scholastic work will be done in future not by the intellect but by the Vijnanam. This has begun to be fulfilled, and the remaining difficulties in the Veda are beginning to vanish. It has also been asserted that no work will in future be allowed which is confused in its impulse & subject to tamasic interruption. It appears from this morning's action with regard to
128 the Veda, that this is about to be fulfilled, or its fulfilment is being prepared. Sraddha is increasing in the rapidity of the subjectiveobjective Yogasiddhi, but not yet, with stability, in that of the Adesh siddhi, except in literature. Today's news show a perfect action of the Shakti in detail on events of magnitude at a distance eg. the terms given to Turkey, the separation of Greece from the allies, the signing of the armistice, the attitude of the Powers. The pronounced defect, now, is in immediate & near events concerned with the actual Adeshasiddhi itself, rather than with the development of the necessary powers. The moulding of men proceeds subjectively, but not with accuracy of detail, except in occasional & unregulated fulfilments, nor is there yet any freedom & mastery. The equipment has, hitherto, entirely [failed]3 except for small, fortuitous & temporary successes, just preventing entire collapse. The guidance from above seems now to be free from the necessity of any longer managing & giving rein to the forces of Anritam. Its final emergence from the action of the Mechanician, the Yantri, mending & testing His machine & self-revelation as that of the God of Truth & Love, began definitely to be worked out from 18th October, when the third & last message from Sri Ramakrishna was received. The first message was in Baroda, the "Arabindo, mandir karo, mandir karo", & the parable of the snake Pravritti devouring herself. The second was given in Shankar Chetti's house soon after the arrival in Pondicherry, & the words are lost, but it was a direction to form the higher being in the lower self coupled with a promise to speak once more when the sadhan was nearing its close. This is the third message (18 Oct 1912) "Make complete sannyasa of Karma. Make complete sannyasa of thought. Make complete sannyasa of feeling. This is my last utterance." Subsequently there have been several instructions from the guiding Source, which seemed at the time to be not at all or only momentarily fulfilled.
3 MS fulfilled 129 Oct. 18. To believe everything, but put it in its place To will everything, but wait the event and see where the will has stumbled. To see everything but force no drishti. [In this trio the first is now being perfectly carried out and is resulting in a perfect trikaldrishti, perfect in the sense that every wrong suggestion is being corrected & put in its place either as a premature or misapplied truth or an ineffective or otherwise & otherwhere effective use of will. The second, beginning to be perfectly fulfilled, will lead to perfect effectiveness of the will. The third is being prepared for perfect fulfilment & will lead to perfect drishti].4
Nov 15th . 1. Pay no attention to outside voices, but only to the knowledge from above, the script, the vani, the prakamya vyapti. (Note. A subordinate rule for perfect trikaldrishti; but the script is now eliminated.) 2. Keep firm hold on desirelessness & ananda; admit the tejas. (Note. The tejas was suspected because of the disturbance it brought; the direction is how to admit it & be free from disturbance. This is now being fulfilled automatically.) 3. Yield no point whatever, reject tamas whenever it comes. (Note. For this action the crowning touch was given yesterday and the direction will operate perfectly from today) 4. Accept the supreme Vani which will now once more become active. (Note. This vani had three forms, speech attended with or formulated in script; speech substituted for thought; speech of supreme command. The first is eliminated; the second is passing into thought; the third alone will remain.)
Nov. 19. 1. Passivity has to be maintained; no attempt must be made to know, to judge, to act, to will or to move the body by self-action, nor has any attempt to be made to check or alter any knowledge,
4 The square brackets are Sri Aurobindo's.—Ed.
130 judgment, action, will or motion that comes of itself. So with all parts of the siddhi. [Note. This is now fulfilled. Prakriti is in perfect charge of these things, the Jiva interferes only a little in judgment.]5 2. It will be found that then the siddhi will advance towards perfection of its own unaided motion. 3 Whatever happens that seems to be adverse, must be accepted as a means towards success & fruition. (Note. This last direction is as yet very imperfectly fulfilled; the acceptance is there, but the outer mental parts are uneasy & cannot entirely resist the old reaction of distrust.) The Avaranam from the trikaldrishti has been removed, & all its parts are again functioning as before & being continually proved. The Power is still obstructed. Last night there was once more a dream of the higher order. The dream divided itself into two parts, images seen,—the record of an experience or vision in another world from which the spirit had returned & the intellectual effort of the mind to understand the record. The latter was, this time, absolutely perfect, a vision of a road along which I proceeded, met by men & women richly adorned & sumptuously clothed, a land where there was no ugliness or poverty, up to the meeting of this road by another at right angles to it from the left & between the two roads a great park with its gate near the crossways. The position of roads, gate & park was exactly that of the Baroda park, the Station or Racecourse Road & the Camp Road, but there was no other precise resemblance. There was even a vital difference, since I crossed a bridge before reaching the crossways, but the Baroda bridge over the Visvamitri is beyond the Park gates & not on this side. The mind, however, at once ran to the conclusion that this was Baroda. The speculation interrupted the vision. Afterwards the Park was again seen, but once more the reasonings of the mind interfered. Subsequently the mind became uncontrollably active & though Luxmi gave some clear records, it brought in so many cross ideas & images that at
The square brackets are Sri Aurobindo's.—Ed. 131 last entire confusion & the cessation of the siddhi resulted. Nevertheless continuity of record in deep sleep has at last been established after a long period of failure. The frequent & perfect combination of hearing, touch, taste & smell with sight in samadhi & dream is still wanting; for at present there is only occasional, though clear & intense, combined sight & hearing or sight & touch or hearing & touch, seldom all three together. Taste & smell are very rare. Afterwards there must be the actual experience of the spirit's wanderings & not as now only subsequent records of them. This I had a long time ago in one or two instances, eg the Chhayamayi vision in Patala; but since then it has been discontinued. Finally, there must be the actual leaving of the body in trance, wholly or partially. There is a better & swifter subjective-objective response in others now to the vyapti & shakti prayoga; but it is still in its infant stages. Power is also telling on the bodies of others a little, eg. Bakhtyar's sores heal almost at once; but this too is only in its commencement. Samata, shanti, sukha are perfect & only the nonfulfilment of Adesha-siddhi prevents freedom & fullness of the hasyam. The pressure of the eye on the akasha for developing imperfect rupas is being abandoned. All the directions now are being faithfully followed. Trikaldrishti is extending itself once more into the distant future, being assured of a relative accuracy in the immediate. As yet, however, it lacks its proper pratistha in sraddha. Sleep for the last two night[s] has again risen to 7 hours or over. There is a movement towards the expulsion of sensibility to cold, which, once forcibly expelled, has for some time past returned and held the body. The habit in the akasha of the rupa disappearing if subjected to tratak is being eliminated; the more developed forms now appear and remain with some stability in the trataka, but their consistency is always crude and not firm & full. The perfect images appear commonly enough in the various akashas either before the physical eye or, more usually, outside its range of vision, to the side, above the brows or elsewhere, but they do not persist, although they recur & occasionally try to remain. They come spontaneously without the
132 aid of thought or tratak, but sometimes also, though undemanded, yet in response to a thought or mental image. The thought-voices of the Shaktis have emerged in the Vani & alternate with the Master's.
Dec 6th . .. The obstruction continues, but cannot prevent the continued perfection & increasing range & sureness of the prakamya-vyapti. Only, it clouds the vijnana & then the trikaldrishti cannot act certainly; it obstructs the Shakti-prayoga and brings about variation of failure & success; & it tries to disturb the system & prevent the growth of the physical siddhi and the samadhi. Nevertheless, the perfect response of the mind to trikaldrishti is growing & the Power is recovering its tone in all immediate circumstances; neither of them act perfectly in detail. The ordinary bhautasiddhi is recovering its tone & defect of anima does not seem to have so strong a hold as before; arogyasiddhi is resisting the attacks upon it and the physical ananda persists in spite of obstruction. The body, however, is still sensitive to cold; the violent ejection of this sensitiveness has been predicted (yesterday in lipi), but the movement is not yet successful. Last night sleep once again fell to six hours or possibly less. Swapna-samadhi grows in frequency & the combination of the vishayas is frequent & vivid, except in taste & smell, whose normal action in sleep is only being prepared. But the images & scenes are still fleeting & dream is disturbed in its continuity. The dreamimages last night were of the old unreal kind & the air of unreality strong, but a connected series of events took place, coherent and reasonable, although unusual & only possible in a long past age with other manners. The events were correct, the images probably not all from the true record or free from present associations & figures, though there was no definite intrusion from the present. It was only the sense of self that belonged to the present. On the whole a considerable & steady progress. It is predicted that today will be a day of full progress; but the morning's indications are rather those of a half-successful obstruction. These, however, may be & often are misleading. There is an evident movement towards the perfect arrangement 133 of circumstances in the trikaldrishti. Eg. A passing glance vaguely takes in the ridge of a distant roof & is aware of something on the ridge; the first suggestion is that it is a bird, but it is felt that it is not a bird; then the suggestion is that it is the ridge alone & the impression of something on it is a misreading by the mind in the eye; but it is felt that there is something which will not stay there more than a moment. The mind remains confused between this false problem of bird or no bird. Then the eye is turned a second time on the object, with fixity this time, & the object is seen to be a squirrel motionless on the ridge, which immediately after leaps down from it. The whole confusion rises from the habit the mind has of seeing birds rather than any other object on the roofs & trees; otherwise everything would have been correct and in order. Immediately after, a butterfly is seen flying towards a tree. It is to pass on the other side of the tree, but there is prakamyavyapti of an intended motion actually begun but checked, to this side, & the false suggestion comes that this intended motion will be effected; the suggestion is immediately rejected but not without a vyapti of the intention carried out simultaneously with the perception of it, to return to & continue the first line of flight. There is trikaldrishti of the right event, but not free from the intrusion of falsity, & eventually not of so much value as it would have had if it were preliminary to & uninfluenced by the data of prakamya-vyapti. Lipi. Today, the trikaldrishti is to escape from this obstruction entirely. Fulfilled almost immediately in a succession of instances, but yet to be confirmed & universalised. The obstacle is the pseudo-Shaktiprayoga which tries to determine the event without belonging to the system. This is being replaced by an effective prayoga belonging to the system, but still the time & order of circumstances is disturbed by its appearance without selfknowledge. The liberating force is the activity of the viveka, no longer separate, judging the revelation or inspiration (drishti or sruti), & distinguishing it from false intuition, but contained in the drishti or sruti and either simultaneous with it or emerging from it. The prediction on the 3d that the Power will break through
134 the resistance is being fulfilled today, but this conquest cannot be entirely complete today, for it has yet to apply itself to the fulfilment of the adeshasiddhi. But in things of practice & in themselves of no importance to me, the Siddhi with a little difficulty is succeeding now in the majority of its prayogas, only the circumstance is not always correct, eg a turn is taken [by a bird] in the right direction, but not at the time or in the order given or else the right turn is taken, but by a wheel to the right into the proper position, where a wheel to the left was indicated by the Will. Lipi. Page. (ie A particular page of the Veda will give a sortilege & there will be occasion for the page to be kept in memory.) The page was 286.6 IV.28.1 [and 2] & had to be twice shut & opened, first, owing to interruption &, secondly, to necessity of record. त्वा युजा तव तत्सोम सख्य इन्द्रो अपो मनवे सस्रुतस्कः | अहत्रहिमरिणात्सप्त सिंधूनपावृणोदपिहितानि खानि ‖
त्वा युजा नि खिदत्सूर्यस्य
इन्द्रश्चक्रं सहसा
"By thee yoked to him, O Soma, in thy comradeship, Indra poured out that stream on the mind (or on the human being, the thinker); crushing the oppressor (Vritra) he set flowing the seven oceans7 and opened the doors that were shut. By thee yoked to him, O lord of delight, Indra by force straightway dug out the circle of the Sun." ie. ["]the Mind Force now in contact with Ananda will pour out upon the mentality the stream of the upper knowledge & joy; that which obstructs will be crushed out of existence, the full stream of being will be poured down on the system and the siddhis denied will be enforced; the full circle of vijnana will be made to emerge from its obscuration." The trikaldrishti is working still more effectively, not only without, but against data, eg. a bird on the opposite [roof] disinclined to stay, twice on the point of flying off & once making the starting motion, yet without any disturbance to the steady knowledge, always repeated at the critical moment, that it would remain.
