1 31 JANUARY 1913 Record of the Yoga. 1913. January. January 1st. The first movements were unsatisfactory, tamas-besieged and arrested by a dull depression. In the evening, only, progress began. 1. Ananda of heat & cold have been confirmed, but the discomfort not yet entirely removed. 2. Kamananda occurs more frequently than before, but is not yet in possession of the body. The sahaituka physical anandas are reasserting their possession of the system. Ahaituka ananda, long clouded, has once more triumphed over its obstacles and is in possession even of the obstacle and the adverse event. 3. The health, still much afflicted, tends slowly to reassert itself. There are still no movements of roga outside the survivals of phlegm, occasional neuralgic touches, imperfect digestive assimilation, eruption, headache and defect of the chakra. All the symptoms are slight and fragmentary, but in some of them there is a strong persistence. 4. In the primary utthapana there is still the persistence of a vague defect of anima which sometimes grows in force for a while, but cannot hold the body, although it encourages the adhogati. Secondary utthapana is emerging. 5. Saundarya makes no apparent progress.
176 Trikaldrishti. The removal of the metal piece in the Viceroy's neck effected without trouble foreseen for yesterday; fulfilled. A number of ordinary instances presenting no new feature in the movement of birds, animals, persons etc. Suggestions of the nature of vyapti or prophetic thought communication are now extremely common . . eg. B [Bijoy] was asked to get two khatas of this type; suggested, he would bring small ones instead . . fulfilled. Ant. invited everybody this evening; suggested that the invitation was hastily made and, without being withdrawn, would not be zealously followed up . . fulfilled. Fulfilment of thought prakamya is fairly frequent, but the definite thought-vyapti is still dull & infrequent in its occurrence. Aishwarya. That P [Parthasarathi], after a long abstention of over a month, possibly two, should come to pay a visit . . fulfilled the same day. The Aishwarya about the Insurance Act, long resisted, seems about to be fulfilled; there is every sign of the medical profession yielding. There are also signs of weakening in Ulster. The ordinary aishwaryas, eg fulfilment of will by several birds at a time, exact movement in accordance with will, reception of vyapti & action in accordance, are all evidently established & exampled daily, but their regular success is still resisted. Apparently, the knowledge has to be perfected first. Samadhi. Brilliant visions of sea, waters etc just before sleeping; but all were momentary. Such other visions as can be remembered, were all dark, chhayamaya and chhayavrita. Sleep, under 6 hours. Lipi and rupa slowly increase upon the material akasha. It is indicated in the lipi that "from tonight" the Master of the Yoga will exercise a perfect and apparent control over the subjectivity of the system in all its parts. The subjective-objectivity will still remain for some time imperfectly siddha & subject to a dual control of the old & new Prakriti, the old fading, the new increasing in force, brilliance and all-pervading sovereignty. 177 Jan 2d 2.45 pm. .. The promise has been made that there will be no farther interruption in the continuity of the siddhi. Since then (last night), considerable progress is being made. Trikaldrishti. . In the beginning there was a series of outward suggestions which fulfilled themselves rapidly & accurately, although the mind denied them admission and saw no probability of fulfilment. Subsequently, this element of external suggestion was put in its place as prophetic vyapti from the thought of supramaterial beings that foresee; the jnanam was then perfected and afterwards the trikaldrishti in its entirety brought up to the level of the same perfection. The difference between this new siddhi and all that have preceded it is, 1, that the first idea proves to be correct and has not to be replaced by a second, at most it has to be amplified and modified or enriched with suggestions of the right time and place & arrangement, 2, that even when it manifests in the intellect without being seen to descend from the vijnana, it is habitually correct, 3, that mistaken suggestion[s], except in small details of time, place & circumstance, tend to be more & more rare and already form the infrequent exception. In the thought-perception there is no falsity, but only appearances of it which turn out to be not falsity but aprakasha. News today that yesterday (the 31st) the Viceroy was for the first time entirely without pain from his wounds, (the result of the last extraction). Thus the first aishwarya & drishti has been amply fulfilled. A rapid cure of the wounds must now be effected. Trikaldrishti of the more distant future and of the far past is now taking place unhindered; it remains for the future siddhi to control its results whether for confirmation or rejection. In its application to the immediate future and the present it is evincing an astonishing accuracy. Primary Utthapana Yesterday nearly 12 hours were passed in walking or the erect position; this morning there was on rising the old pain in the soles of the feet, but it passed away at once; subsequently stiffness was felt for a minute or two in the thighs, but it passed away also and
178 was convinced of material falsity. Only the vague defect of anima, now, is a persistent reality. Dasya. Dasya is becoming absolute in the thought and feeling no less than in the action; doubt extends only to the adesh-siddhi and has, even in this field, only a dull activity of reserve and caveat; for it is growing evident that something will be done through this yantra in the field of life, although the material equipment seems to be entirely lacking. It is this lack of material equipment which is the real obstacle to perfect faith; the slowness of the physical siddhi is only an accessory cause of hesitation and would have no force if the equipment were given. These movements have still to be occasionally noted, so that the condition of the activity which is to form the substance of the record may be understood. 4 pm. Aishwaryasiddhi promised; the first result was the fulfilment of the aishwarya made at 1.30 that M [Moni] should come to make the tea about 3.10 by the time of my watch. He came at 3.11. This is a rare instance, almost the first that is entirely clear and definite, of an aishwarya of exact time being perfectly fulfilled, although trikaldrishtis of exact time have been not infrequent. Usually indeed, such aishwaryas have not even been attempted, only aishwaryas of approximate time, eg between 9 & 9.30. This success was followed by a series upon birds which one after another flew in the direction indicated to them, although they obviously started in a different direction. There was invariably some resistance, in the last two cases long & persistent, & in three cases failure; but the trikaldrishti was uniformly correct except as to time, although deficient in circumstance, eg not giving all the swerves of the flight. There were some casual instances of the old type of error, speedily corrected. Uncertainty is still not infrequent. Final. (written Jan 3d .) At night again some clouding. Aishwarya continued in the same stage of progress, sometimes unfulfilled although always with foreknowledge of nonfulfilment, sometimes fulfilled after resistance or partially, sometimes instantaneously and perfectly. This power of the Aishwarya covers only things of immediate occurrence. 179 On eventualities that need a longer space of time for their fulfilment, on settled stages of mind or body, its working, although often successful, is slow and laborious .Lipi advanced in power, vividness and authority. The beginnings of lipi-kaushalya, especially varna-lipi, were promised in the lipi itself and exemplified; this morning fiery, luminous & coloured lipis have occurred, of a rich substance and brilliant vividness. Rupa is still in the same stage, although it increases in the frequency, normality and even stability of perfect images, sometimes in the sukshma-sthula and sometimes in the sthula akasha. In the samadhi the images were dim and inconstant. Sleep 61 hours. Primary utthapana 11/2 hours. Kamananda frequent and more easily intense, with a tendency to continuity. Siddhi of aishwarya and kamananda are indicated & promised, as well as of the lipi. Karma received a setback already predicted two or three days ago in the lipi "Trouble in the entourage", but its area & force are limited.
Jan 3d .. Aishwarya-ishita-vashita, with vyapti; rupa; lipi; kamananda; widening trikaldrishti, are the immediate siddhis that have to be effected. Aishwarya Will on B [Bijoy] for vijnana to resume activity fulfilled with regard to vijnana. Viceroy's wounds again give pain and fever, due to exertion of sitting, only therefore, an indirect contradiction of aiswarya. Affairs in China adverse. On the other hand the Turkish peace negotiations appear to be moving to the point willed. Aishwarya this morning is hampered and largely unsuccessful, Trikaldrishti hampered, but successful. The rest of the day was passed in a struggle with the difficulties of the aishwaryam.. Kamananda impeded in the evening. Temporary diminution of dasya. Sleep 7 hours. Phy. act. [Physical activity] 91/2 hours. The dreams remembered were confused in record, but intelligible. Image in swapnasamadhi is still afflicted. 180 Jan 4th. Work (nirukta) has emerged from its hesitations & is being steadily done; incidentally much that was seen by intuition formerly is being proved by the data. Trikaldrishti Pain in the V's [Viceroy's] wounds continues; foreseen. Peace negotiations at their critical stage. Most of the day spent in Nirukta. Some development of rupadrishti in the evening. P.A. [Physical Activity] nearly 9 hours. Sleep 7 hours. A little more force in the swapnasamadhi. Aishwarya entirely obstructed . . Trikaldrishti victorious in spite of opposition
Jan 5th The persistence of tapas is now assured in spite of opposition; the action proceeds in the face of difficulties, disappointments & errors of method without flagging for more than a moment and is itself tejaswi even when the system loses hold of active tejas and falls back on shama or dhairyam. The physical obstacle to continuous karma is overcome as well as the subjective obstacle, failure of physical dhairya as well as failure of mental tejas. Mental dhairya, physical dhairya & pranic tejas assured, mental tejas has to be rendered equally permanent and invincibly active so that the physical brain may not flag in its response to the stimulus from above. The quaternary, Tejo balam pravrittir mahattwam, will then be assured in all the parts of the system. Vijnana is now beginning to assert its constant activity, pausing only to test the state of the intellect; for when the intellect, even in its darkened or clouded state, refuses to rest in error and begins to respond only to the satya, then the pratistha in intellect of the vijnanamaya action will be assured. At present, it is so assured in all but the trikaldrishti, the action of mind on the objective field, & this is so because the trikaldrishti itself is still limited in its ordinary action, though already perfect in its best moments & in its extraordinary movements. It has been decided yesterday that the development of the Knowledge must be left to the unaided action of the Prakriti, the Power to its own self 181 development and the Samadhi, physical siddhi and Karma alone left for the present field of the stimulative action of the Will aiding Prakriti. Trikaldrishti has to be liberated from the dregs of possibility; lipi from the remnants of the obstruction in the akasha; rupa from the denial of stability in the higher forms; prakamya-vyapti from the interference of elemental thought-images; samadhi from sleep & dream; power from the akashic obstruction to subjective reception and objective fulfilment; bhautasiddhi from defect of anima; primary utthapana from adhogati and the remnants of defect of anima; ananda from interruption and the obstruction by weaker nerve-elementals influencing the body; arogya from the habit of symptomatic recurrences. This field is almost conquered, subject to the last obstinate resistance. Secondary utthapana of the neck, loins & legs was resumed this morning. It is growing stronger in the first, almost nil in the second, absent in the third. The Unionist dissensions & the movement of the Ulster affair are now patently following the line of the aishwarya persisted in since the introduction of the Home Rule Bill & in the Insurance matter there is a perfect success. The relapse of the 1st in the V's health has had the consequences foreseen, but there may still be a rapid cure, if there is no farther premature exertion. It is suggested that his health will never be what it was formerly. The Power is reasserting efficacy but with difficulty. Trikaldrishti is now establishing itself on a wider basis: formerly it acted in isolated movements of knowledge on a basis either of error, of uncertainty or of passivity in the intellectual movements. It has now got rid of the third basis (nischeshtata of the mind), so important and so long sustained as a necessary movement of sadhana; admitting action, it allows the intellect to take in all that comes within its field and detecting its own misapplications to perceive the nature of the error, the actual truth misapplied and replace the former by the latter. At the same time, the separation of Power & Knowledge is being removed; they are acting simultaneously & the old form of error which took the will for the event, is being allowed play in order that it may be expelled by the viveka serving 182 the trikaldrishti & deciding the correct event among the various tendencies, applied forces & possibilities. The formed, articulate or vangmaya thought assumed suddenly its perfect and fluent activity in the evening; it has already all the qualities of perfection which, at an earlier stage of the siddhi, it was preparing, except that it has not a sure hold of its proper locality & sometimes, ie when it deals with matter not formerly included in the scope of the vangmaya thinking, descends from the higher style proper to it into the lower inefficient vak; at such times it tends to pass back from thought into inferior vani. The watch being out of order, it was impossible to estimate periods. Dreams were much more coherent, although there is still the tendency to mixture of incidents & false forms due to the appearance of the present ego with its associations. Swapnasamadhi was stronger and dream images tend to pass into clear and living chhayamaya forms.