6 Of the 1877 edition of Max Muller (Sanskrit text with padapatha).—Ed.
This word was written above "streams", which was not cancelled.—Ed. 135
Afternoon. 3.45. The Kamananda has been almost constant at a varying pitch of intensity since the morning except for one interval of an hour or so; constant not continuous entirely, for there are momentary breaks. The tendency, however, is to substitute temporary mitigation for the actual break... The physical struggle is obstinate, asiddhi bringing the imperfections of arogya, siddhi throwing them out. Adhogati returns constantly in the primary utthapana, but more in the shape of fatigue or the shadow of fatigue than denial of anima. Sleep is attempting to recover possession. There is as yet no decisive sign of the initial movement towards saundarya except in the overcoming of the first difficulty with regard to moulding the undercurve that took so long to develop. Elsewhere there is as yet nothing. Further fullness of progress is promised for the rest of the day—in power, rupadrishti, ananda & samadhi. (Written 7th morning) The promise has been fulfilled. The tejasic suggestion from the environment which interfered with the trikaldrishti, is now turning into power of vyapti; a bird in its flight, an ant in its turnings, feels the thought strike it and either obeys or is temporarily influenced in its immediate or subsequent action. Power is also increasing rapidly; the will is sometimes fulfilled at the very moment, almost with the act of going out; at other times more slowly, but still with far greater force & frequency than has ever been the case in the past; sometimes, however, with great delay & difficulty & in some cases not at all. A curious example shows how difficult the resistance now finds it to be effective; a crow sitting on a branch received the suggestion of going to the end of the branch, but the force in it was unwilling; it went a little way thence came rapidly back, & for some minutes began dancing on the branch this way & that, towards the end when the force was applied, away from it when it was relaxed, until it reached the point as if driven suddenly by physical force, seeming several times about to fall off the tree, & then fluttered off to another bough. A long struggle for the rupadrishti, ended in a number of stable images attaining to the dense developed, far superior in consistency to last night's forms, appearing straight before the vision, a great
136 frequency of absolutely perfect images which either avoid the eye or only appear for a second before it, & a number of crude forms. Colour, jyotih & tejah are now common in all forms. The objective of the siddhi is to establish the habit of the perfect & stable image placed full before the vision; the object of the enemy is to preserve every possible imperfection & especially prevent stability. After some hours cessation, physical ananda of a much greater intensity was given for a short time, but not continued afterwards. Samadhi progresses slowly; but the dreams at night almost got rid of the element of dream-image & were only a series of mental images & ideas woven into a connected series of speech & incident. The elimination of dream image, is the first great desideratum, of incoherence in thought record the second. In addition to these siddhis universal prema with the established chidghana & prema anandas, rising into the suddha, are being again superimposed on the ahaituka. Tejas is now more powerful & continuous, the sraddha established in everything except the Adeshasiddhi. Nine hours & more of walking & standing during the day failed to bring fatigue, but brought this time some amount of defect of anima. Sleep 6 hours and a half.
Dec 7th . 11.36 am. Nothing fresh has been added this morning; except that perfect forms of the crude variety are now more stable in the full line of the vision & more varied, eg varnamaya, agnimaya & jyotirmaya, but it is only the bird that so appears,—usually as on a former occasion the redbreast. In the fleeting images some of which are of an absolute perfection, various kinds of birds, flags, ink & other bottles, books[,] matchboxes, cigarettes, cigarette packets etc, in a word, the objects most commonly observed are commonest. In this respect there is a strong contrast to the images seen in samadhi. The power is now being applied to movements in the mass where a number of agents are concerned. An effect is produced, especially at the beginning, but afterwards the resistance stiffens and is successful. Trikaldristi of exact time recommenced last night. There was the usual error; the return of S. M & N [Saurin, Moni & Nolini] 137 was seen to be due after 9.30 (very unusual & even unprecedented for a long time past), later fixed at 9.38, but again unfixed & seen to be due nearer 10. At 9.38, exactly, R [Ramaswamy] came, not the others, who arrived at 9.53. Occasional physical Ananda is resumed, but not yet the intenser Ananda of last night. The combination of the subjective Anandas, sahaituka, is reestablished and almost perfect; but in one or two directions, eg ordure, massed sores & one or two kinds of events, jugupsa still comes in from the outside world & touches the external psychic nerves. There is also a persistence of hostile perception of ugliness which tries to take advantage of this or that object in order to deny the shuddhananda.
Afternoon. The Power is now in small things fulfilling itself in exact circumstance of place & order of circumstance, in isolated cases, frequently, although always with a resistance, mechanical or willed,—either entirely ineffective or effective only to delay, or effective in one or two circumstances or, sometimes, wholly effective either to vary the act, eg to take to one tree instead of to another, or to prevent any tangible result. Ananda, resisted, is infrequent, without intensity & uncontinuous. Rupadrishti does not fulfil itself. In all these respects the resistance is strong & concentrated & even the trikaldrishti cannot act perfectly. Although there has been now five hours physical activity, there has been a frequent burden of fatigue in the legs due to defect of anima. Health is resisted in particular symptoms, with obstinacy of recurrence, but not with force; the asiddhi succeeds in materialising at these points & insisting for a short time, but has to retire. It is most obstinate in the process of digestive assimilation; for though it can no longer freely bring excess of vayu or frequent purisha visrishti (the last two intervals have been 31/2 days and now 2 days) it insists successfully on the excess of jala, a vague hint of nausea without real nausea, & a recurrence of the sign of excess. During the rest of the day there was a strong force of the obstruction and no progress. The attempt at exact trikaldrishti of time failed entirely; the Power also failed signally to act several times and only succeeded at close quarters. There fell from outside reflections of the old anger of impatience & to a less extent of tamasic tyaga
138 almost amounting to depression. There was, however, no settled ashanti & no duhkha. Sortilege—
ie. Both manifestation & non-manifestation contain the supreme force and in unison nourish the one child (Agni, Tapas); it shines out in various activity between pure mind and body, ie, in the vitalised mind, antariksha; and the gods then hold Agni, the pure tapas, & gain force & substance. This was given before the Nakta or period of non-manifestation in the later afternoon & evening, or when the manifestation was beginning to be replaced by the non-manifestation.
Dec. 8. 7.30 am. The same condition. [Vyapti]8 & prakamya perfect; trikaldrishti uncertain; powers ineffective & inclined to be inactive. Misplaced power active as false trikaldrishti. Ananda vague. Yesterday 8 hours & a half of physical activity with fatigue decreasing as it went on; this morning dull fatigue & defect of anima, neither pronounced, but both effective. Sortilege. ह्रस्वनुड्भ्यां मतुविति मतुप उदात्तत्वं | This purely grammatical formula is given a sense. In the defective alpa state (of the siddhi) the taking up of the mind into vijnana is being effected for the mental being (मतुप्) by the ascending movements of thought constituting his mental activity. It is even suggested that उड् & मतुप् were actual words used in this sense in pre-Vedic Sanscrit. Sleep yesterday seven hours. The dream images occurred, but they were scattered among pale chhayamaya images hardly distinguishable, except by the viveka, from dream images; a few were of the true taijasa kind. There was some confusion in the thought record of the experiences, but not excessive, nor such as to unhinge the general coherence. But the present sense of ego still overlays the personality in the dream thought.
8 MS Vyapta 139 The whole morning was given up to a growth of the first two chatusthayas. The premananda established yesterday with regard to persons & objects, was extended to events even the most adverse and thus establishes completely the positive samata, rasagrahanam, bhoga, ananda. Individual contradictions do not disturb the established force of samata. It is noticeable also that tamasic tyaga fails to establish itself and the pravritti persists in spite of continuous non-result or adverse result. The formula of tejo balam mahattvam pravrittih is fulfilled. At first the tejas was merely in the dhairya with occasional pravritti; then it extended itself to kshiprata & ugrata and established itself, today, in pravritti. Moreover, the second general formula of the shakti chatusthaya,—adinata kshiprata sthairyam ishwarabhava is establishing itself and along with it the Chandibhava. But the continued successful resistance to the continuous action & progress of the powers prevents the ishwarabhava & kshiprata from perfecting themselves; for these depend on sarvakarmasamarthya & sraddha swashaktyam. A working sraddha for the future is established, though the old questioning still lingers; but it is not a present & dominating faith in the immediate power or the early fulfilment. The action of the powers was reduced to their lowest limit all the morning; both continuity & generality were denied, only the crudest forms or isolated successes allowed & old imperfections attended the majority of the manifestations. The trikaldrishti has now, (3.45 pm), reestablished its activity, but the power still waits. Fatigue was thrown off in the morning, & 3 hours continuously then, 2 hours now were done, but some shadow of the fatigue hangs over the karmadeha & seizes sometimes on the nervous system & then on the muscular instrument. It was perceived, in the morning, that all the contradictions of the physical siddhi, except the saundaryam, belong now to the karmadeha or, more often, to the personal environment, not to the body itself. From there they are reimposed on the body.