Jan 6th .. The morning there was a rapid movement forward in knowledge. The progress of the trikaldrishti is tending to eliminate the sources of intellectual error and the thought perception and vangmaya thought between them are taking charge of all trikaldrishti not appertaining to this immediate existence or in this life to the progress of the siddhi. Perception of past & future lives of others is reestablished. All these perceptions are necessarily beyond immediate verification; the action of the vijnana is swayamprakasha. Their intellectual justification rests upon the ample daily proof of the soundness of the supra-intellectual faculty by which they are received, and the only remaining cause of doubt is the remnant of intellectual activity (external) and therefore of error which interferes with the vijnana-perception. Vani, conducted by one of the Shaktis, has asserted its authority and is proving its veridicity. Lipi is preparing the final proof of its truthfulness. The faith in the vani, thought & trikaldrishti is now ample except in the one field unconquered. Yesterday's lipi promising a change from steady to energetic battle with the opposing forces, is being fulfilled; the tejas is taking possession of the mentality & pouring itself out in 183 the struggle, without the rapid exhaustion which used formerly to throw back the Adhara into udasinata or shama. The other lipi "death of the difficulties", has already begun to be fulfilled in the siddhi of the knowledge. There is a tendency in the rupa to develop groups and paintings with their colours, but the obstruction in the akasha maintains itself & prevents the efflorescence of the rupadrishti which is waiting, perfect and richly-equipped, in the sukshma akasha for its hour of manifestation. The images of the swapna samadhi were once more of the richer & brighter kind, but the dreams were more incoherent and ill-remembered. Kamananda is more persistent in recurrence, but has not yet established continuity. The other parts of the physical siddhi are heavily obstructed and do not move forward; to a less extent the power; only knowledge, trikaldrishti and lipi are moving forward irresistibly.
Jan 7th . It is indicated that today is a turning-point in the immediate movement that is being slowly effected. Dasya is already a fact in all parts of the activity, but it is not yet direct enough; the control through the Prakriti is felt rather than the direct impulse of the Purushottama. There must be identification with the Prakriti, possession of it and the sensation of its unimpeded use by the actual touch of Krishna. The shadow of intellectual consideration and hesitation over the act or the thought, the shadow of intellectual determination of the act or thought, the shadow of reflection & judgment over it when accomplished, or of the accompaniment or mediation of the intellect in the moment of accomplishment, all these glints of the lower humanity must be effaced from the movement of the Waters, apasi swasr´nam. They must be utterly replaced by unchecked Force in the act and pure Sight in the vision, Sight & Force simultaneous in their activity and one in their substance, but not intermixed in their function. Then only will the Dasya be of the true nature of the relation between the Jiva & the Ishwara. The condition of the Viceroy answers to the trikaldrishti and aishwarya, in the circumstances of a rapid improvement. The Turkish affair is still uncertain but in several directions it is following the 184 line laid down by the Will. In several directions, in Indian affairs, similar signs are evident; but as yet there is nothing decided. The only work done in the day was a grammatical commentary on the fifth hymn of the Rigveda. Here as in all the works of Knowledge, there is a double stream of action, the intuition which sees the truth and the speculative reason with its groping judgments, imaginations, memories, inferences which works towards truth through error. The script was once more resumed; its first movement was of the old type, perfunctory, hasty & exaggerated in suggestion, although not actually false in statement; its second, accurate in statement and suggestion, but marred by the tejasic response of the mind reading more into the words than the words themselves conveyed. The trikaldrishti, perfect in the earlier part of the day, became a confused and stumbling movement at night. Lipi increases in force constantly, but slowly. In the body the adverse tendency still reigns, and although the aishwarya often acts, it is successful with difficulty & in details unsuccessful. Sleep is still excessive, but the dreams were of a remarkable character; they had for their subject world-spaces and primal movements of the gods. There was a slight admixture of present associations, but not of present ego except as the watcher. The whole took place in Chhayamayi. The day proved to be a turning-point in the dasya chiefly, not that the necessary change has been effected, but that it has been begun; but otherwise the indication has not been justified.
Jan 8th .. The script is now showing a remarkable accuracy of prediction which it shares with the vani. Two of its predictions made this morning for the day have already been fulfilled; "The trikaldrishti today will throw off the doubt and judgment, but not yet the uncertainty left behind by them in the action of the faculty on the intellect," and "Lipi will justify the prediction." It had been predicted three days ago in the script that lipi today would perfect itself in the material akasha. This has now been fulfilled. The great remaining defects of the lipi were insufficient spontaneity and an uncertain vividness; it depended for emergence too much on the subjective stimulus & obeyed too much the intellectual suggestion. This difficulty has been 185 finally surmounted & even when the external mind suggests a word or form of words, the lipi pays no heed, but shapes its own word or sentence. All the other qualities needed, legibility, simultaneity, etc are now coexistent with the spontaneity, (formerly, one quality used to perfect itself at the expense of another,) and vividness though not invariable is now well established in the legible, spontaneous and simultaneous lipi. The legible simultaneity is not usually immediate, it is ordinarily the result of a consecutive appearance of the words; when the whole sentence starts at once into view, it is not always or usually legible. These slight deficiencies are not essential defects, but they have to be dismissed out of the siddhi & the perfection attained preserved and enriched by variety of the lipi-kaushalya. In trikaldrishti intellectual judgment & doubt have received their dismissal & the mind merely waits to see the result. In consequence, it is found that everything that enters the mind, is correct, although [ ]1 not always perfectly placed, & that it is the doubt & impatience of the intellect which is the source of error; for it cannot wait to see the suggestion placed & justified, but either catches at & overstresses it or rejects it by a premature haste of adverse judgment. (Afternoon) Trikaldrishti. Pressure of Turkish Army for a change of ministry & command foreseen & fulfilled. Movements to put Shaukat (& Anwar) in command twice foreseen or felt by vyapti-prakamya & twice fulfilled . . Foreseen day before yesterday at night that money would come within two days from R. Fulfilled today, but only Rs 10 came (no data). The aishwarya is recovering its full force in many instances & has again begun to be fulfilled in detail & repeatedly, but the opposition is still to some extent master of the sthula akasha. The prediction in script is that today Rupa will at last emerge & Power overcome, for the last time, the general obstruction. There was some emergence of Rupa in the morning, but it did not last, nor did it effect the stability of perfect forms. Every time the opposition in the akasha throws itself on the forward movement & seems to 1 MS though 186 overbear it. At the same time there is a sensible movement of the Para Tapas to throw off the general obstruction and pursue steadily and powerfully the totality of the siddhi. Nirukta has been resumed today and is being well, but slowly done. Rupa emerged in the afternoon and evening, not perfect, but with greater force than before, so that perfect forms more frequently come out into the sthula akasha and meet the physical eye direct instead of manifesting as formerly mostly in the sukshma akasha or, if in the sthula, then avoiding the gaze and affecting the physical eye through the subtle vision. Still the indirect method and the subtle field continue to be the most common. Crude shapes alone meet the eye full and these are now more usually stable and perfect. Lipi continues to increase on the akash. Power has begun to overcome the general obstruction, but its victory is as yet neither decisive nor assured. There was a great extension of swapna-samadhi at night & especially in the early morning, images of great frequency & perfection occurring & brief continuous scenes frequently manifesting with something, often, of their background. This is the one real difficulty in the swapna-samadhi, the continuous action in a fixed scene. Otherwise the swapna (not dream, but vision-record) is perfect enough & combined touch, hearing & sight are well enough established, though they do not come as a regular circumstance of the siddhi in its present working. The only prediction in script that seemed to be beside the mark was the statement that Ananda this day would again take hold, but even this was true if it is understood of the subjective Ananda and not the Kamananda.
Jan 9th. .. Another slight clash seems to be passing away. Today's telegrams all show the exact working of the Will except with regard to Adrianople, which is the one serious point of attack. Especially the action of the Powers, the situation at Constantinople and the opinion of the Triple Alliance with regard to the Aegean islands are in exact consonance with the line laid down by Will & prakamya vyapti. Today, the action of the vijnana is very much confused owing to the necessity of harmonising finally tejas & tapas with prakasha & dasya in the intellect. Always, the intellect & manas have been 187 the field of their discord and incompatibility, & though they now agree well enough in the higher ideal or idealised movements (vijnanamaya or vijnana yantrita), the manomaya movements which besiege the system from the external kshetra are still full of the old confusion. Yet the lipi has insisted on today as a period of rapid progression. Up till now, this does not appear. Afternoon. The siddhi of the visrishti & freedom from satiety long combated and diminished has momentarily collapsed. Kamananda, although its activity has not disappeared, has at present no hold on the body. The physical siddhi persists in its retrograde motion. The external tapas is now falling away again from the system and is giving place to tapas under control of the dasyabuddhi . . The samadhi has suddenly & without farther difficulty acquired siddhi in the vijnana & saviveka samadhi, corresponding to the savichara and savitarka of the intellectual classification. The thought, whether as perception or vangmaya, maintains itself on the vijnanamay level, the intellect in a state of perfect passivity, only receiving it, even in the deepest swapnasamadhi which amounts to a practical sushupti of the manas & its silence in the mahat. It was because the system was accustomed to fall into sushupti whenever the manas-buddhi became inert, that this siddhi could not formerly be accomplished. Now the mind becomes inert, sushupta, but activity proceeds on the vijnanamaya level on which the Purusha is now jagrat in the body, and that activity is received by the inert intellect. Nevertheless owing to the great inertia of the intellect at the time, the thought is sometimes caught with difficulty, hardly remembered on waking, or, if remembered, then soon afterwards lost to the recollection. The intellect catches it, but does not get a good grasp upon it. The vijnanamay memory must become active, if the thought & vision of samadhi are to be remembered. This higher memory is developing, not swe dame, but on the intellectual plane; things are now remembered permanently without committing them to heart, which formerly would not have been remembered even for a day if they had been even carefully learned by heart eg the first verse of Bharati's poem, in Tamil, not a line of which was understood without a laborious consultation of the dictionary. Yet 188 although an unknown tongue, although no particular attention was paid to the words or their order everything remains in the mind even after several days. Formerly even a verse of Latin, English, Sanscrit carefully studied & committed to memory, would be lost even in a shorter time. The siddhi of the vijnana samadhi shows that the Purusha is now rising into the vijnana or preparing to rise; the manomaya is becoming passive, the vijnanamaya Purusha, so long secret & veiled by the hiranmaya patra of the buddhi, is beginning to reveal himself, no longer indirectly, but face to face with the lower man. An initial siddhi is also preparing in script communication. As was predicted earlier in the day, the sahitya-siddhi has extended itself to poetry this evening & the long obstruction of the poetic faculty is passing away. The epic style has been recovered and only the dramatic remains. Fluency in all will come back during the month, spontaneous & immediate perfection hereafter within these two months . . The lipi is now being freely & naturally utilised for knowledge; there is no farther need of any attention to its development or to the farther development of the vani or script. Only the trikaldrishti & the Power still need attention (apramattata), and the rupadrishti & samadhi still need the help of the Will for their wider development or their more perfect perfection. The siddhi of the vijna[na]maya level for the Thought in samadhi does not extend to the vision; for this reason the dreams are still intellectual records or attempts to record rather than the actual vision of things and events, except when the dream is replaced by vision. Even then it is often savikalpa rather than sadarsha samadhi. The dreams last night (those remembered) were again of consecutive & well connected records; this time the present ego sense was carefully excluded and only once a present association interfered with the accuracy of the record. A rapid movement in trikaldrishti is promised and one in rupa indicated.