4.10 The Power is now working again, but not with invariability of impact or exactness of circumstance. On the other hand the trikaldrishti is exact and minute, though it does not coordinate the
140 circumstances. Various kinds of entirely perfect forms are appearing in the full focus of the eyes, but momentarily, without the least stability.
Written Dec. 9. In the evening the Power & the rupadrishti regained their former activity & siddhi; no advance was made towards a fuller or wider perfection.. Sleep 71/2 hours. There was a still more perfect swapna samadhi; marred only by a slight admixture of false thought in the watching mind, but the record of the thing seen was without a flaw & delivered from that tendency to overhaste in travelling through the scenes witnessed which shows an unsteady movement of the Apas in the mind. Everything was deliberate & slow as in the actual living of the scene. This was in deep samadhi. There were a greater number of visions, dim chhayamaya, in light samadhi, not continuous, but [? ] in thought & subject. The actual dreams were at first perfectly free from present ego or suggestion of present associations, although the dream-images recurred faintly; but afterwards they became touched with present image & thoughtassociation. Three 1/2 hours more physical activity, continuous, & another 3/4 hour making over nine hours; the result the same.
Dec. 9th . The trikaldrishti is now working normally with a surprising regularity and perfection in immediate things; but the haste of intellectual decision & error of intellectual hesitation,—the Scylla & Charybdis of prophetic thought,—are not yet eliminated; they recur whenever the trikaldrishti has to be done, though absent when the trikaldrishti is merely happening. Parasara's Suktas are being interpreted by the vijnana, but not yet perfectly, as the modern associations of the words still interfere. Historical trikaldrishti of the past is active.9 Both the trikaldrishti and the power (at first frustrated) have been acting for five or ten minutes in a host of instances with great & continual effectiveness. It is only now the minutiae that are wrong, & these are to be perfected; for sometimes
9 "Historical" was inserted after the sentence was completed; "of the past" was left uncancelled.—Ed. 141 the minutiae also are for a long time absolutely accurate. The guidance also is at present perfect in every detail, although it is that of one of the Shaktis, & not the Purushottama's. There are three forms of the power, (1) one which works the object through the universal Prakriti, giving the suggestion to the Prakriti which transfers it to the swabhava of the object; (2) one which works the object by direct unspoken suggestion to the object, as in hypnotism; (3) one which applies the force of Prakriti physically to the object and drives the unwilling object. All three are now active & frequently, even ordinarily successful; but all three still need time to work effectively on the object. If they do not get time, an effect or movement is produced, but not always or even usually the actual accomplishment or the full effect. During the rest of the day there was apparent suspension attended by loss of the Chandibhava, unreliability of the Vani and false suggestions through the outer swabhava. Health was also strongly attacked with great success in one detail and with temporary slight effect in others. The external suggestions are least effective at present in symptoms of phlegm & neuralgia which are obviously external, foreign to the system & unable to materialise in the sthula parts; they only affect the nerves with a suggestion of incipient cold or neuralgia. . The struggle over the visrishti still proceeds & the frequency of jalavisrishti maintains itself. However, the assimilation, although marred by excess of jala, seems to be more perfect with respect to prithivi, even though the maximum interval has been diminished from seven days to three or four. Sleep for nearly seven hours. The dream images were again mental images rather than actual figures; present associations affected the images and were comparatively ineffective on the thought except in one or two cases.
Dec 10th .. In the morning there was an attack through the asraddha on the completed mukti, which produced an effect on the pranic atmosphere. Strong proofs were given of the vyapti-prakamya of thought & feeling which were very minute, perfect & vivid, the subject
142 expressing in speech exactly the idea & emotion which had been immediately before seen in him by the sukshmadrishti. This power is so perfect that all such suggestions of the vyapti & prakamya, however vague, minute or unsupported by outward circumstance, can be accepted as true of the source from which they are seen to proceed, even though the subject be hundreds of miles away. Sometimes there is a little difficulty in fixing the subject & often, owing to the fragmentariness or isolation of the single perception, its real bearings & effectiveness cannot be rightly appreciated. This is now being remedied. Lipi To destroy the asatyam by asraddha. Lipi. Success at last. Perfection—followed immediately by the above development & the partial emergence of B [Bijoy] from the whirlpool in the karmadeha in which he has been plunged since the first of December. The old defects of the trikaldrishti still recur and its limitations persist. The power is still more hampered & limited, even though its perfect action is frequent; but not on the body, nor in things belonging to the Karma. The rain in December, long foreseen, came this morning; but it was, as expected, only a passing spell of cloud and rain. The development in rupadrishti predicted by the Vani yesterday (without any statement of time, but supposed to be due last evening) came instead today. The trikaldrishti, power, knowledge, even special powers like bhasha, vyakarana etc are now progressing normally of themselves, without any sadhan or use of will-power for the purpose, the defects reoccurring, falling away, diminishing & thus passing out by a natural & quiet elimination,—the way in which the first two chatusthayas have been or are being finally perfected. It is only the rupadrishti in the third chatusthaya that is still being pushed forward against an active resistance by the occasional use of the will-power. The real struggle has now passed to the fourth and fifth chatusthayas. Yesterday there were nine and a half hours of physical activity out of the twenty four, today there have been ten. It is now fixed that there can be the erect position & walking for ten hours every day 143 without any binding reaction of fatigue. The fatigue that comes, is soon shaken off, as if alien to the body. It is noticeable that it is strongest after the night's sleep, diminishes as the day progresses & the physical activity increases and is least able to assert itself in the evening when it is taken three or [four hours]10 at a time. The resistance, therefore, is still obstinate, but not powerful as it used to be. Sleep for over seven hours. The visions in samadhi grow in richness and completeness, eg last night a vision of armies of different nationalities advancing successively along a road,—not seen consecutively without interruption but successively with intervals of avikalpa samadhi. Dream is still in the same stage, but last night present associations interfered less than before in spite of the insistence of the present ego sense. Dream images were, however, frequent. Lipi is now being left to the Akash to hold in its perfection without any assistance from the Adhara except the assistance of intention. For this reason its manifestation is infrequent, not copious & often attended by difficulty & illegibility; but the lipi is in itself perfect, only the manifestation is obscured by the films in the akashic movement between the eyes & the object. Rupa is still delayed at the stage of unstable vividness in the perfect images, the resistance is not conquered. The first part of the programme given on the 3d has been fulfilled under limitations which are apparent in this record. As regards the rest, there is undoubtedly occasional intensity, not of the highest kind, in the Ananda, and the less intense Kama Ananda is common, but the resistance to its regularised activity is still unconquered and the permanence is still farther from accomplishment. The first successes in saundarya limit themselves to three—1st the undercurves on the outer side have now become decided & indisputable, even comparatively deep; & the sidecurves have clearly declared themselves, although irregular in their formation & still slight;—the gain is a detail, but the important point is that the power of the will to change formations in the body has now been physically proved beyond doubt or dispute. 2d The gloss, softness
10 MS fours
144 & smoothness of the hair has been restored; 3d the tendency to unnatural entanglement and profuse loss of hair has been steadily diminishing, though it is not yet nil & the hair is now exceedingly thin, shot with grey & threatening baldness above the temples. These signs of old age show no promise of reversal or dissolution. The equipment also does not appear to be near, since there is nothing beyond the already existing amount except a trifling sum sufficient to fill the remaining gap in this month's equipment. It is true that next month's has arrived unusually early along with this increase. So far the will has prevailed Health is strongly attacked. Visrishti again took place in the evening.
Dec 11th .. The resistance is now to the fulfilment of the Adeshasiddhi, for if once a permanent power is manifested, in the control of the events immediately surrounding the adhara, all farther resistance will be convicted of inutility. This resistance, it is suggested, is now about to be overcome. The rupadrishti is to be brought on a level with the rest of the vijnanachatusthaya in this week, the bhautasiddhi liberated from the pressure of the defect of anima, the samadhi from the refusal of continuity in the visional record. Meanwhile the trikaldrishti & powers will expand rapidly in their action. The physical resistance to the Power in the body of self & others will yield, although it will from time to time recur until it is eliminated; as a result arogya, ananda & primary utthapana will be brought into line with the vijnanachatusthaya. Only saundarya in the physical siddhi will be left as a field of battle. The resistance to karma in the moulding of minds & the giving of experience & power will also break, & the resistance to the equipment. The rest will easily follow within these two months.
5. pm The rupadrishti has advanced today; perfect crude forms now sit easily in the akasha, perfect crude dense & crude developed forms appear frequently & with some stability; absolutely perfect forms are more frequent, but not yet stable. The akasha is of itself bringing forward the lipi with more ease & force. The trikaldrishti 145 is normally perfect, except in arrangement & exact time, unless it is confused with the shaktiprayoga,—all that is perceived is seen to be correct, only all is not seen in its exact place. The range also is widening. Shaktiprayoga has now more force & normal effectiveness. The force of bhautasiddhi is also increasing, in the ordinary mahima & laghima. Intellectual infallibility is now seen to be a possibility & not far from realisation, at least where it can be immediately tested. Kama Ananda today was continuous for some minutes, though not of the greater intensity already achieved. Sukshma sparsha is increasing in force & keenness, but is still usually only a subtle physical sensation, except in touches of water, fire or electric atoms which have now a great sthula reality & linger on the body both in the solid sensation & in its physical-nervous effects. Other touches do not yet materialise. Sukshma gandha & gandha-rasa with sparsha is keen & powerful, but irregular in occurrence. Sravana & drishti of actual forms & voices as opposed to images & symbolic sounds are still behindhand. All these are now recognised as parts of samadhi or visvagati, the fifth member of the third chatusthaya. Health is still attacked, but dully, not with yesterday's force. Written Dec 12th Later in the day the health was more strongly attacked in the process of digestion; it prevailed nowhere else, but on the contrary is being steadily extruded. The ananda of cold is growing but has not entirely extruded the returns of the discomfort which, even after its violent expulsion, returns from the environment. Sleep, nearly 7 hours. No advance in samadhi. Physical activity for twelve hours, four hours in the morning (1 + 3), two & three-quarters in the afternoon, the rest in the evening & night (5.15 pm to 9 & 9.20 to 11). There was no reaction to speak of in the morning & the fatigue that occasionally came was always easily thrown off. Kama Ananda is resisted, but tends to become the atmosphere of the physical experiences.