Jan 10th. Secondary utthapana of neck & legs this morning, but not for long, as the adhogati succeeded in enforcing defect of anima . . The 189 morning began with a clouded state, in which however Bhasa & Nirukta [proceeded];2 in both the weariness of adhogati born of difficulty is being allowed to manifest according to its power & extruded. It is no longer able to prevent work or stop its continuity, but it can still limit the length of time which can be devoted to a single work & prevent any difficult work or drudgery being pursued unweariedly from day to day [without]3 intermission. The vijnana is now sufficiently developed for regular literary work to be resumed, but the physical adhogati & alasya has yet to be extruded. For this condition to be fulfilled, the reaction in the physical siddhi (health, utthapana, ananda) has to be got rid of & its forward march resumed. It is promised that this movement will begin today. The obstacle to the trikaldrishti from the enemy which consisted in inability to decide on the event, is being removed & those movements which formerly presented themselves falsely and dimly as the event, are now revealed luminously as the thought in the person or the force or tendency moving it. Prakamya of the thoughts of others which so often came & went, in a half-clear half-confused movement, has by this success become clear & luminous & its objective sign in the corresponding movement, pause or ingita is so clearly shown that even the intellect cannot doubt the truth and accuracy of the siddhi. There is still confusion as to the time, place & order of circumstance of the event foreseen. The vani, script, lipi and thought are now being used normally & habitually for the life-purposes. The trikaldrishti and prakamyavyapti, alone among the instruments of vijnanamaya knowledge, remain to be drawn into this normal movement. Apramattata is no longer necessary for the ordinary movement of the trikaldrishti, but is still necessary for the trikaldrishti of exact time, place and circumstance; in the prakamya-vyapti it is only necessary in order to prevent errors as to the source of the vyapti or the exact relations of the things perceived. This necessity will today be removed. The action of the power is beginning to be normal, although as yet very far from uniformly successful.
2 MS preceded 3 MS with 190 The clear shabdadrishti, free from adhara, has now definitely begun. The persistent doubt suggested as to the sukshmatwa of the gandhadrishti has now been finally put at rest, for one smell, that of cheese, impossible of material occurrence here has been repeated strongly & persistently in order to dispel the hesitation of the intellect. Rasadrishti is also extending its field, although not yet as vigorous as the gandhadrishti. The necessity of apramattata has been removed from all the parts of the vijnanasiddhi except rupadrishti and samadhi; the rest will be accomplished henceforth by the unaided direct action of the Para Shakti. Rupa developed to a certain extent, but still fails to overcome its one remaining difficulty. Swapnasamadhi was absent; the dreams, though clear & consecutive, slightly confused by the mixing of historical names (not thought of for years past,) and one or two present associations with the actual chain of incidents. The present ego was also prominent in the central figure. A violent struggle over the roga (digestive) began with success, passed through failure and ended again in success. There has been a strong reaction of asiddhi in the roga ending today in an attack of incipient diarrhoea, but the sense of health was persistent throughout & the whole system except the pure bodily part, remained unaffected by the attack. Even the body was free from any loss of strength or ananda; on the contrary the ahaituka ananda was strong not only in the mind but in the prana & the anna. Mukti therefore is almost perfect, although touches of the indriya-nirananda occasionally return.
Jan 11th .. Contrary to past experience, trikaldrishti was active from the first this morning & its action had not to be resuscitated after the inaction of sleep; but the trikaldrishti of exact time, place & arrangement was in abeyance owing to the dullness of the vijnana in the physical brain. Lipi is also active from the first, but rupa and power in abeyance. " Today the dasya in the third degree will be confirmed, the rupadrishti overcome its last obstacle, the samadhi develop in its deficient parts, the secondary utthapana progress. Kamananda will 191 reassert its control & the shadow that has materialised in the health be removed. The action of the Will will pass over entirely into the fourth chatusthaya, in which Power will establish its control. Trikaldrishti will become more widely active." Afternoon. The samadhi is developing in its deficient parts, lipi in swapnasamadhi, shabdadrishti in jagrat, but the development is slow and impeded. Swapna-samadhi by flashes is frequent, but still fails to hold the vijnanamay level or to attain continuity. Secondary utthapana made slight progress before the prediction was written. The action of the Will is passing away from the rupadrishti & the samadhi, but not yet passed. The Power is working on the body & has already diminished the abnormal insistence of the jalavisrishti & got rid of the stress of the abnormal parthiva visrishti. There is strong resistance to the fulfilment and the mental parts have been all day in a state of confused action. Nothing clear & decisive yet emerges. The news today are the reverse of favourable, although in consonance with the trikaldrishti, which expected the emergence of a yet stronger trend against Turkey. Aiswarya in the karma is strongly hampered and to a certain extent baffled. The subjective ananda took possession in full force this morning, a harmony of suddha, chidghana, ahaituka, premananda & sahaituka sharirananda, but the kamananda is resisted and the exclusion of the ananda from adverse events was successfully attempted by the enemy. In the evening perfect forms directly under the eye became numerous and a number of them stable, but these were not of the most lifelike perfection, the defect being insufficiently developed material; the perfection was in the circumstances. Will has relinquished the rupadrishti to the self-action of the Para Prakriti, and is only slightly active for the samadhi. Swapna-samadhi is attempting to develop continuity, but is obliged to have recourse to recurrence in order to stimulate the tendency, as the habit of the drishti withdrawing immediately from the thing once it is seen, still prevails. Kamananda chiefly sahaituka was resumed, but not yet with a sustained frequency. Power began to control the bodily siddhi, 192 but not yet with entire success; the jalavisrishti at last revived its intensity and the relics of sensitiveness to cold with nirananda suddenly recovered intensity. Secondary utthapana, attempted, failed to progress sensibly; but the primary utthapana overcame easily an attempt to break it and continued strongly from about five to after half past eleven (walking all the time) with only a break for meals. Sleep at night fell from 7 or 8 hours to five. Trikaldrishti manifested a striking power and accuracy. The resistance to Power in the karma showed itself in a fresh outbreak of anaikya in the surroundings, known by trikaldrishti before it happened.
Jan 12th. Today's telegrams show remarkably the action of the Power & the vyapti-prakamya, more especially (1) In the Austro-Italian claim of Janina, Scutari and Prizrend for Albania; (2) in the threatened action of Roumania with regard to the Bulgarian territory; (3) in the firm attitude of the Turks & especially in their refusal to be intimidated by the threat of a naval demonstration; (4) in the comparatively mild action of the Powers with regard to Adrianople. All these are instances of the accurate action of ishita-vyapti-aishwarya in details; but the final result is still a matter of dispute between the siddhi and the asiddhi. An instance of perfect final result occurs today in the Insurance Act matter, the completion of panels all over Great Britain and the enrolment of 15,000 doctors . . Yesterday's prediction, although not unfulfilled, was pitched in a key too high for the actual sthula fulfilment. The rupadrishti overcame its last obstacle but not perfectly; dasya in the third degree was confirmed, but not clearly & decisively, as the actions & thoughts are still confused, it is dasya, but dasya without clearness about the command; samadhi developed in its deficient parts, slightly; secondary utthapana progressed in easy positions and for the rest more in the sukshma than the sthula; Kamananda reasserted itself rather than its control; the shadow in the health has been removed in the sukshma, but only diminished and almost extruded in the sthula, but it still clings; trikaldrishti has widened its activity & produced some striking results, but still works amid the suggestions 193 of the intellectuality; power has relinquished the third chatusthaya & centred on the fourth, but some habitual action of will still lingers in the Samadhi. This high pitch, however, is intended, as these predictions are programmes or pratijnas rather than mere prediction, & the fulfilment has to rise to the pitch of the prediction, not the prediction fall to the pitch of the sthula fulfilment.4 "Today the tertiary dasya will become decisive and prepare to pass into the fourth degree or supreme dasya; rupadrishti & samadhi farther progress on yesterday's lines; trikaldrishti become at once great (mahat) and striking. Health will farther extrude the relics of the old symptomatic survivals, subject to some farther struggle; secondary utthapana declare itself more clearly; kamananda overcome the obstacles still presented to it; the general bodily power greatly increase. Aishwarya after making itself felt in the rest of the physical siddhi, will throw itself on the saundarya and the karma, which will begin to develop larger proportions. But the chief movement will be the final emergence and justification of the Mahakali element in its shuddha Asuric bhava." Afternoon The tertiary dasya has become decisive, trikaldrishti continues to produce striking results, but its mahattwa is faulty when applied by the Mahakali movement. In samadhi the clearness, consecutiveness & frequency of lipi increases & the tendency to continuity continues, but today the Will was not used. The struggle in the health continues; jalavisrishti is virulent, the semi-tejasic parthiva visrishti dominated, but not yet entirely dislodged in tendency; other symptoms also cling. The Mahakali element has emerged but is not yet justified. Instances of opposition to the karma have abounded today, even in the midst of the preparation for a larger activity of the karma. Secondary utthapana has occurred, but is not more advanced than yesterday, although it is felt that it is gathering strength. Final. 13th morning. The tertiary dasya is complete, except for occasional attempts to revolt of the asatya dwesha; the supreme dasya is preparing. Rupadrishti failed to progress in the direction of stable perfect 4 Here the manuscript has closing quotation marks. Ed. 194 forms, but developed in the less perfect forms, not however decisively; samadhi proceeded no farther than in the afternoon. Trikaldrishti continues to be striking & has a wide range, but is variable & uncertain in its action. In health the movement of extrusion progressed with great difficulty, &, although it seems to have succeeded, it is too early as yet to estimate the progress. Secondary utthapana progresses & the bodily power (tejo balam mahattwam pravrittih) greatly increases; but the kamananda did not overcome its obstacles, but rather manifested itself occasionally, especially in the sukshma body as madira, in spite of them. Aishwarya is applying itself more consistently to karma and saundarya. The Mahakali action is apparently established & sanctioned, but not yet justified by results.
Jan 13th. .. Dasya is of four degrees, first, the dasya of the servant who obeys of his own free will or for a hire and can always refuse obedience; secondly, the dasya of the lover who might disobey, but does not & in a way cannot; thirdly, the dasya of the yantra, which cannot disobey, but is worked mechanically through an intermediate impulsion of Prakriti; fourthly, the dasya of the supreme degree which obeys helplessly the direct impulse of the Master and combines in itself, yet exceeds, the other three. It is this dasya which has to become the normal form of activity from today. It will be the dasya of the Mahakali bhava in the Mahasaraswati Prakriti. Although not yet justified by results, because of the old sanskara in the external nature which always reacted successfully against the asuddha Asuric force in the adhara, it is sanctioned, established and compelled to work, & will now begin to be justified by results. Programme. The trikaldrishti to widen still farther previous to getting rid of its variability & uncertainty, rupadrishti & samadhi to overcome the remnants of the obstacle still opposed to them, aishwarya to generalise success; health, secondary utthapana & kamananda to continue their struggle & prevail. Record of domestic trikaldrishti. 11th Perception that none would return till ten or just before. All returned on the stroke of ten. Combined lipi & 195 perception, that a dispute would take place, before they returned. Confirmed by the event. Perception, that the mad boy was much improved & almost well. Confirmed by event. Perception that the dog was going out with the intention of not returning for the night Confirmed by the event. 12th Trikaldrishti, (previous,) of a relapse in the mad patient. Confirmed . . d[itt]o that he had been violent, prakamya. Confirmed. D[itt]o in the evening, that he had been worse, but there was some reason for a modified satisfaction. Confirmed; he had shown reason, in spite of relapse. Prakamya that B [Bijoy] had partly failed & partly succeeded in his experiment at cards. Confirmed . . Perception early in the evening that the dog would spend the night outside . . subsequent perception that it would manage to get out just before meals. Confirmed. Sortilege देवश्र्चित्ररथो देवी च मदीरा त्वां द्रष्टुमाहूयते. Various ananda & madiramaya physical ananda, attended by the anandadarshana. Fulfilled during the day in part, to be perfectly fulfilled by progressive increase of the force of the chitra ratih and the madira. A sparrow on the ridge of the opposite roof, about to fly off; perception that it would remain for some time; confirmed: the same movement repeated and confirmed: the bird seemingly settled down; knowledge that it would fly off almost immediately; confirmed. A moth on the wall; perception of the reasons for its movements, the pranic tendencies & the motion of the mentality, which is sensational, tamasic, obstinate in instinctive memory, tamasically attached to particular & limited experiences, slow in experiment, inconstant in the intentions which precede an action or resolution, but often tenaciously intent on the action when instituted or the resolution when formed; the thought merely a half-formalised reflection of the sensations; the jiva, however, thinks behind and is manomaya of the lower order. Several of the perceptions were confirmed by experiment, eg reason for closing or opening the wings, one for warmth & the other for acceptance of the sun, etc. In Sanscrit, the meaning unknown. Without reflection, prerana suggested "curse"; the commentary consulted gave , but Apte gives also "cursing". 196 Such trikaldrishtis were constant throughout the morning and usually accurate, even when received without previous sanyama or suggested to the intellect. The exceptions resolve themselves (1) to exaggerated tapas & stress on true perceptions, & (2) unfulfilled volitions. For example, a kite flying, a particular line of change of flight was suggested & the tapas laid upon it, another occurred to the intellect, but received scant attention; the kite followed, first, the second line & then the first. Mere speculative possibility seems to have disappeared from the trikaldrishti and to be replaced by actuality & actual possibilities (eg actual intentions, tendencies) & by the volition of possibilities. The latter source of anritam has to be removed by the rejection of volitions that are not to be fulfilled & the fulfilment of taijasa trikaldrishti and this process has already commenced. Lipi, rupa, [vyapti-prakamya]5 are being used for the trikaldrishti swiftly & abundantly as well as normally, & the fertility of the trikaldrishti & fertility of the lipi promised in lipi have commenced. The habitual correctness of the mahati trikaldrishti is now assured and error is growing exceptional. Bhasha. . कौलेयक.Meaning not known. By intuition "dog". . वराटक.Prerana "berry". Commentary gives कपर्दक,dictionary either "cowrie" or "lotus seed-vessel"; probably the latter meaning. The power of perceiving beforehand, while reading, what is immediately to follow, even without sufficient data, yet accurately, is also reviving & manifesting itself more decisively than before. Today the "Kadambari" was read, no longer with the ordinary (intellectually intuitive) linguistic faculties at their highest working, but with these faculties not so swift, yet aided by the extraordinary or vijnanamaya Bhashashakti, especially prerana, viveka & sahajadrishti. Moreover these three faculties have not only shown no diminution by their long inaction of many months in this field, but emerge with a clearer and more decisive action. Samadhi, today, reenriched itself with drishti of the spoken shabda, ie to say human voices & words reaching the ear as if overheard and, in addition, memory of the thing seen reemerges. Three 5 MS vyapta-prakamya 197
shabdadrishtis were distinct, a female voice saying
In the trikaldrishti knowledge of the past, of past lives, of feelings, thoughts & motives of people in the past is becoming normally active. It has been suggested that Aishwarya should be renounced in the physical siddhi except saundarya; but owing to the persistence of physical asiddhi, tejas in the assimilative process, virulent jalavisrishti, inhibition of kamananda (except in the form of madira and sukshma sahaituka kamananda), etc, the mental shakti & its anucharas are unwilling to accept this suggestion as anything but a false & premature movement of withdrawal. The personality of the Master, long held back, remanifests in Script. Rupadrishti still develops slowly, a little more stability in the Akashic forms, the appearance of a momentarily stable perfect rupa in the daylight. The dreams at night were all about the relations in other lives with a single person and his surroundings, but the associations of the present were more insistent than they have been for some time past and confused the record. In swapna samadhi a certain initial continuity seems to have been established. There is a strong attack of asiddhi in the karma. Prakamyavyapti with regard to the results of the cricket match were correct, but not very correct; about the mad patient entirely wrong. In both cases tejasic tapas of volition interfered with the truth. The atmosphere of the house is full of the struggle and the opposition to the dharma of the satyayuga of which the assistants of the satyayuga are the chief instruments owing to their clinging to their egoism and small selfishnesses. The struggle in the body centres about the tejas in the assimilation which seeks to prolong its abnormal activity. 198 Jan 14th. There is a growing passivity in the intelligence and the physical struggle is being made the instrument for the renunciation of intellectual judgment, the remnants of which are at present the chief obstacle to the possession of the whole system by the vijnana. Trikaldrishti & jnana are taking possession of the script, the vanis, the thought perceptions as well as the vangmaya thought, but the process cannot be completed owing to the excessive tapas, tejasic or tamasic, on the thing seen which converts a truth into a falsehood by overstressing it & so overprolonging its applicability in time or place or exaggerating its results. The perception of the locality of things or people not seen or their personality or nature is becoming stronger, but not yet sufficiently precise; e.g. a thing not found, it is at once known whether it is in the room or not and vaguely indicated that it is in such a place or in a place of such and such a nature, anyone knocking at the door, it is indicated who is at the door or else what class of person; in the morning, it is invariably indicated whether the girl is coming immediately, a little later or much later etc. If once the excess of tapas is removed, there is no reason why intellectual infallibility should not be established; for then the other obstacle of uncertainty will have nothing on which to feed its existence. The fulfilment of the powers of Knowledge & the accomplishment of the divine Satyam are therefore certain, although the time of fulfilment is not yet revealed; for after the general working of the power is established without defect, there will still remain its perfect application to Bhasha, Nirukta, Itihasa, Darshana, Kala, Dravyajnana etc. The powers of Force, Kriyashakti, are less surely developed, although they are growing, & their success in particular instances is slow, often uncertain, in many things inoperative, especially in the objective world, but also in the subjective. It is this difficulty & opposition which has to be attacked in its centre by applying the Powers to the karma and to objective happenings and movements. In yesterday's programme, only the first item was thoroughly fulfilled. In the second, there was a progress; the samadhi overcame the obstacle to continuity, but the continuity attained was slight; the rupadrishti succeeded only in the barest possible manner, the 199 momentary stability of a perfect form, the longer stability of a form developed but not sufficient in material substance. Aishwarya began the movement towards generalising success, by trying to get rid of such willings as are not consonant with the central movement of the Supreme Will, but the process is not yet complete; the struggle continued in health, utthapana & kamananda, but they did not prevail, except in effecting an obscure, moderate & preparatory success & in strengthening the force of their sukshma vaja or subtle material substance, of which, however, shansa, the actual bringing out into material being has not yet been realised. Chitraratha and Madira still increase. Programme Trikaldrishti to widen still farther and begin to get rid of variability and uncertainty; rupadrishti & samadhi to overcome the remnants of the obstacle opposed to them, more potently; aishwarya to generalise success; kamananda to come forward in the sthula; health & secondary utthapana to continue their struggle & grow in strength. The pitch of the programme has been slightly lowered in order to come into better conformity with the trikaldrishti; but this is preparatory to a rise. Sortileg. एकतमस्तु जरच्छवरस्तस्मात्पुलिन्दवृन्दादनासादितह्ररिणपिशितः पिशिताशन इव विकृतदर्शनः पिशितार्थी तस्मित्रेव तरुतले मुहू्र्तमिव व्यलंवत A description of the self-indulgent Asura in S. [Saurin] which is in its nature a jarat shabara & still remains under the tree of the Yoga, pishitarthi, in search of material enjoyments and indulgences. It is his influence & vyapti which prevents the other two from advancing in their final purification. The sortilege, however, indicates that this is to be, for a short time only. On the other hand, the purification in B [Bijoy] on the main point seems to be all but complete, even in the karmadeha, it has yet to be seen whether the circumferent swabhava is pure; the passive egoism remains. It has been declared in the script that the Lipi must now be entirely left to itself to manifest or not manifest, free even from the stimulus of tapas in the attention. Movements have begun for the repossession of the body by the kamananda and for the combined action of aishwarya and trikaldrishti. 200 The main exception to the chitraratha is the discomfort of heat & cold, but for the last three days this defect has been in process of extrusion. The discomfort touches but is easily extruded by substituting the ananda of the discomfort. Discomfort of roga still exists when it is yielded to, but is attended always with ananda of the sensation or else with ananda of the discomfort, unless the opposite, nirananda, is encouraged. Discomfort of acute pain is still the one thing not yet really mastered by the Ananda, but that defect has been purposely left for gradual & later extrusion; even this discomfort is up to a certain point attended by ananda or replaced by ananda & overcomes, usually, only on the first sudden & unexpected attack when the Chit in the system is off its guard. There is also discomfort of adverse result & opposition but this too is being rapidly replaced by the ananda. There is a vague remnant of sanskara of discomfort in the vishayananda, but it is purely a mental sanskara & does not usually negative, though it often impairs the ananda of the physical indriya, eg there is a sensation of shrinking in the karmadeha's mental sanskara from the first touch of very cold water, but the moment the water reaches the skin, ananda and not nirananda is the result. Kamananda this morning is extending itself as madiramay ananda and entering into the raudra and other anandas; as yet it does not hold the body, but affects it with a prolonged sparsha. The weakness of the kamachakra is the chief obstacle. Dasya has already passed into the fourth degree, but there is a lingering sanskara of the tertiary dasya in some of the physical, mental & emotional activities the stamp of the Master is not yet everywhere. But the lipi which has recently been promising the "death of the difficulties", is being amply fulfilled in the three first chatusthayas and in the sixth and seventh. The increase of dasya is attended by an increase of prakasha and sraddha; but the doubt holds as to the time and the extent of the siddhi. If this difficulty is overcome, the first & second chatusthayas will attain their ultimate completeness, & only perfection of intensity will remain to be accomplished. Prediction in lipi about K.G.G, place & event given, but no 201 exact time, also about S.N.B, B.N.S & P.M, all soon.6 Afternoon Several predictions have followed, but as they are experimental in their nature, they need not be recorded. Samadhi has been antardrishta jagrat with lipi and thought. There was proof of an increased bodily force and pravritti, but not yet of sufficient dharanasamarthyam (dhriti, sthairyam) of a single occupation. Yet it is alleged that [two of the]7 essential requisites demanded before the literary work could be allowed to recommence, play of vijnana and sufficient primary utthapana both in body & brain, are already accomplished, though they have to be confirmed in the karma; but the third, equipment, is yet wanting. Aishwarya is generalising itself slowly, but has not yet got rid of the mere tapasic volition which can create a force or tendency, but not produce the required effect. The perfect aishwarya either produces an immediate partic- ular effect, (that being the limit of the thing willed), or a final result, without regard to the immediate or intermediate steps, or produces a final result through or subsequent to certain particular steps which may constitute the whole or a part of the apparent nimitta (imme- diate karana) of the final effect (karya). The first form is already strong and frequent, the second works, but with great slowness and infrequency, the third is yet rare & undeveloped. Trikaldrishti is effecting its siddhi with regard (1) to place, (2) to ordinarily unforeseeable effect. Rupadrishti is developing, in the daylight, long stability of images complete and incomplete and variety of image, (tejas, chhaya, chhayamay, tejomay & agnimaya varna). Script is free and active. Consideration of kartavyam akartavyam is finally disappearing, in its remnants, out of the supreme dasya. In the evening the rupadrishti began to develop variety of perfect forms, but did not advance in stability. Swapnasamadhi was scanty, but the tendency towards continuity persevered in its struggle with the escaping drishti. Sleep which has recently been
6 The last three sets of initials are probably those of Surendra Nath Banerjea, Baikuntha Nath Sen and Pherozshah Mehta, all prominent leaders of the Moderate party; K.G.G. may be the partly inverted initials of Gopal Krishna Gokale, another prominent Moderate. Ed. 7 MS of the two
202 excessive, fell back to its normal level of six to seven hours. Ka- mananda, throughout the day, frequent & increasing in its hold on the body, has not yet recovered its tendency to continuity.