Dec 12th .. 11.5 This morning the action of the trikaldrishti took place purely 146 in the intellect with the result that there was a vivid & copious prakamya-vyapti & trikaldrishti of possibilities, but the actuality of the event could not be regularly seen. This was cured as soon as the vijnana began to act. The difficulty that remains is only the difficulty of preventing the active & almost perfectly complete perception of possibilities, tendencies, intentions confusing the quite separate perception of the actual circumstance fixed in the foreknowledge of Virat & Prajna. The Shakti acts as before subject to delay & resistance. Lipi in the Akasha is still resisted in legibility except when it is aided by the subjective perception. In all other respects it is perfect. Rupadrishti, this morning has not been active, except in occasional images. Sukshma sparsha is increasing in force & frequency, & is accompanied by perception of action & of feeling & intention but not by subtle perception of the image or sound. In the health the siddhi is again prevailing, though the attack continues. There has been five hours continual exertion this morning (walking almost all the time); fatigue was not effective, but denial of anima in the loins became insistent in the fifth hour. One or two utterances of the Shakti's vani have been proved wrong in time or stress, but may still be fulfilled in fact. 3.55 . Sortilege. Your (the Aswins') active forcefulnesses are nervous energies well-controlled— Tejas was first established permanently, tapas based on that tejas has now been firmly established, but it is apt to outrun the bounds of the ritam (अध्वानं यमगाम दूरात्); the permanent prakasha is now being added. But the result of the prakasha is to dominate unduly the tapas. Therefore Ananda of the Aswins (ever-youthful delight & strength) has to be added, so that these rajansi (activities of tapas) may be not only सुयमासः, which they must be if there is prakash, but अश्र्वाः, full of energy & therefore fit to draw the chariot of divine action. ([Written] Dec 13) There is already a movement towards the fulfilment. Twelve hours again this day, five continuous in the morning; nearly 11/2 in the afternoon; 4.10 to 10.20 with an interval of half an hour (between 8 & 9) for meals. The attacks on the anima were successfully thrown off without any trouble; but fatigue came
147 strongly about 7.30 and necessitated rest by standing for some time. A certain vague stiffness in the legs has been left behind this morning. Sleep for seven hours & more, as usual; the sense of present ego & present associations interfered little in the dream, but there was once more some confusion & mixture of different records, a defect which has been hardly at all in evidence recently. The pale chhayamaya images were extremely frequent & varied & those that were more vivid showed a greater tendency to combination and continuity. Ananda (kama) increased in force. In saundaryam there was retrogression (in the hair, tendency to entanglement, loss & diminished softness). A nominal visrishti in the evening (after two days), but jala has again increased. The trouble about the trikaldrishti (over insistence of possibilities) was strong throughout the day, but passed away in the evening, and the approximate time of events as well as the events themselves & their circumstances were correctly fixed. Many evidences of the power working on the siddhi of others were given, in B, & now in S (vijnana begins to work); there are, therefore, signs that the obstacles to the Shakti in this part of the karma will soon give way.. A notable instance of delayed fulfilment occurred yesterday. When the flowers on the plant in the garden first appeared & proved all to be various shades of red & white, there was strong & repeated will for yellow flowers; but it failed & was abandoned a month ago. Now at last a solitary plant which used to give red or white flowers, has produced two yellow blossoms. The will at the time of the partial withering of the plants for fresh leaves on the withered part of the stalks, has also received a slight fulfilment on one of the plants.
Dec 13th . Sortilege आ चर्षणिप्रा वृषभो जनानां राजा कृष्टीनां पुरुहूत इंद्रः | Indra (mental power) filling the actions, master of the peoples, king of their deeds. The first movement towards the fulfilment of this sortilege which took place in the morning ended in a misadventure. A rush of power was the first sign, which had two results, a new power
148 of direct powerful compulsion on living beings to act according to the Will in this adhar and another Tantric power of affecting the Akash physically so as to draw a line over which they could not pass. Both powers were at first of the nature of a physical pressure & compulsion on the objects, which struggled in vain to resist. In the first essays there was some momentary success in the resistance; a success which often supported itself on the first impulsion given against a new impulsion or reversion of the original command, but afterwards this success ceased and movement after movement was executed faithfully though unwillingly not only by individuals, but by numbers.. Afterwards there was a violent rush of enemies from outside the circle to oppose & break this success. In the struggle the old ashanti rose and many of the conditions established in the siddhi seemed to be broken & the mukti & bhukti seriously contradicted. The trouble did not pass away till after three in the afternoon. In the final result, the power has increased, but acts under a frequently successful resistance and the akash is still troubled & occupied by hostile forces. Today's experience has thrown a clear light on many expressions in the Veda especially in relation to Indra and the Rudras. There is a movement in the rupadrishti, perfect lifeimages, eg a butterfly, a squirrel, indistinguishable to the eye from the real object, dashing into the full sthula akasha or being glimpsed leaping through it; but there is, as yet, no stability. The normal manifestation of lipi is still successfully resisted. During the evening there was constant application of the attention to the lipi, but legibility only resulted with difficulty. Trikaldrishti acted at a distance in detail of circumstance with a perfect correctness and approximate time was repeatedly fixed with great closeness. In the morning stiffness became pronounced & it seemed that the primary utthapana would have to be relaxed; but the usual twelve hours was accomplished (1 + 2 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon, & from 5.15 to 11.40 with 25 minutes interval in the evening). It was only towards the close of the day that the defect of anima was overcome. Sleep 6 hours.
149 Dec 14th 2.25 Yesterday's trouble returned, not so pronounced or obstinate, but marked by a momentary return of the duhkha of asiddhi which has left behind it depression & asraddha. The lipi became, of itself, profusely active in the morning, but the old defects reappeared & the akashalipi lost its triumphant habit of vividness even when it reasserted legibility. Trikaldrishti is attempting to arrange circumstances perfectly in all cases, but does not yet command anything like a consistent success. The same is true of the Power, which sometimes enforces itself with great exactness of detail, sometimes not at all. The Vani is once more deficient in authority & creates false ideas in the mind, even though, so far as it goes, correct in the letter. It now appears that those vanis which were thought to be incorrect (see )11 were correct in the letter , as they are now being fulfilled, but created an exaggerated idea in the mind about the time and amount of fulfilment. ([Written] Dec 15th . 7.30) .. A moderate visrishti in the evening. The dates have been 2d morning, 5th , 7th , 10th , 14th all in the evening; on the 12th a nominal evacuation. None of these except the first has been copious; the old freedom of evacuation is disappearing, the tendency to loose stool seems to be eliminated, as even when the Apana is forceful & insist[ent] a moderate evacuation entirely parthiva is the result; the disturbances attending this strenuous process of assimilation, (for the food eaten has been increased rather than diminished) are less frequent & less insistent. Vayu is rare, nausea only a suggestion, tejaso-jalic ashanti only occasional, the sense of fullness easily dismissed & never so strong as to necessitate diminution of food, all that remains in strength is the habit of strong parthiva & jalamaya pressure which is now exaggerated and, in the parthiva pressure, out of all proportion to its substantial cause. It remains to be seen how far this progress is maintained. Hunger is less insistent, but still persists with a modified intensity; it is, however, being subtly & steadily replaced by the craving-free bubhuksha. As it is wintertime,
11 Parenthesis left blank by Sri Aurobindo.—Ed.
150 there is no occasion for thirst which even in mid summer only appeared under great stress and could be dismissed ordinarily by a sip or two of water or even by the Will unaided. The trouble of depression lasted through the day & was attended with some confusion of knowledge especially on the point whether the vijnana chatusthaya could now be left to the unaided working of Prakriti, as had before seemed to be decided or needed more sadhan. It is notable that the rupadrishti is developing without sadhan; perfect images grow steadily more frequent & have more hold on the akasha, the old imperfections tend to be eliminated, eg the persistent recurrence of a single image, in this case, the bird; other forms are now forcing their way into the akash without any help from the system. Lipi has recovered vividness without losing its tendency to activity. Trikaldrishti develops greatly & it is noticeable that it is best when entirely spontaneous, almost indeed of an absolute & consistent perfection,—when, that is to say, there is no attempt in the system to determine the truth or arrive at the knowledge. Examples. The servant went out at 8.27. As he was going out, the knowledge came that someone was about to enter & would come in as soon as he was gone. R [Ramaswamy] came. Previously, there was vyapti that either S [Saurin] or N [Nolini] was returning. Now the knowledge came (in answer to a doubt whether the vyapti was not merely the vyapti of an intention) that he would come before 8.30. S came at 8.29. Subsequently, it was decided that 9.10 would be the exact moment to cease walking & have meals, & the knowledge came that M [Moni] would return at 9.10. N returned exactly at 9.10; exactly at 9.10 the meal was served (without any spoken order or mental suggestion) & the triple knowledge was fulfilled to the minute. In this way every little circumstance has to the time of writing proved exactly correct. This is, undoubtedly, the beginning of the consistent & invariable perfect drishti, but it is not to be supposed that it will establish itself even in this restricted sphere without farther opposition. The truth of telepathy is now thoroughly established; the proofs of its correctness when received from persons in the house or town
151 [occur]12 daily, as by it I know when one is coming from one room to another, what an animal is about to do, when someone is returning to the house & often who it is, (formerly, this knowledge was usual, but has temporarily diminished or been obscured). Also the proofs of it, when it comes from hundreds or thousands of miles away, are now coming in, eg. from M [Motilal] in Bengal that he intended to send more money, confirmed a few days afterward; the previous knowledge of the rumour that the Turks had asked to join the Balkan Confederacy, the knowledge of the Unionist conspiracy in Constantinople & a number of other instances relating to the Balkan war. This power, indeed, has been working for a long time, but it is only now regularised. It is, in fact, part of the vyapti. The proof of vyapti of express thoughts is also increasing in frequency; here, of course, the only proof is the expression of the thought immediately afterwards by the thinker. This now occurs. Physical exertion twelve hours (morning one hour + two hours 9.15 to 11.15; afternoon, three hours & a half; evening 4.40 to 9.10 & 9.40 to 10.40). In the morning there was pain in the soles of the feet when rising, but no appreciable stiffness in the limbs. Fatigue of adhogati, in the evening, was more persistent than usual, although not intense or powerful. Sleep, nearly seven hours. The last two nights, there has been a retrogression in samadhi; the dreams are, besides, not remembered, but the incoherent dream seems to prevail. The asiddhi in the hair, although much diminished, is not yet removed. Dec 15. The ahaituka & other subjective anandas seem now to be firmly established in the indriyas; the chidghana, prema & shuddha still lack regular intensity, nor can the intensity come till yesterday's sortilege is fulfilled. Its fulfilment was disturbed & the system thrown back first into udasinata & then into the Maheshwari dhairya, shama & calm. Ahaituka kamananda is frequent, daily, but is seldom intense & never long continued. The sahaituka anandas
12 MS occurs
152 (tivra, rudra, kama, vishaya) are there, but not always or even usually intense; vaidyuta is still undeveloped, although ahaituka vaidyuta is now, as I write, beginning to act with intensity. It comes as a blissful electric shock or current on the brain or other part of the nervous system & is of two kinds, positive or fiery & negative or cold, saurya or chandra, conveyed through the sun or conveyed through the moon. Formerly both these anandas used to come as sahaituka or ahaituka touches; the negative resembled the feeling of rheumatism turned into a form of physical pleasure, the positive the feeling of internal heat similarly converted, but their electric nature was always patent to the sensations. It is, probably, these two forms of sukshma vidyut that are the basis of the phenomena of heat & cold—such at least is the theory suggested to me in Alipur jail. The trikaldrishti continues successfully, but the (involuntary) attempt to fix the truth brings the tendency to substitute a perception of force or tendency for a perception of result; nevertheless this error seems, now, to be usually corrected before it can seize on the mind. These remnants of false energy (anrita tejas) have to be entirely rooted out of the mental action. Sensitiveness to cold after having been almost entirely extruded, except in the lowered night vitality between sleep & sleep, is now again attacking the system. 4 pm. There is a pause in the siddhi today, a relaxation and resting; yet certain movements are being decided. The one defect in the subjective Ananda, the absence of a certain & victorious Ananda in asiddhi and amangalam is being finally remedied, the force of the sadhan is being turned on the physical siddhi & the final perfection of the dasyam is being prepared. So far only five hours and a half have been given to the primary utthapana. The purely parthiva insistence of the Apana has been strong throughout the afternoon. It seems that both these physical siddhis have to be relaxed today. On the other hand the ahaituka kamananda is taking possession of the sukshmadeha and surrounding the nervous system of the physical body on which it impresses now prolonged & sometimes intense touches; continuity seems to be beginning.