Jan 15th. Yesterday's programme was amply fulfilled in the trikaldrishti and kamananda; rupadrishti & samadhi advanced very little; aish- warya began to generalise itself; secondary utthapana increased in innate force but was less in duration; arogya continued with some success, but not complete success its struggle to exclude the symptomatic touches. Tejas in the assimilation is still the principal defect. Programme Trikaldrishti to widen entirely and get rid of variability, ie of its moments of reversion to the old activity of the intelligence, but not yet of uncertainty. Aishwarya to generalise its successful movement. Rupadrishti and samadhi to prevail in their struggle. Kamananda to triumph. Secondary utthapana to generalise itself in its minor movement. Health to persevere in its successful struggle. The general subjective ananda, after the test of several days experience, may be now considered permanently established & continuous in its shuddha, ahaituka and chidghana parts, about to be continuous in its prema part. In the sharira the sahaituka is established, although as yet without intensity or firm continuity, the ahaituka awaits the triumphant event of the kamananda. It exists, but is infrequent. The bhukti is nearing fulfilment. Trikaldrishti is now, mainly, defective in audacity; the mind refuses to admit improbabilities or things not expected to happen. The movement is now towards the removal of this defect, which founds its strength upon past experience, by giving the opposite experience. Eg yesterday, there was the lipi "Journalism" & "Les journalistes"; the mind refused to admit any possible immediate application, but the same evening P [Parthasarathi] came with the proposal of a weekly or biweekly sheet. Today the trikaldrishti shows a general completeness of stuff, ie every suggestion is shown to be correct in itself, but there is confusion in the mental use of the stuff, ie in fixing the suggestion to its correct particular of person,
203 time & place. These two movements, firm establishment of ahaituka kamananda and full mahattwa of the trikaldrishti have to be effected and confirmed today & accompanied the one by the development of other ahaituka shariranandas, the other by the clearing away of the accompanying confusion. Lipi, rupa & samadhi, the three allied movements necessary to visvagati have to be delivered from the obstruction surrounding their activity in the akasha. These three movements constitute the central part of today's programme. Afternoon In the morning trikaldrishti passed rapidly through several stages, applying [itself]8 correctly with speed to a series of inci- dents, foreseeing a series of a single incident repeated beforehand, without any data and contrary to experience, assembling a mass of perceptions and arranging them with more or less accuracy. The process still continues. Aishwarya generalised success, but the success which comes slowly & with some effort, after some resistance. Rupadrishti was strengthened and kept in the akash forms perfect in all respects except a certain tenuity of material & a certain aloofness from the front layer of the sthula akash. The strongest movements were in samadhi and kamananda. In the antardrishta jagrat samadhi lipi organised itself & stable crude rupa, perfect in outline, completeness, clearness, stability, in all but steadiness of material & vividness, was manifested, as well as crude rupa deficient only in firm vividness. Lipi is not yet sure of stability. In the swapna samadhi images abounded and some showed continuity or both combination & continuity, eg a shaggy dog, lean & miserable-looking, trotting up to a wall & smelling it, the wall returning & remaining after eclipse, crude, the sound of a small silver piece falling & a stout man near a window looking for it & picking it up, the man becoming vague after eclipse, but the window remaining vivid. In both the rupa & lipi have today become organised for use, especially for trikaldrishti & the samadhi generally for jnana & trikaldrishti. In the antardrishta symbolic colours are again returning, eg S's [aura], green brilliant, blue black 8 MS its
204 tending to be blue, but often dulled into grey, uncertain suffusion of red from a blood-red sun; also, symbolic images, eg, in the same connection an unhatched egg replaced by a crown. Kamananda was entirely triumphant flooding the sukshma deha, seizing the sukshma parts of the body & touching its sthula parts with an intenser ananda than has ever been experienced before, equal to the first movements of the actual maithuna ananda. In the morning this came repeatedly, thrice, with hardly any interval and was each time continued for some time, & in the afternoon the ananda has returned and although, not so intense, is more persistent. There are also touches of ahaituka rudrananda and ahaituka tivra, negative vaidyuta & vishaya. The ananda now comes & continues even when the mind is otherwise occupied. Today's telegrams. The Viceroy's health almost answered to the Aishwarya as within the first fortnight of [January],9 the time fixed, he was able to go out for a drive; but the premature exertion has brought back a return of restlessness at night & neuritis in the arm. The trikaldrishti is fulfilled in both the favourable & adverse move- ments, only the Aishwarya is slightly baffled. As foreseen, there is no result from the two witnesses summoned. Again, as foreseen to be willed by the Ishwara only recently, there have been fresh aviation accidents, more storms & wrecks and a serious railway accident all in the news of a single day; all occurred in England, but this was not foreseen. The revolt of Nature against machinery continues. The stage now reached by the trikaldrishti is one in which sraddha, blind faith, is demanded in all suggestions which are not corrected by the viveka. The mind is to question nothing & correct nothing. If this is done, then the faith will be justified by absolute truth being established. A similar faith is demanded for the fulfil- ment of aishwarya, ishita, vyapti, although the full justification will be a little slower in coming. In fact, this movement of faith has to cover the whole range of the vijnanamaya activity. The first results of this movement of sraddha were adverse, as the enemy who now fight from a distance only in these matters,
9 MS February
205 sent in strong & persistent volitions of possibility like a cloud of arrows to confuse the knowledge & destroy the faith; afterwards the movement was righted with the result that the whole vijnana is now acting normally & uninterruptedly & variability in the instru- ments of knowledge & power need no longer be feared, except the minor variability of greater or less force & perfection. Trikaldrishti & aishwarya do not yet act with absolute perfection or unerring success, for volition of possibility is still active & exact time, place & circumstance are still the exception rather than the rule in both power & objective knowledge. The uncertainty therefore remains; but normally the trikaldrishti is roughly correct or often exactly correct even as regards place and circumstance, less so as regards time & order, & the fulfilment, normal or striking, slow or rapid, of the power is now more the normal movement than its entire or final failure. Arogya is steadily reestablishing itself, but there are still one or two serious defects. The slow therapeutic power works except in particular cases, the swift therapeutic power which showed itself once or twice at an earlier stage, is conspicuously absent except in very minor movements or in cases in which little interest is taken or little power is used, for these the enemy do not think it worth while to oppose. Rupa in the evening did not progress beyond its previous point of attainment, except in shabdadrishti where there was drishti of a tea canister and the clear sound of setting it down. Secondary utthapana was applied to the neck, back and legs and in all positions showed a great force of mahima, anima and laghima, but the anima fails and with it the mahima after a space of time varying from two to five minutes. Laghima is sufficient, if not contradicted by the defect of anima. The failure of mahima is due, essentially, to an element of physical tapas (muscular strain) which still adheres to the action; if this were not present, the insistence of defective anima would not be so powerful. Dream was for the first time entirely discharged of present ego, present associations and present images, except for one attempt to identify present custom in eating with the manners presented in the dream; there was, however, this deficiency that the dream consciousness followed the internal movements of
206 the central figure one not myself and only observed the external movements of others. This defect has to be remedied. Kamananda is persistent in the less intense form, but not always present. Secondary utthapana and kamananda have entirely fulfilled the programme, also health; samadhi has prevailed, except in bring- ing about long continuity in the swapna and developed rupa in the antardrishta; rupadrishti has had only a slight success. Aishwarya and trikaldrishti have followed the lines laid down for them, but the movement is not yet complete.