153 ([Written] Dec 16) Trikaldrishti in the evening. Return of someone, not fixed, between 7 & 7.30 (R. [Ramaswamy] returned); of N [Nolini], first, between 7.30 & 8 (N & M [Moni] returned); of S [Saurin] soon (seen at 8, S came about 8.10); of B [Bijoy] unusually late but before 8.30, (B came between 8.15 & 8.30). No exact time given; the two attempts to fix it, were rejected & the rejection justified by the event. Visrishti (slight) in the evening, after the pressure of Apana had been got rid of by Will. Physical activity for 12 hours as usual. Sleep 61/2 hours. Progress in Samadhi nil. Lipi successfully vivid & spontaneous (varnamaya) at night, thus getting rid of the difference which had been established between daytime & night, with regard to the Lipi. There is, however, this difference that at night it is usually varnamaya, by day usually chhayamaya of all kinds.
Dec 16. 10.33 a.m. Defect of anima no longer materialises easily, but persists as a vague stiffness which, like the pain in the soles of the feet, does not restrict the primary utthapana, but helps to break & distress it by aiding the Adhogati & increasing its force. Physical activity 6.10 to 7.10 & 7.30 to 10.30 this morning. The lipi has definitely conquered in the Akash, but its invariable success of vividness & legibility is not yet allowed. The jnanam has now an invariable correctness, but the trikaldrishti is still clouded by the relics of the twilit intellectual activity. Shakti of chitta & prana is now being finally perfected on the basis of the perfect samata, shanti, sukha & atmaprasada. Dasyam is taking entire possession of all the functions, attended by dasyabuddhi in the devatas, and the Master of the Yoga is now habitually manifest in his personal relation. The two sortileges are being progressively fulfilled. Physical activity—10.45 to 11.45. Adhogati is strong and seeks to base itself on defect of anima. Pranic utthapana, complete in the pranakosha, is unable as yet to possess wholly the annakosha except in its pranic parts; hence, failure of mahima & a strong sense of weakness & incapacity in the karmadeha affecting the body.
154 Again from 12.10 . . 1.5 & from 3.5 to 4.10 in the afternoon. The afternoon has passed under Vritra, the power slow to act, the trikaldrishti & jnana uncertain, the physical brain dull and overcast. The Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati shanti is giving place under such circumstances to the Mahasaraswati-Mahakali quietude based on a concealed Maheshwari pratistha. Nirukta is now acting under the rule of the vijnana normally & bhasha begins to follow suit; the intellect in the environment has recognised the necessity of passivity & the superior results of the vijnanamaya method. The frequency of Ananda (Kama) continues but is interrupted by Vritric periods. The trikaldrishti has now (4.55) recovered possession and is acting with a considerable perfection in all its movements & entire perfection (except of right combination) in some of them—ie a movement or incident is seen in pieces of knowledge each of which would lead to an incorrect conclusion by itself, but taken together give a perfectly correct result. Their separate advent shows want of spontaneous combination in the knowledge; there is only collocation ending in combination. Power is still ineffective, except occasionally. Physical activity, 5.5 to 11.30 with an interval of 25 minutes for meal; altogether over 13 hours. There was no fatigue during this period. Lipi very perfect for a while in the artificial light, afterwards the Akasha tired. Ananda continuous for a long time & when discontinued tends to return. Assimilation exceptionally strong & perfect. The sensitiveness to cold persists, but is being extruded. Sleep less than 6 hours. Some secondary utthapana.
Dec 17 4.40 pm Today except Ananda & primary utthapana all other siddhis seem to be suspended in order that occasion may be given to the samata and ananda in amangalam & asiddhi to emphasise itself. Relics of the impatience remain or rather recur, but cannot find a lodging. On the other hand asraddha in the Adeshasiddhi is strong. It is evident also that the remnants of intellectual activity in the environment are being given free but ineffectual play, in order that
155 of themselves they may cease. The attempts at intellectual trikaldrishti & aishwarya fail invariably & it is only when the vijnana acts occasionally that some results are obtained. Physical activity from 6.15 to 4.25 with a break of 25 minutes for meal (12 to 12.25). It was only at the end that fatigue came, dull and not very pronounced, but insistent. The vague stiffness does not entirely disappear, but is ineffective. The dasya and personal relation of the Master increase. The substitute for religious piety has been established in the consciousness, viz the knowledge of the Para Purusha, the sense of the power of the Ishwara & submission to it attended with the appropriate bhava in the chitta & the personal relation to the Lover. ([Written] Dec 18) Immediately after writing the above, the trikaldrishti again became active for a time, but was clouded later on. At the same time the interpretation of lipi & rupa was re-manifested in perfection; but there was a renewed cloud of confusion over the immaterial drishti. Physical activity, resumed at 5.15 was continued till 12.15 with an interval of 25 minutes for meals. Today therefore gave a total of 16 hours out of 18. Fatigue only dominated the system once in the day, on the occasion already recorded. Sleep for 51/2 hours. Yesterday, in the samadhi, the old movement of a conscious exit of the mental being from the material centre (not a complete exit, not trance, but the usual swapnamaya departure) was resumed. It has this defect still that too strong a trend of the consciousness towards the body remains, so that the purusha is easily drawn back to the body, leaving only his linga sharira in the place of dream experience. Dream has definitely relapsed into incoherence. Visrishti in excess of the usual quantity, nevertheless of an ordinary kind & amount.
Dec 18th 4.40 Today the exercise of primary utthapana, commenced at 6.7 was continued till 4.18 with an interval of 20 minutes (11.55 to 12.15) for meals. There was no overpoweringly insistent fatigue, like yesterday's, but only a fatigue which came & went four or
156 five times, appealing to the vague defect of anima in the body, but disappearing when its appeal was rejected.. This defect of anima in the mere annam continues, but has no real effect, because the pranakosha & the physical nervous system liberates itself more & more from the mere physical experiences & accepts more & more the law of the sukshma deha. Kamananda, though strongly attacked, continues in spite of long interruptions and these two siddhis (K. [Kamananda] and primary utthapana) may be considered as finally established, though still altogether imperfect, and bound now to develop irresistibly towards perfection. On the other hand, the arogya is still engaged in the struggle to expel its minor contradictions & the saundaryam, although one more striking sign has been given of willed modification of form, continues to be feeble & uncertain in its inchoate manifestations. Trikaldrishti has been clouded throughout the morning; active in the afternoon, perfect in detail, but not very active. Power is for the most part denied. A great dullness reigns over the physical brain and the karmadeha, in the midst of which samata & dasya become always stronger & now tejas & tapas are beginning to establish their indifference to adverse result. They are seeking, that is to say, to be no longer deterred from action either by failure or even asraddha. The asraddha in the Yogasiddhi has now disappeared, but not the asraddha in the Adeshasiddhi. It appears that the Power is acting in certain broad and important matters, but it is resisted in trifles. ([Written] Dec 19) Development of the rupadrishti in various directions; stability up to the dense developed; only the entirely lifelike forms do not yet acquire stability. There is now a consistent activity (charshanipra & suyama aswa) which disregards or overcomes adverse result & doubt. On the other hand cold and defect of anima reasserted themselves. Physical activity 5.3 to 11.38 with 25 minutes interval, but the last hour of the sixteen was maintained with difficulty; stiffness, pain in the shoulders & feet reasserted themselves. The kamananda was successfully inhibited by the enemy. Sleep also attacked the system. Sleep six hours and fifteen minutes.
157 Dec 19. 8.10 am. Physical activity 6.7 to 7.22. The defect of anima persists this morning; but the Kamananda after a short struggle reasserted itself. Trikaldrishti is acting regularly & correctly, but is still hampered by the dregs of the outer environmental intellectuality & rendered uncertain by the inability always to assign the vyapti & prakamya its proper place. The power is hampered & the opposition to the healing power is especially successful. Sortilege युवा सुवासाः परिवीत आगात्स उ श्रेयान्भवति जायमानः | तं धीरासः कवय उत्रयन्ति स्वाध्यो मनसा देवयंतः | The reference is to the full manifestation of the Master of the Yoga which is approaching. ([Written] Dec. 20) This was effected later in the day. The Master through the vani from above & by sukshma speech from outside began to manifest himself everywhere परिवीतः in a well-established stability सुवासाः with the character of youth & strength युवा and as he manifests, the aspect of Love & Good Auspice manifests also श्रेयान् भवति जायमानः. The first result has been a great increase in the satyam. The thought perception & trikaldrishti, as well as vani, became perfectly & minutely accurate for a time & continue to be so except, (1) in the more hasty perceptions, (2) in those which are still afflicted with doubt, (3) in the omission of important circumstances & their exact arrangement. When these are made perfectly effectual (and their survival in imperfection is a mere inert habit), the vijnana in its knowledge-side will be accomplished—only the range will remain to be widened. The haste must make no difference to the truth, doubt must make no difference, omission of circumstance must not lead to incorrect conclusion, arrangement must be exact so far as it goes. It is now evident also that the knowledge was still acting on the levels of potentiality, where the thing arranged can be disturbed, because it is the arrangement of the Manishi, not the Kavi. It was, however, one of the higher levels on which the Manishi is strong in will, clearsighted in perception, but not able to embrace enough in his view (mahan, urushansa). The knowledge is now rising to the levels of the vijnana proper,—becoming of the nature of vijnana and not only enlightened, helped or led by the vijnana. Power is
158 working in the field of the Yogic karma, moulding the thoughts & feelings of others precisely in the immediate vicinity, but is not yet dominant in that province. It is reasserting its hold on immediately surrounding trifles. Physical activity, 41/2 hours in the morning, 11/2 hours in the afternoon & from 5 to 11.30 with half an hour's interval in the evening & night, 12 hours in all. The violent insistence of defect of anima became ineffective in the last period, but is still present in a modified form on the morning of the 20th . Sleep 6 hours.
Dec 20th . Ph. Act. [Physical Activity] 6 to 7.15 am. 8.45 to 12.20 & 12.45 to 1.50—The Bhashya in Veda increases in force & the Vedantic interpretation is now almost entirely confirmed. Fresh emergence of lipi. The trikaldrishti has a prolonged and efficient activity; but the prakamya of thought, though proved in many instances, shows an imperfection in the readiness to accept incorrect outward suggestions without distinguishing them from true prakamya. The vyapti, on the other hand, shows no imperfection separate from the imperfection of the trikaldrishti. Sortilege. (1) वि यत् तिरो धरुणमच्युतं रजो अतिष्ठिपो दिवः | (2) तदस्मै नव्यमंगिरस्वदर्चत शुष्मा यदस्य प्रत्नथा उदीरते ‖ The second given yesterday points to a development in which the Master of the Yoga abandoning the part of the mere mechanician shows himself as Lord of Truth & Love so that the old powers & experiences in the jail & after may reemerge on a new basis of perfection. This movement has already begun. The first is a necessary part of it, viz the firm & unstumbling activity of the higher Pravritti & Ananda on a plane above that of mind, even of pure mind. Srikrishna standing on that level is giving this activity. The sukshmadrishti has for the last two days been progressing. The gandhadrishti, which was always more pronounced than the others, has now overcome its two limitations, restriction of range to the smells most common in the immediate material experience and reliance on the material adhar; it is now admitting perfumes & other scents not within the physical range or usual experience. The rasadrishti, which was always prevented from manifesting till
159 lately & even then was confined to the gandharasa, the touch on the palate of things smelt, has suddenly rushed to the front and stands on a level with the gandha except in frequency of the experience & permanence; but intensity & materiality are perfect & the range is not limited as it includes the sweet, the bitter & the pungent as well as nondescript tastes. Sparsha is still confined to the habitual touches, rain, wind, insects, heat of the sukshma sun, fire, etc & the result rather than the actuality of certain subtle touches. In samadhi however sparsha is very vivid & the physical sensation remains after waking. The more developed touches (human) are only felt in the waking state through the subtle nervous system, but they are there often acute. Such touches as reach the sthula body without this veil increase in frequency & intensity. Finally, shabda is now beginning to disengage itself finally from the adhara. This sense which was the most acute & earliest to develop, is now the latest (rupa excepted) to perfect itself & the clear sounds of the jail do not repeat themselves. Finally, rupa is still confined to mere image, pratimurti, & does not give the murti or actual form of which there were some instances in the jail & afterwards, but none here. The health is still attacked. Last night there was a violent and unprecedentedly obstinate attack of the pain in the breast which used sometimes to occur when there was suppressed indigestion, but this time it was seen to come from outside & to be forced on the body. Intolerable at first, it was finally attacked and partly possessed by the ananda. It persisted in a dull form throughout the day, but was mostly cast out by the Will in the evening.. An attempt was also made to revive the ailments of cold & a crude appearance of tendency to phlegm in the nose was for some minutes materialised. All these, however, were failures and only at the centre & in the stomach was any real effect produced; in the latter, moreover, it was foreign and not native to the system. A very slight visrishti allowed for nominal relief at 8.30 pm. The twelve hours limit was maintained. Sleep 6 hours; but its attack was more oppressive than it should be.
Dec 21. It is to be noted that the programme suggested on the tenth was, as was then suspected, only a tejasic suggestion; it has not
160 been fulfilled, except partially in some details. It was a statement of tendency which came erroneously as a prediction. At present the tapas, & tejas, is being driven forward without much regard to the state of the adhara or the stumbles of the knowledge. Formerly, when the tapas became active, false tejas & tapas took possession of it and there had to be a return to nivritti, but now the intermixture of false tejas is not allowed to stop the pravritti, because, as it seems, this false tejas is not able to take possession. True tejas & prakasha are now in possession & the false is only an invading power which sometimes establishes a precarious foothold or which still occupies partially a part of the ground here & there. The siddhi of the second & third chatusthaya[s] (shakti & vijnana) is following therefore, but much more rapidly, the same process & line of development as the first. There was first the war to oust the enemy in possession, the calling in of the aid [ ]13 of doubtful friends & natural enemies, the carrying & loss of positions, the confused fighting, the slow & precarious progress; then the ill-assured possession, becoming more & more assured, then the possession subject to revolts & revolutions, then the entire possession subject to invasions by the ousted enemy, finally a complete possession with occasional vibrations of the memory of old troubles. In the case of the shanti & samata, the struggle has taken many years & gone through various stages, of which the last alone answers entirely to the above description. The other two were never regularly fought out, except in certain points, before the arrival at Pondicherry. Their final progress, owing to the victory of the samata, is proving much more easy and rapid. Later in the day, a sudden revolt of impatience & unfaith, not grief or even actual anger, against the continual running after possibilities in the prana & trikaldrishti and a violent rejection of the resulting false trikaldrishti. This resulted in a cessation of the conditions of the siddhi. Physical activity, 4.40 hours [i.e. 4 hours, 40 minutes] in the morning, 3.35 in the afternoon, & from 4.55 to 8.55 & 9.35 to 10.20 in the evening & night, 13 hours in all. Sleep, 7 hours. Slight, almost nominal visrishti after meal.
13 MS of the aid
161 Dec 22. Normal conditions have not been entirely restored during the day. There is a steady rejection of fruitless tejas & pursuit of mere possibilities. Ananda which was yesterday almost entirely suspended, is vaguely or slightly persistent today, but there is nothing else definite. Asraddha in the adeshasiddhi is strong in spite of proofs of successful action of aishwarya & ishita in all spheres except the immediate work & equipment. Physical [activity]. 6.12 to 12.12, 1 to 4 [p.m.]14 ([Written] Dec 23) Afterwards the trikaldrishti resumed suddenly a normal continuous action, which as far as could be tested in a great number of minute instances was perfectly & invariably accurate so far as it went. Thought & lipi have also resumed their activities. Proof of the successful activity of the Will outside is now frequently occurring, as also of the correctness of the trikaldrishti when applied to outside occurrences. On the other hand health was strongly attacked at night & with some success, a slight soreness of the throat being produced this morning without any apparent cause which has persisted throughout the day (23d ). Physical activity 5.30 to 7.20—afterwards other occupations prevented the continuation. Sleep 51/2 hours. There was some attempt in sleep to deal again with the dreams, but no success resulted.
Dec 23d. Yesterday a special test was applied to the arogya in the stomach. There was an attempt at roga, but it failed & ended only in a copious visrishti this morning, the first of its kind after three weeks. Health was strongly attacked and a vague tendency to headache established for some hours & phlegm in the nose for some minutes. These were got rid of by Will, but the sore throat persists, although it is extremely slight. There are movements towards the perfect ananda of cold, but neither the mukti there nor the bhukti are finally confirmed,—the confirmation being postponed until the health in that respect is perfectly assured. Physical activity 43/4 in the morning; 2 hours in the afternoon. There is a certain tendency
14 MS am.
162 to lassitude today due probably to the diminution of sleep & the strain on the health. The improvement in the trikaldrishti has been confirmed and a corresponding generalisation of the Aishwarya has begun. Ishita is becoming very powerful & the hold of Aishwarya & Ishita on karma is gaining in all directions except the equipment, healing and immediate work. Other siddhis are still moving forward without establishing definitely a fresh advance, eg in the rupadrishti stable ghana & developed forms of the lower intensity are becoming more frequent & today one perfect developed rupa was stable for a few seconds. Physical activity finally amounted to 11 hours only owing to interruptions. Sleep over 7 hours.
Dec 24th . Nothing of note. Trikaldrishti & Powers slowly progress. Samadhi is still [inhibited]15 and Adhogati seeks to bring back the failure of anima.. The rupadrishti cannot yet hold the Akasha nor Ananda the body, though both come and manifest themselves in detail. Health is unable to progress. Today the sore-throat lessened, but did not absolutely disappear, & there were strong efforts to develop cough etc so that it might go by the normal course. In spite, however, of disregard of all rules & continual exposure of throat & breast to cold, it is going without materialising either into cold or cough. Physical activity 11 hours; again other occupations prevented the full amount. Sleep 6 hours.