Jan 16th. Programme 1. Trikaldrishti has now to replace entirely the action of the intelligence; that is, nothing has to be done by judgment, logical reason, speculative imagination, sanskara born of memory; but even the most trifling and unimportant things have to be known by vijnana agencies. Where vijnana does not give light, there has to be no judgment, conclusion or even speculation. Aishwarya has to be utilised only where there is perception of the Divine Will behind; it has no longer to reflect in any way the movements of the manomaya Purusha or the manomaya Shakti. Lipi has to get rid of the obstacle in the Akasha which prevents it from manifesting with a successful and easy vividness. Rupa & Samadhi have to continue their struggle and progressively prevail. 2. Kamananda has now to move towards continuity of the more intense form and entire continuity of the less intense. Arogya has to expel the symp- tomatic survivals in the assimilation and kamachakra. Secondary utthapana, established in its generalised activity, has to increase the force of pure mahima and of anima. Saundarya must still struggle with its obstacle without as yet prevailing and the Aishwarya with the obstacle to the equipment. Letter from Biren showing an improved mental state and a vague dawning of vyapti & speculative trikaldrishti. An instance of success in subjective-objective in its subtler or more subjective parts. The power of the aishwarya-vyapti in the subjective-objective field is now considerable and daily successful, but its compulsion on the objective action is still meagre. Today, as was foreseen, there is a
207 fresh instance of train collision in England and the perception that the Viceroy's health would not be seriously affected, is justified. The morning's siddhi has been noted for the final separation of the volition of possibility from the perception of actuality, of kratu from ketu. All such volitions are at once set aside by vivek acting on the mind as unreliable, not trikaldrishti; the only difficulty left is that the perception itself, of an actual intention or tendency, is sometimes overstressed into an apparent perception of eventuality, but this is in course of being corrected. As a result, error is now very slight and rapidly corrected, usually before it is falsified by the event. Many true perceptions are still doubted or not sufficiently stressed for fear of error; but this defect can be remedied effectually as soon as the habit of overstress itself is expelled. Aishwarya also is getting rid of false tapas and, when exercised, produces its effect. Lipi is strong in the sthula akash as chitralipi, but still uncertain as akashalipi. Dasya of the fourth degree is now dominant; whenever the attention of the Chit follows the action, it is aware of the turiya dasyabuddhi, whether in motion, speech, emotion or thought, except for a slight intermixture of merely Prakritic impulse in the thinking powers. This is true even of such involuntary motions as the closing or blinking of the eyelids, nimishannapi or the direction of the gaze. The sixth or Brahma chatusthaya is similarly estab- lished; the general (samena samavasthita) sarvam anantam jnanam anandam Brahma is seen everywhere, when the attention is awake. The nitya anusmaran is not established as yet, nor can it be estab- lished unless there is the capacity of multiple sanyama, ie naturally and normally dividing the tapas of the Chit between several things at a time. Kamananda tends to return dully or intensely with the smarana, but has not yesterday's continuity, force and spontaneity. This afternoon it will recover its hold. Afternoon Kamananda has lasted through the afternoon, with slight in- termissions, sometimes slight, sometimes intense, but more in the subtle than in the gross body. Secondary utthapana of the neck confirmed yesterday's fulfilment as to time and force and added a purer mahima, but one of less duration; applied to one leg only,
208 perfect in laghima & almost perfect in pure mahima, it lasted for as long as one could count deliberately two thousand. Sthapatyalipi shows a movement of remanifestation. Samadhi was barren of any progress, but did not go backward. In the evening Rupadrishti developed in the crudest forms a greater variety and completeness. Samadhi at night was barren & the dreams confused in record. Aishwarya showed a considerable increase in force and each exercise of will was successful. Vijnana became active, though not yet well-harmonised, in its various parts and lipi more in possession of the akasha, though still obliged to use an effort in order to manifest; there was a perfect intelligibility and appositeness in most of the lipis and a full play of interpretation of the various objective materials of trikaldrishti. The subjective pow- ers of knowledge have passed their period of effort and difficulty; only the objective material is still unable to deploy itself easily & richly in the material akasha. Power is beginning to accomplish its firm mastery, although still hampered in the matter of equipment and slow in other provinces. There is fresh proof of its efficacy in karma.
Jan 17th. .. The final development of Aishwarya has been definitely under- taken. Aishwarya in effect is of three kinds, 1, that which creates a tendency or produces an effect, but does not eventually or at all succeed; 2, that which produces the final effect, but slowly, with difficulty, against an effective resistance; 3, that which produces the final effect not as a combatant, but victoriously as a master. The first has to be eliminated from the siddhi henceforth; the second to be preserved for a time, the third to be continually strengthened until it replaces all the others. Programme. Yesterday's programme has to be completed; trikaldrishti has to get rid of the remnants of false stress which constitute now its one remaining positive defect; aishwarya to illumine itself with knowledge of the Divine Will, for up till now it has only got rid of the urgency which impelled it to employ itself blindly and merely for exercise. It has also to confirm the movement excluding ineffectual
209 applications. Lipi has attained to successful vividness; it has still to attain to easy vividness. Rupa & Samadhi must continue their struggle. Kamananda successful in the afternoon was slight and rare in the evening; it must expel the hesitation in the body which prevents it from domiciling itself in the sthula. Arogya, although much stronger, does not yet exclude the return of the symptoms which it has expelled; these affections must now be compelled to disappear. Secondary utthapana, which maintained in the afternoon and at night its efficiency except for a stronger attack of adhogati and defective anima, must increase the force of pure mahima in order to combat this deficiency. The matter of the equipment has now been handed over to the passive Ishita; it is the one point of almost complete unsuccess which still prevents faith in the adeshasiddhi from attaining to self- confidence and fullness, although the failure of the saundarya to emerge is a powerful auxiliary obstacle. The news today confirms the trikaldrishti, especially vyapti- prakamya in a striking fashion eg the hesitations in Constantino- ple, the fears of the Ministers about disruption and defeat, the want of real unanimity among the Powers, the easier state, yet continuance, of the Roumanian difficulty, fresh wrecks etc. One unexpected event is the murder at Comilla. The old trikaldrishti & sortilege about the frequency of wrecks is confirmed by today's telegram giving the number lost in 1912 as 228 (82 British). The working of the aishwarya-vyapti-ishita in great matters is also very evident in the movement of the subjectivity everywhere and to a great extent in the movement of the subjective objectivity, but it is still very deficient in the objective results, effective, but only partially effective. The basis of the adeshasiddhi & karmasiddhi is being erected, but it is not as yet sufficiently firm or sufficiently wide. A larger movement of the vijnanasiddhi is commencing today, in which it will be unnecessary to note every minute advance. Per- fect passivity is its basis; brihat, vast abundance will be its field; satyam its atmosphere; ritam its line of definiteness. Mechanical perfection will spontaneously emerge in its apas. Already the lipi has commenced; to compass abundance is its first action and to
210 that end it is compelling the sthula akasha to admit lipi wherever the eyes are cast, legible lipi, pale at first, then pale chequered by intense, finally, the intense. Rupa this morning has followed up the movement of the night in crude forms. In the afternoon it has remanifested frequent chitra rupa and sthapatya rupa; both of these forms have at once taken possession of their old perfection in single figures, groups and landscapes. Lipi in the afternoon has attained to easy vividness, although there is still a certain difficulty and malaise in its movement, coming and staying, though much less in the chitra & sthapatya than in akasha lipi. In trikaldrishti the movement is towards the perfect correctness even of all the random external suggestions unverified by the viveka, but this is still subject to a certain inaccuracy of exact detail. Rupa & swapna samadhi are now moving in the direction, first, of abundance, secondly, of the recovery of the old activities that have been lost by the action of the Vritras, thirdly, of the per- fection of their materials. Dream at night was frequently confused. The physical siddhi suffered a slight reaction.
January 18th. Trikaldrishti, that there would be news of an arrest today in Comilla; confirmed, but there were two arrests. Also, another wreck. Aishwarya successful & prakamya-vyapti justified in the attitude of the Triple Alliance, especially Italy, and the dropping of the Naval Demonstration. Today has been a day of attack by the enemy and difficult survival of the gains of the siddhi, lipi maintaining itself, but mani- festing with difficulty in the akash, trikaldrishti chequered by false suggestion and aishwarya successfully resisted and almost entirely overcome. Rupadrishti & samadhi have made no advance. The cause of the difficulty & the opportunity of the attack has been the necessity of finally establishing the harmony of pravritti with nivritti, tapas & tejas with shanti & dasya. The habit of the Na- ture acquired by long practice in the sadhana has been to insist on shanti, udasinata, & passivity as the condition of progress. It is now necessary to overlay & fill the shanti, udasinata, & passivity, the Maheshwari basis, with an active & even violent
211 & rapid tapas of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati; but the habitual re- action of failure caused by the irruption of false tejas & false tapas has first to be eliminated before the harmonisation can be managed. Since the above was written, prediction in the script has been justified; "Successful struggle in vijnana during the rest of the day, triumph in the evening. Rupa develops brihat with difficult[y], not yet perfection except in single figures." The struggle in the afternoon was successful in maintaining the minimum gains of the siddhi; in the evening the siddhi has triumphed, restored the akashalipi to its fullness, although it is still laboured, brought aishwarya forward, without as yet being able to get rid of ineffective aishwarya, devel- oped a fair abundance of rupas (chitra, sthapatya, akasha) but with perfection & stability in the akasha only for some crude forms & some crude dense & crude developed, these, however, are entirely perfect, and began to justify tejas & tapas in their results. It is now increasingly evident that the condition of success in the future is the broad and general activity of the vijnana including in itself all the members of the third chatusthaya and not any longer the separate development of each member by itself. Nothing fresh in the evening and night; activity of vijnana, rupadrishti, samadhi, but no definite progress.
Jan 19th. This morning script became profuse and intimate and the old siddhis of aitihya lipi & janmantara drishti resumed their activity.10 The latter has never been entirely suspended, but it will now work normally. Trikaldrishti again justified by the fresh wreck and aishwarya by the election of Poincare as Republican Candidate; trikaldrishti (vyapti-prakamya) by the release on bail of the Comilla suspect. The main movement of trikaldrishti today is towards complete independence from its intellectual couch of data. Formerly its high- est habitual movement was to contradict the deduction from data & the selection from possibilities based on the data, or to surpass
10 The script of January [1913] is reproduced on pages 1292 1300. Ed.
212 them & dispense with them while still regarding them as modifying or attendant considerations, but the present movement acts without any eye in the data, sometimes without even an eye on the object, in the absolute self-existence (sat, satya) of the truth. Kamananda has been continuous in varying degrees of intensity from before noon till now (towards 5 o'clock in the afternoon) and promises to remain continuous throughout the day. The tendency of emergence in rupadrishti is strong, but the habitual obstruction in the akasha does not yield finally except for chitra & sthapatya. Kamananda remained continuous as a tendency throughout the evening, but lost hold of the body, nor could rupadrishti suc- cessfully emerge, owing to a return of the old struggle between the exaggerations of uninformed tejas in the mentality & the de- spondency & unfaith caused by asatya. Dream & swapna samadhi maintained their gains, but did not advance.
Jan 20th It would seem today as if the exaggerated tejas of mentality were finally dismissed from action as a result of last night's repeti- tion of the old form of purificatory disturbance and crisis. Sthapatya & chitra rupa now manifest with considerable perfection and fre- quency. There is a movement towards the expulsion of the fragmen- tary recurrence of discomfort in particular sights, sounds, touches, smells which mars the perfection of the vishayananda (bhoga) in the indriyas. Manas in physical prana & manas in psychical prana may still keep recurrences of discomfort for a time, so that discomfort of physical pain and discomfort of apriya event may for a while survive; but there is no farther justification for the persistence of discomfort of apriya vishaya to the senses. The day was mainly occupied with a struggle to enforce the freedom of the vijnana in all its parts. Rupa in chitra and sthapatya became very abundant; aiswarya increased remarkably in force, & trikaldrishti showed a tendency towards minute exactness. Kamananda was continuous in tendency, comparatively frequent in intensity, persistently recurrent in slighter manifestation. Arogya is increasing in force, but not yet victorious over its obstacle; utthapana variable.
213 Jan 21st .. Aishwarya-vyapti once more effective in subjective objectivity with a striking exactness; for the Turkish draft reply to the Note is couched in exactly the terms and contained exactly the reasons about Adrianople that had been suggested; even the modification about the Aegean islands, viz. the insistence on the coast islands alone, is the one that from the beginning was suggested & contin- ually maintained by the thought and the ishita. Aishwarya also in Poincare's election which seems at one point to have been in jeop- ardy. The progress in the vijnana chatusthaya & the kamananda now continues like that of a creeping tide, throwing up waves always higher and seeming to retreat or rest for a moment, but in the result always advancing. Only in the physical siddhi other than ananda this movement as yet fails to establish itself. In the evening it took a much larger sweep and even the rupadrishti, which is the most sluggish of all the vijnana siddhis, began to manifest abun- dance. The lipi given a few days ago "rupas by the milliards", is now being accomplished, as already in chitra & sthapatya images are coming multitudinously and the salamba chitras & salamba rupas are beginning to follow suit. Crudeness, inconstancy & want of firm outline are the rule; on the other hand they have often great richness of colouring and not infrequent perfection of form, sometimes even of outline. The perfect developed or lifelike forms still occur, but rarely. In samadhi continuity of scene & action seem at last to be established, but only for the single act; still this minor continuity has occurred even in the jagrat antardrishta. The physical siddhi is obstinately disputed, especially health; even the kamananda is forcibly interrupted. Nevertheless this great change has been established in the sanskaras of the body that, while for- merly it felt release from the continued ananda as a relief and as its normal condition of purity & freedom, now it feels continuity of it to be its normal condition and absence of it to be not purity but want, not freedom but a bondage.
Jan 22d .. In the morning a strong harmonised movement of the vijnana began & although attacked by the old asiddhi, it is not diminished,
214 only hampered & momentarily deprived of its full movement. The improvement in the swapna-samadhi maintains itself. The atmo- sphere of kamananda has been constant, under strong ordeals, throughout the day, except for slight interruptions. This siddhi is in future sure of its natural development. The stress of the ishita has passed on to the arogyasiddhi especially and in a less degree to the saundarya and karmasiddhi. Arogya, during the day, was greatly strengthened, but dull symptomatic survivals still remain to hamper it. Coherent dream-record with only a slight admixture of present ego, present association and consequent confusion seems to be now well established. Sometimes present ego is entirely absent, sometimes present association, sometimes the resulting confusion; at times one or other of these defects gains in stress. In rare in- stances all are absent and the only defects of the record are those of omission of details necessary for perfect understanding.
Jan 23d .. Today the aishwarya & trikaldrishti suddenly developed an unprecedented force; while watching the movement of ants on the wall opposite, it was suddenly perceived that every slightest movement of the particular ant observed in each case followed the anticipatory observation; wherever my idea turned, there the ant, with but slight variations, immediately corrected, turned to follow it; when the forceful will was applied, there was some- times a slight, but unavailing struggle. This observation covered some half hundred successive movements of various ants and was marred by only one actual & final failure. If this force can be rendered permanent & generalised so as to apply to all objects & subjects, then human omniscience & omnipotence in the field permitted by the Infinite are attained. It is a matter of time only; the perfectibility of knowledge & power have today been finally & irrevocably proved. There is, however, one defect, that if the movement willed be contrary to the stream of the apas in purpose or in nature, the obedience given is either slight or temporary or, even when it seems to be final, subject to a sudden return of the old unfulfilled impulse. During the rest of the day the power fluctuated in its force, but tends constantly to return to the point gained &
215 to extend it in the immediate surroundings. Kamananda is now constantly recurrent.
Jan 24th .. The day's news about the Turkish acceptance of the Powers' Note is a success for the trikaldrishti (vyaptiprakamya) & for the Aishwarya for the conclusion of peace, but a violent defeat for the Aishwarya about the terms of peace which were either the coast islands should be retained and Adrianople either not ceded or ceded with dismantled fortifications or war. This morning kamananda of a great intensity continued for a long time and the ordinary level of intensity has also been raised; the ananda is still continuous at the time of writing. (afternoon.) Subsequently, the ananda increased to a yet greater intensity & gave the first definite hint of what it will be when it is firmly and uninterruptedly in possession of the sthula body. It subsided for a time at mealtime without actually disappearing, but, now, immediately after meals, is again active. It continues even when walking or absorbed in other work or thought, but is less firm then and does not attain to the full intensity. Lipi in the morning attained its full spontaneous materiality and is in the course of attaining its full freedom of profuse manifestation. Samadhi, deepest swapna, with fairly numerous images, scenes, a freer lipi, thought & vani sometimes quite coherent and one perfect & vivid varnamaya picture of a woman of high rank in some ancient age in a pillared room open upon a court having her toilette done by slaves. This is the first time that there has been a consistent jagrat condition of the manas in so profound a state of the swapnasamadhi; the defects that remain are the fleeting character of the images, a too rapid passing from one thought to another not connected with it and an occasional mixture of records and thoughts. Abundance of rupa has begun definitely in addition to abun- dance of lipi. The chitra & sthapatya were already abundant and are now redeveloping an extraordinary minuteness of perfection; a bas-relief figure not so long as the thumbnail, is sometimes per- fect in its details, eye, ear, beard, hat up to the buttons of the coat & frequently in the facial expression and bhava of the body.
216 Perfect landscapes, vivid groups are also frequent. Sketches are multitudinous. But now freedom & abundance are coming in the akasharupa along with vividness, variety & sufficient stability. The defects of blur, vagueness, inconstancy of outline, paucity & infirm- ness of material are being surmounted. Kamananda in continuity still persists (nearly 6 pm) & is attempting to establish a high degree of continuous intensity as its usual pitch. With one short interval of half an hour, it has now been continuous for nearly ten hours. [Written] 25th Jan. Akasha rupa developed freedom and vividness. Kamananda continued throughout the evening till retirement, but much di- minished and sometimes quiescent. The drishtis (shabda etc) were delivered from the hesitations of the intellect by definite proof of sparsha other than the touch of rain and prakasha of the truth of the other drishtis, subsequently sparshadrishti received a great increase of intensity and rain & wind of the other world were actually felt as in the jail not in touches but in a composite & well-materialised experience. At night dream remained stationary.
Jan 25th .. Today's news corrects yesterday's failure. Recent trikaldrishtis have been that the Cabinet was hopeless of relieving Adrianople or of doing more than holding out at Tchataldja, that money was lacking and that the Russians were threatening an invasion of Asi- atic Turkey; that Kiamil Pasha was hesitating whether to hold out or yield or resign; that in the Army & City there was profound dissatisfaction. All these have been justified. Aishwarya has been that the Note of the Powers should be rejected, but not cavalierly; that the Islands of the coast & Adrianople should be insisted on or else Kiamil resign; that there should be a change of military command and a Cabinet containing the chief Young Turks and, if possible, others determined to hold out, should come in. Today this Aishwarya has been in substance fulfilled. The situation is felt to be full of dangers (Abdulla Pacha, the Powers, Russia, lack of money, possible defeat,) but also there are possibilities if the Aishwarya can prevail (sympathy of Triple Alliance, at least Austria & Germany,
217 energy of the Young Turks, desire of the army for war, finally, the Aishwarya itself, which is growing stronger every day). No definite trikaldrishti of the result arrives, unless the lipi indications "Tchorlu. Lules Burgas", belong to the present time. The trikaldrishti is now in a state in which a throng of true perceptions constantly present themselves, but cannot yet be given their right value. Eg yesterday, the crude rupa of a prawn suggested itself and the indication was that there would be prawns for the night's meal; but the mind was afraid to accept the indication both from past experience of error in interpretation of lipi & rupa and because it was at the same time suggested that there would be fish for the night's meal. At the same time it was suggested that the prawn would be for breakfast, this was again negatived in favour of bread for breakfast and prawns for the day's meal; but there was no feeling of certainty. As it turned out, there were both prawns and fish for the night's meal, bread for breakfast & prawns and fish again for the day's meal. Certainty is unable to establish itself in the midst of this chaos. It is only when there is no attempt to decide or forecast, that the trikaldrishti is correct in all or most particulars. It is this uncertainty that is now being attacked; first, by distinguishing at the moment of its action the pseudo-trikaldrishti of volitional or creative perception, which may or may not be ful- filled, from the true trikaldrishti; secondly, by distinguishing the opposite or tamasic pseudo-trikaldrishti, overstressed perception of the possibilities of failure and adverse happening, which also may or may not occur, from the true trikaldrishti; thirdly, by the right arrangement of true perceptions so that their full sense may not be misinterpreted. Rupa in the Akasha developed in the dense and developed forms, but not yet with perfect freedom and abundance. Secondary utthapana took a considerable step forward, mahima & laghima immensely increasing except in the back and defect of anima greatly decreasing except in the back & neck. Kamananda continuous throughout the day, was less frequently intense and its ordinary level raised beyond the former limit, but inferior to yesterday's though more regular.
218 Jan 26th .. The difficulties of the new Turkish Cabinet in regard to the Powers promise not to be so acute as they might have been; as was felt by vyapti prakamya, there have been some ebullitions of anger & excitement, so that the Abdulla difficulty remains yet [unconquered].11 Every day gained is, at present, an advantage as the strength of the Aiswarya continually increases. After a temporary obscuration and struggle between prakasha and confusion lasting till teatime in the afternoon, the siddhi was finally cleared of the relics of the old tapas and of physical pressure. The aishwarya henceforth to be used is the spontaneous chinmay aishwarya free from all element of struggle, in which force and pressure will only be present to stress the energy of the fulfilment & not for overcoming resistance. Judgment in the intellect, a great obstacle to the range and freedom of the trikaldrishti, is also finally dismissed and the higher perception is allowed untrammelled play with the viveka for its assistant, not its judge. This movement was already in progress, but was prevented from universalising itself by the insistence of the old volitional tapas which demanded survival and justification. Kamananda, absent on rising, continuous but slight during the morning, recovered intensity in the afternoon. This intensity is persistently recurrent, rather than continuous, but its recurrence is spontaneous and forcible, no longer dependent on the attention, but commanding the attention. It persists even in swapna-samadhi and is found continuously persistent on waking from sleep. Only bodily activity curbs its intensity. Otherwise it yields to nothing except the bodily habit of intermittence. Rupa & lipi are struggling with the physical obstruction in the akasha for a larger fulfilment. In answer to the aishwarya forms of animals & objects are manifesting in the perfection of the chitra & sthapatya, formerly the human figure & landscape were almost the only subjects. In akasharupa, on the contrary, animals & objects predominate.