Dec 25. The siddhi is in a depressed condition and unable to advance with rapidity, owing to the necessity of a farther transition of considerable magnitude consisting (1) in satyam, the cessation of all intellectual (manomaya) activity & its replacement by the karana, (2) the cessation of the relics of self-action & replacement by the divine action (dasya), (3) the cessation of the use of means in the yogasiddhi and its replacement by the self-fulfilment of the Para shakti working upon the lower. The public news (eg the attack on the Viceroy, the ill-success of the Turkish naval
15 MS inhabited
163 sortie) show that the Power is still ineffective to prevent adverse occurrences. ([Written] Dec 26.) During the rest of the day there was a struggle between the new system and the dregs of the old. The lipi became permanently active, but the old difficulty of manifestation or emergence in the sthula akasha is not yet overcome. At the same time interpreting power attending the lipi became swift and decisive and has so remained. Trikaldrishti in all its parts resumed its activity. The most important result is the final completion of the dasya & the disappearance of all questioning, revolts or self-action; for, whenever these try to manifest, they find no support in the Jiva. Even with regard to error, there is no revolt nor now any return to a tamasic udasinata. The siddhi now fulfils itself entirely by the divine action arranging the conflicting forces & the Jiva does not try to interfere or insist on a consistent method. By this the invading intellectual activity has become wholly discouraged and no longer insists on its own action. There is, however, a survival of manomaya suggestions representing themselves as vani & seeking to lay down the action, but as these are always falsified & the Jiva does not insist on them, they have no force of persistence. Health is undergoing a very serious assault. The sore-throat was flung off, but after a long struggle cough materialised for a very short time at night, & strenuous efforts are made to bring back cold. Tejasic disturbance in the stomach has returned & recurs, though it does not persist against the Will, & there was in the morning a copious visrishti quite of the old type. This is the result of copious eating & drinking without regard to satiety, which has been insisted on in order that [ ]16 the arogya may be established under more arduous conditions. Assimilation is powerful, but not enough to prevent a struggle & irregular workings of the asiddhi. There was no primary utthapana in the afternoon, so today's period amounted only to 10 hours—but there was 5 hours continuously from 4.30 to 9.35 without fatigue or subsequent reaction. Sleep 7 hours.
Dec 26. Sortileges.
16 MS that
164 (2) मत्सि नो वस्य इष्टये इन्द्रमिन्द्रो वृषा विश | ॠधायमान इन्वसि शत्रुमन्ति न विन्दसि ‖ तस्मित्रा वेशया गिरो य एकश्चर्षणीनाम् |
अनु स्वधा यमुप्यते यवं न
As usual, the sortileges began at once to be fulfilled. The force described has established itself in the siddhi; effort, no longer selfeffort, manifests itself as a force throwing itself on the enemy & breaking down all opposition. This struggle is the working of mental force (Indra) possessed by the Vijnana and filled with mental ananda (Soma). Whenever Indra is thus infused with Soma, opposition seems to disappear; it is only when Indra works without Soma, that the opposition has strength to prevail or at least to resist. Once more Soma is being felt physically in the sensation as of wine flowing through the system, but in the sukshma rather than in the sthula body. Trikaldrishti has been working with a consistent perfection, & aishwarya, at first entirely resisted, broke down opposition & is still busy with the struggle. Throughout the whole siddhi, a state of joyous battle & assured victory is replacing the old alternation between the joy of attainment & the pain of struggle & defeat. 6 continuous hours of primary utthapana from 6.15 to 12.13 and again from 12.35 to 1.35. It was only towards the end that there was some reaction. The replacement of intellect by vijnana continues. Rupa is still developing, stable developed forms are more perfect, & the perfect transient forms show a greater tendency to stability. Primary utthapana again from 4.20 to 10.15 with the halfhour interval for meal. Today secondary utthapana was resumed, the laghima being perfect, but limited in duration by defect of anima. Sleep 7 hours. Nominal visrishti at night. The jala-visrishti was today less insistent.
Dec 27. P.U. [Primary Utthapana] 6.15 to 7.30. . 8.55 to 1.15 (minus 25 minutes). . 2.30 to 3.15. . 4.10 to 8.25 & 8.55 to 10.5. After this month the diary has to change its character & become mainly a record of trikaldrishti, aishwarya, samadhiexperience & work, literary & religious; at the same time a brief
165 note of the physical siddhi will be kept. The aishwarya-vyapti has had effects on purifying considerably the mentality of all in the house, & in the increase & definite development of trikaldrishti in S [Saurin], but his knowledge is still only fragmentarily active. The successful application of the power in immediate result is still successfully resisted except in individual cases; but yesterday groups of existences were made to obey the Will and even to obey it in exact circumstance. The attack on the health seems to be lessening in force; but last night the cough, which is however entirely superficial, returned with some vehemence after a hot sukshma touch on the sensitive spot in the throat. Kamananda is still in the same condition, but the sahaituka shariranandas seem to be once more at a high intensity. The confused action of the intellect revived in some force and although the siddhis continued, certainty was for a time abrogated. The improvement in the Viceroy's health took place in the direction willed, viz elimination of fever & pain. A period must now be fixed for entire recovery & it must be seen whether the element of time can be controlled. The Turkish business is also centring round the point willed, but the upshot is still in doubt. The cough tried to cling throughout the day, but disappeared by the evening, contrary to its action yesterday. Roga in its other symptoms clings, but cannot assert itself. Will acted with great accuracy in the matter of the returns in the evening, but the trikaldrishti was confused in details. Another failure as regards equipment. The failure was seen before it was known, by vyapti, but there was an attempt to mislead by false vyaptis. Sleep over 71/2 hours. Samadhi at night is absent, but takes place in the daytime,—deep, the record confused with intervals of lucidity & coherence. There is a dull attack of defect of anima & mahima in the primary utthapana.
Dec 28th St. [Sortilege] La guerre en Orient, meaning that the real struggle now is over the successful use of the will in equipment & Indian affairs. Aishwarya invariably successful this morning in small details; trikaldrishti seriously hampered, an intellectual movement being violently forced in when the vijnana tries to act. A period is
166 about to ensue in which these survivals have to be eliminated both in the vijnana & the physical siddhi, as well as in the samata, dasya & tejas, and the sahitya, bhasha & nirukta have to be consolidated; the trikaldrishti of exact time & arrangement of circumstance & the ritam in karma have to be well-established,—and the obstacles in the saundarya, religious karma, Krishnanritya and public affairs finally broken. This movement, which is being prepared, must definitely begin today & will cover the greater part of January. Physical activity. 6.10 to 7.15 . . 8.20 to 10.40 . . 11.20 to 12.40 . . 1.40 to 2.10 . . 4.50 to 8.30 . . 8.55 to 11.0. The drag of the vague defect of anima on the body still continues. A very slight visrishti in the afternoon; subsequently there was a tendency to flatulence. The cough has not returned, but there is a tendency to phlegm in the nostrils. The physical ananda tends to recover its frequency & intensity. The aishwarya was strong today & lipi frequent; but the trikaldrishti much disturbed, rupadrishti almost suspended; particular tejas acts, but general tejas is discouraged and faith depressed. The Nirukta progresses and has attained a certain perfection of method, but not yet of vijnanamay substance, since possibility still has its play. The great gain in the method of work is renunciation of haste & a consequent thoroughness. Sleep, nearly six hours.
Dec 29th. .. Trikaldrishti & aishwarya are now irrevocably fixed in their ordinary daily action; but not yet delivered from inaccuracy of detail and arrangement, nor free to act perfectly in important or public affairs. Vijnanamaya Thought is beginning to regularise itself in relation to the vani. . Physical activity. 5.10 to 7.10—8.40 to 11.10 . . 12.35 to 2.5 . . 3.25 to 4.28 . . 5.45 to 8.37 . . 8.52 to 11. Twelve hours. There has been an attempt at securing the continuity of the ahaituka Kamananda. It was almost constant through the morning till 11, in fluctuating degrees of intensity, suspended in the afternoon except for frequent touches, & now (4.30) again active. But it does not as yet hold the system; it only takes partial possession of the
167 outworks of the nervous system & then retires. Sometimes it enters the brain or lower nervous centres, but cannot secure a continuous hold. Nothing is as yet changed in the rest of the siddhi. Nirukta proceeds rapidly. . Strong discouragement in the evening in reviewing the little that has been done, the vast amount that remains and the strength of the obstacles, which is apparently incapable of exhaustion. Sleep 7 hours.
Dec. 30th There is no farther need of a record such as has been kept during this month. There has been considerable progress, but upon lines which have now to be altered and soon to be abandoned. The programme proposed on the 3d December has as usual been fulfilled only in its beginnings & in one or two instances not at all. The stability of rupadrishti is of little value in itself, since the perfect forms do not hold the akasha, & has been accomplished only in the sense that the forms accomplished appear habitually & the progress made has not to be continually lost & built up again, as used to be the case. Lipi is not yet habitually spontaneous in legibility & still needs usually the stimulus of the subjective perception to become perfectly legible, but it appears more usually without particular demand, though less frequently without any warning or the turning of the attention in that direction. It will only be perfect when it appears uncalled for as an ordinary habit of the akasha and is always immediately legible without any attention or trouble to the mind. Trikaldrishti works perfectly often, but not always, nor even yet as a rule, except in single incidents which present themselves to the mind, but where the perception is active rather than passive, there is usually much uncertainty & confusion of details. Nevertheless the more or less perfect trikaldrishti does occur daily with some frequency & in an imperfect state it is working throughout the day. The Power has so far overcome resistance as to work habitually like the Trikaldrishti, but it is even more hampered & outside a narrow field imperfectly, slowly or irregularly effective. Samadhi has not been regularised. Ananda (kama) is occasionally intense on a moderate estimate of intensity. It is that is to say tivra, but not rudra, not even tivratara
168 or tivratama. It occurs, tivra or kuntha, daily & often frequently in the day and is in that sense permanent. But it is not continuous in its permanence or constant in its intensity. Health in the last half of the month has been successfully resisted, rather than successfully progressive; cough, which had disappeared, has reappeared; the other fragments of roga, however vague, slight, blunted or disjointed, still persist & even when they seem to have finally disappeared, unexpectedly return. Nevertheless, they are losing force; but that is all that can be said. The saundarya has not progressed since the 10th , materially; its successes are the merest beginnings & in most directions the opposite tendency prevails. Primary utthapana has so far established itself that ten to twelve hours daily are passed, walking or standing, without any permanent reaction except a vague defect of anima which sometimes tends to materialise feebly and a moderate adhogati, also vague & dull, in the earlier part of the day. The prediction about equipment has been entirely falsified & the acuteness of the position has not been lightened. The literary & scholastic work has begun to take shape & proceed or prepare to proceed on its proper lines, but the necessary materials are deficient. The religious work is now being founded on a certain power over the sadhana of others, but this is as yet only rudimentary. The same is true of other activities. There is an effective pressure of power, but not the sovran control that is needed. The contact with the Master of the Yoga is being constantly dulled & obscured by the siege of Ego in the environment, false suggestion & inferior vani. Realisation of Atman & Brahman Nirguna & Saguna is always available & at once returns in fullness when the mind turns in that direction, but the nitya smarana is not there, because, perhaps, the realisation of the Ishwara is not equally well-established. The whole Yoga is still subject to clouding & temporary breaches even of those siddhis that have been most perfectly accomplished. Although these breaches are often slight, temporary & without power yet their recurrence shows that the whole system has not been placed perfectly under the right control. === The directions given on the 18th October, & 15th & 19th November have only been partially fulfilled through no fault of the
169 Jiva, but owing to the constant siege from outside of the discarded intellectual activity. They have to be fulfilled. === Trikaldrishti— 1. A squirrel on the roof-ridge descends the angle of the tiles, leaps on to the wall of the next house, runs along it & ascends its roof. The first motion seen in the squirrel's mind (prakamya) before it is executed, the second d[itt]o, the third by trikaldrishti without any data objective or subjective. 2. The leaflike insect put yesterday on the smaller tree stated yesterday by S [Saurin] to be no longer on the tree, suggested that it was back among the bean-leaves. While searching for it with the eyes today, trikaldrishti that it was not in the bean plant & was, probably, still on the tree. No data. The certainty was absent. Half an hour later it was shown by N [Nolini] still on the tree. 3. A crow approaching the veranda—another upon it. The idea of coming on the verandah seen in the crow's mind, but a suggestion of trikaldrishti that it would fly away to the wall on the left before reaching it. Uncertainty & false viveka mistaking the intention for the event. Suggestion at the last moment when the crow had paused just below the veranda to eat something, that something would happen to send it away—rejected obstinately by false viveka. The next moment the first crow flew away to the wall on the left & the object of observation followed it. These three instances show the state of the trikaldrishti. Everything observed is the rendering in thought of a truth of tendency, intention, or event, but everything is not yet put easily in its correct place, & uncertainty about the actual event is the normal state of the mental being who cannot distinguish between the correct decision and a false choice.. This stage has to be exceeded, before a clear & reliable trikaldrishti can be established. Physical activity 10 hours. Sleep 6. Slight visrishti in the afternoon. Jala very copious & frequent. Dec 31st Yesterday, it seemed as if the rudimentary equipment of the immediate life in its bare necessities were acquired, with a lacuna,
170 with inconvenient effects of the past confusion, with a precarious source, but still if it is maintained, it stands as the first real triumph of the Power in overcoming this obstinate difficulty. Yesterday's lipis indicated that tyaga (outward) must be entirely abandoned and bhoga fully accepted; "submission to desirability" or some equivalent phrase was used. Another lipi ran "violent purposes have to be justified" & is interpreted in the sense that, although hitherto all the more vehement uses of the aishwarya have been abortive and only moderate demands have been satisfied, the vehement Mahakali use of the aishwarya and ishita have not therefore to be abandoned, but must be insisted on till they succeed. Aniruddha and his Shakti Mahasaraswati have been satisfied; the Yogasiddhi has been justified & the Adeshasiddhi is beginning to be justified by slow, small and steadily progressive processes. This is Aniruddha's method, the method of the patient intellectual seeker & the patient and laborious contriver who occupies knowledge & action inch by inch & step by step, covering minutely & progressively all the grounds, justifying himself by details and through the details arriving at the sum. But, if continued, this method would render success in this life impossible. The method chosen for preparation has been Mahasaraswati's, but the method chosen for fulfilment is Mahakali's in the Mahasaraswati mould. Mahakali's method is vehemence, force & swiftness, attaining knowledge by swift intuitions, moving to success in action by forceful strides. It is vehement in lipsa, violent in method, headlong in accomplishment. It seeks to attain the whole & then only returns upon the details. This vehemence, violence & precipitate rapidity has to be established in the prana, chitta and buddhi, so as to govern feeling, thought & action (there have been plenty of isolated instances & brief periods of it in the past of the sadhana) and justified by success; but the basis of hidden calm & self-possession in the Maheshwari-bhava of Mahasaraswati has to be maintained and all has to be in the [Mahasaraswati]17 mould which demands thoroughness, perfect [contrivance],18 faultless elaboration of detail in the consummate
17 MS Maheshwari 18 MS contrive
171 whole. The literary work, the subjective action on others, the outward physical speech and action have all to be done with this swift elaboration & violent minuteness. At first, the Maheshwari bhava will retain some prominence, but will afterwards become implicit only in its Mahasaraswati continent. The first necessity is, however, that the Mahakali method should be justified in the results so that the intellectual sceptic & critic in Mahasaraswati may be assured of the correctness of the instructions given. Bhasha. Bh's [Bharati's] Panchali Sapatham taken up; in the first verse yesterday only a few words could be understood without reference to the dictionary & no connected sense has been made out from the sum of the vocable. Today, in the second verse, the difficulties of the Tamil way of writing (sandhi etc) were overcome by the intuition as well as some of the difficulties of the grammar, but the Bhashashakti which used formerly to give correctly the meaning of unknown words has not recovered its habit of action. Trikaldrishti. This morning all the trikaldrishtis were correct, even when coupled in their action with aishwarya sometimes successful, sometimes unsuccessful. Formerly the aishwarya would represent itself as trikaldrishti, but this false action this morning occurred only three or four times & was immediately rejected; but in one or two cases the rejection was questioned for a while by false tejas. Aishwarya mixed with trikaldrishti— On a bird alighting on a tree to move from one part of a branch to another & then from that branch to a neighbouring branch; carried out exactly; then to remain sitting where it was. This, too, was carried out. Afterwards, aiswarya on the same bird to move was resisted; but trikaldrishti came immediately that it would be resisted and that the bird would remain, not sitting quietly, but picking its feathers on the same spot until I had to go to drink tea. Also that two birds on another tree, making love, would so continue till the same moment. This was fulfilled exactly, although it was nearly ten minutes before I went away & the same birds had previously been restless, flown away once out of sight & come back, all foreseen by the drishti, except the return. Several instances of this kind happen daily.
172 Morning's news. No breach of the negotiations in spite of the extravagant Turkish demands. Foreseen. The Viceroy's health is following exactly the movement of the Will which was that the pain should be relieved within Dec 31st and the healing of the wounds fulfilled in January. This morning's news is that there is no longer any discomfort from the wounds, although the healing will take some weeks. It is also announced that there is still a piece of metal in the neck. This confirms the trikaldrishti of two or three days ago which suggested the fact when reading the description of the state of the wounds. The Congress badly attended, considerably less than 200 members, & practically a fiasco, as foreseen, so also the other Conferences. ? Beginning of the end of the Age of Palaver in India. Wrecks etc abound—belated fulfilment of the lipi about accidents on the sea given some time ago. —— Afternoon. Blank. The attitude of distrust with regard to the equipment is very strong. The pratijna in mind is not yet entirely satyapratijna, for there was tejasic fixing of things to be done today, which were presented as things that would be done; eg there was quarter of an hour secondary utthapana of the arms in the morning and more was suggested for the afternoon, but the suggestion was left unexecuted. Last night there was some swapna samadhi, but only one image survives in the memory,—a room or tent with a small table such as might be used in a tent & a sola hat on the table, seen for some time, but with a momentary eclipse after which it emerged again & then vanished, a scene without any incident or moving figure, although it was felt that there would have been either movement or incident, if the power of vision had been able to hold the scene. The background and atmosphere were very dim as is usually now the case with these visions. Visrishti, neither slight, nor excessive, in the afternoon; the first real evacuation since the 25th—6 days. Physical activity 101/2 hours. Secondary utthapana of arms for half an hour; this time with ease, although earlier in the day there
173 had been difficulty in maintaining it for half an hour due to defect of anima, resultant strain in the arms & pain of the negative electric current. Sleep nearly 7 hours. Swapna samadhi with images indistinguishable to the eye from dream images, distinguishable by the viveka alone. The faculty of understanding the truth behind the dream record and disentangling its confusions has once more returned. Fresh proofs of the siddhis constantly occur, but there are plenty of instances of misplaced perception and the siddhis of power have as yet no assured mastery over results. Primary utthapana continues in the same condition; it cannot be perfected unless the secondary & tertiary are brought forward. This day closes the year 1912. From its morrow a new record begins in which the progress of the siddhi of MahakaliMahasaraswati has to be recorded. At present there is no sign of any rapid progress or of really great results. All is petty, hampered & limited. A siddhi rapidly established becomes otiose for days together. Continuity in the higher states seems as yet impossible, and from accomplishment there is always a relapse into a condition of partial asiddhi. The whole Yoga is continually beset with tamas and uncertainty & seems unable to rise permanently into clearness & perfect joy & assurance. There is no grief or acute trouble or even anything that can really be called trouble, but a dull depression never acute & a certain weariness & lack of interest has settled down on the system and is only lifted for short intervals or replaced by a mere ahaituka state of ambitionless content. The active force, ananda etc established for a short period, have failed to hold their own. The tejasic ideas of a joyous progress & of siddhi within a given time have once more proved to be falsehoods. On the other hand the theory of the Yoga has been proved. The perfectibility of the human being, trikaldrishti, Power, the play of the Divine Force in the individual, the existence of the other worlds, & of extra-mental influences, even the possibility of the physical siddhis are established facts—vijnana, the Vedic psychology, the seven streams, everything is established. What is wanting is the perfect application, free from the confusions of the anritam which result from the play of mind. It has been seen that in repose, in nivritti[,] in udasinata, perfect peace and ananda are possible; but
the thing the Yoga has set out to establish is the perfect harmony of Nivritti &
Pravritti, of desirelessness & Lipsa, of Guna & Nirguna, complete Ananda, Tapas,
Knowledge, Love, Power & Infinite Egoless Being, consummating in the full and
vehement flow of the Pravritti. By the fulfilment or failure of this harmony the
Yoga stands or falls. The siddhi has now reached a stage when the test of its
positive worldward side has to be undertaken. Tyaga is finished; shama & shanti
& udasinata have had their fulfilment; but in that resting place there can be no
abiding. It is the starting point of the Lila, not its goal. Therefore during
the next three months it has to be seen whether, the harmony in nivritti being
definitely thrown aside, the harmony in pravritti, which has always been
attacked & denied by the enemy, can be prepared or accomplished. Only then can
there be a settled peace and a perfected action. |