11 MS unconjured
219 Jan 27th .. Trikaldrishti made a final stride forward to its ultimate per- fection by getting rid of the habit of tamasic denial which used to fasten on the least sign of amangala and asiddhi and hasten to accept adverse probability or even possibility as adverse certainty. In the place of this denial there is left a strong uncertainty chiefly with regard to those parts of the siddhi in which the sraddha has not yet been established by events, ie the saundarya and karmasiddhi. Aishwarya attained to perfection of detail and is now beginning to act automatically and without effort in its various fields, but is still resisted firmly in the karma in which there is a general attack on the siddhi which has been developing for some time past, as the opposition shifted more and more from the Yogasiddhi to the karmasiddhi, and is now at its height. The aishwarya has got rid of the remnants of tapasic stress and struggle which marred its perfection of method and has only to get rid of a remnant of tamasic anxiety & asraddha about its results. Vani, script etc are being more & more justified and whenever the trikaldrishti acts, it is justified and false trikaldrishti, ie misinterpretation of material, is being put in its proper place and turned into satyam. Therefore, the asraddha is being forced to its final collapse. Lipi is now free, vivid and spontaneous, but not always legible. Rupa has attained to activity in all kinds, but not yet free activity, & to more frequent stability in all but the developed perfect form; its force is daily increasing, but the progress is marked by the old gradual slowness & has not yet come into line with the new rapidity. Drishti of Samadhi & visvagati developed yesterday in force & stability, but has still an imperfect hold on the akasha. Kamananda has overcome all its difficulties, eg noncontinuity of intense ananda while walking etc, except the mere habit of intermission; this habit grew stronger yesterday, & there was much & frequent intermission. On the other hand the ananda pervades the system more perfectly & has not lost either in intensity or in ease of recurrence. It is growing more powerful in the raudra form. Arogya is increasing; strongly attacked yesterday, it overcame all difficulties except the weakness of the second chakra. There has been no parthiva visrishti, except nominal & infinitesimal relief, for these seven days, and it is now clear that this visrishti is no longer a
220 physical necessity, but a habit kept in survival by the imperfect speed and still faulty method of the assimilation which, instead of drawing the food at once into the akash by the power of the mukhyaprana, recurs partially to the old panchabhauta absorption & therefore leaves a deposit which has to be dematerialised, or else produces symptoms of tejasic & jalamaya irregularity before it completes its process. For this reason, jalavisrishti is still overfrequent and the demand of the Apana still continues. Secondary utthapana is progressing in strength of laghima and mahima and has begun to expel defect of anima into the outworks of the physical system, but this process is still in its initial stages. Only saundarya is slow to manifest; it does not yet succeed in getting rid of its positive contradictions, the signs of old age etc. The saundarya once in motion and the equipment to hand, the whole siddhi will be in simultaneous successful movement.
Jan 28th Nothing definite today in the telegrams, except the pressure on China. The struggle has been transferred now to its proper field and the full force of the adverse powers is in evidence to bring about the destruction of the karma. Today, according to promise, proofs of the action of Aishwar- ya-ishita-vyapti in the karmasiddhi are beginning to crowd in; incidentally, the trikaldrishti is being justified against the relics of tamasic hesitation at every step. Dream became perfect in type, though still imperfectly organised, on its way to conversion into memorative experience in samadhi. Rupa in swapnasamadhi is now much more stable, although continuous experience in vision and in the sukshmadeha, as distinguished from continuous dream experience & momentary experiences in the sukshmadeha, are still held back from manifestation. Secondary utthapana in the neck in- creased in mahima, (maintenance while counting 1000 deliberately is the test), but defect of anima is still strong here and it resists successfully, in the back, the extension of the utthapana. Laghima is in all parts of the body sufficient, mahima variable, anima weak except in certain positions of the arms and legs. In the arms in the primary position utthapana can easily be maintained for an
221 hour and, if necessary, for much longer. Arogya after a struggle gave proof of increasing force; there was the first real parthiva visrishti at the close of the seventh day, but even here the force of assimilation was proved by the absence of any serious reaction such as would have been inevitable a short while ago. Rupadrishti in the jagrat still progresses slowly & is perfect only in a few types, but its stability increases. Dasya finally shed the remnants of the tertiary stage, & the quaternary dasyabuddhi is now constant & invariable whenever there is any turning of the mind towards the nature of the ac- tion, whatever the action may be. The purnabrahmadrishti is also normalised &, whenever there is smarana, invariable, whatever the object. Along with this development, there is perfect objec- tive vishayananda even in the bibhatsa and jugupsita; the same perfection is establishing itself in the subjective vishaya, bibhatsa, apriya, amangala, & there are only a few defects. Kamananda fell to a minimum, but now persists under all circumstances and is not suspended at night, but is always there subject to the anusmarana. It is growing again in intensity, with the intention of maintaining intensity in the constancy. It still tends to diminish, though not disappear, while walking, and to become involved or implicit by distraction of attention.
Jan 29th. .. ([Written] 30th) Trikaldrishti justified. The second suspect in Comilla has been released on bail, proving the correctness of the perception that the wrong people had been arrested. The idea long held, but uncer- tainly, that there was some irritant substance in the Viceroy's wound opposing the healing action, justified in today's telegram (30th). There was during the 29th no conspicuous [advance];12 only a slight increase in the rupadrishti, a movement towards exactness of de- tail in trikaldrishti and aishwarya, maintenance of the kamananda throughout the day, till nighttime, and preparation of the final subjective vishayananda. This, however, was attacked & impaired 12 MS absence
222 as soon as it had been provisionally established, by evidence of a persistent and partially successful attack on the karmasiddhi. Health also is attacked & slightly impaired in certain directions.
Jan 30th. Trikaldrishti of farther sea-accidents in the papers, of which the loss of a naval officer washed off his bridge, announced today, is a previous hint, showing the tendency still at work. The whole vijnana is now organising itself on the basis of the Sat-Tapas & the progress of this movement has been the principal siddhi of the day. In addition Ananda, reaching a higher intensity late in the morning, maintained it till the evening, diminished only when walking. This is now the normal pitch of the Kamananda when it occurs, in a state of activity; at the lower pitch it remains in a state of rest.
Jan 31st. The transition which has been for some time in process of accomplishment, completes itself today. Formerly life was regarded as a thing to be worked upon and worked out, by active mental will and bodily means, speech, writing, work etc. A thing written had to be composed. An intellectual difficulty had to be thought out, a conclusion fixed and edified. That which was undiscovered, had to be sought for by speculation, reasoning, experiment. That which was unattained, had to be constructed by labour, attempt, adaptation of means, careful manipulation of materials. The rem- nants of this way of seeing clung until now to the thought and action, but henceforth it is removed. Life is a great mass of ex- istence, Sat, moulding itself through its own Tapas. All that has to be done is for the Jiva, the knowledge centre of this existence, to sit fast in his city, navadware pure, & allow the infinite Tapas to manifest through him, accepting it, sanctioning it, (anumati), giving the command to fulfil it to his helping devatas, (ishwara), holding up the whole system & its working, (bharta), and watching & enjoying the results. The Tapas may be with knowledge & then the results will be perfectly in accordance with what is intended, for what is intended, will be what is known to the mind as the thing that has to be done or is to happen, kartavyam karma; if
223 it is without knowledge or with imperfect knowledge, it will still be known as the thing which God intends the individual system to lay stress upon (tapyeta), therefore to be willed, and the result, whether in accordance with the Tapas, or adverse to it, chosen or not chosen (ishta, anishta, priya apriya), favourable or adverse (mangala, amangala,) success or failure, (siddhi asiddhi, jayajayau,) will be the unseen thing that all along had to be & towards which all tapas has been contributing, (adrishtam, bhavitavyam), therefore to be accepted with equality of mind and with equality of ananda. This must be the first principle of the new period of action. The second principle, which has also been long preparing, is the renunciation of nigraha or as it used to be called, tapasya. Not that the Tapas may not have to persist under difficulties, but no violence has to be done to the Prakriti. It has to work out its own defects. This is now possible, because of the growth of the supreme or quaternary dasya, by which the very thought & feeling comes only as things impelled by the divine hand of the Master & Sarathi. Absolute Samata & passivity are now possible. Therefore in action there will be no planning, only seeing of the way the thing to be done will develop under the shaping of the divine Tapas whether through myself or others; in writing no composition, only the record of the vak as it flows down from above and forms itself in the Sat of Mind; in Yoga no sadhan, but only the acceptance of the self-organising movements of the anandamaya vijnanamaya Prakriti as it progressively takes entire possession of this inferior mental & physical kingdom. Today's news are mostly confirmative of the trikaldrishti or aiswarya; the running down of a sailing-vessel, confirming yester- day's perception; the rumour of the Karachi bomb-find proving to be a fact and not a newspaper invention, though probably a police fraud; the fresh demands and threats of Roumania; the falsity of the Vienna rumour; the Moorish resistance in Marrakesh; the Suffragette recrudescence. Only in the Turkish War the trikaldrishti has not worked well; for the imminent denunciation of the armistice reported from Vienna is contrary to what was expected, viz that the Allies would wait for the Turkish reply. It has to be seen, however, whether the report is correct.
224 Today has been a day of considerable advance. The script has recovered accuracy of detail and added to it accuracy of suggestion. All the predictions made for the day have been fulfilled not only in substance, but in detail and in order of time and circumstance. Intensity of ananda has been greatly increased and the more intense pitch is now established as the normal to which the Ananda tends always to rise when not hampered either by deliberate obstruction or by the tamasic sanskar of dharane asamarthya impressed on the karmadeha from the outside swabhava and through the karmadeha affective of the body; otherwise it sinks to the subnormal, the pitch attained yesterday, or even to the implicit when it seems to be discontinued or existing only as a general tendency. The health is being purified slowly of the remnants of cold and eruption and is almost free of both, though still subject to momentary touches; visrishti has been a little thrown back, the assimilation for the last three days being less powerful; but today, although subjected to an unusually powerful tejasic stimulus, it has resisted much better than ever before since the final stage began and was disturbed only partially & very temporarily. The weakness of the chakra has been greatly exaggerated, but tends always when allowed to return to the former state of passive efficiency, dhairya & dharana. Secondary utthapana also suffers from a partially successful attack & apparently successful obstruction. Samadhi took a great stride forward. It has begun to organise itself and images (visual, auditory, sensational, actional, tactual) came in a crowd, not yet well organised, but evolving their own or- ganisation. Continuity of incident accompanied with perfect vivid- ness was greater in one typical case than has yet happened and the tendency of image to survive into the antardarshi jagrat was strong and successful. Rupadrishti in the jagrat is at last emerging defini- tively out of the prison of the sukshma, but the movement is not yet complete. Trikaldrishti and aishwarya are becoming more effective in details of the siddhi. The subjective tamas which returned par- tially for a short time, has been rejected and the physical is being expelled. In the chitra two fresh circumstances have reemerged, 1, chitra of objects, eg a sword, moneybag, spear etc, 2, chitra of familiar faces & scenes, eg the face of Gladstone & neck with collar.
225 The following lipis etc have been fulfilled or are in the course of fulfilment. (1) She has to change her conception of life. (Sortilege, early in the morning; she being the Prakriti-Jiva; fulfilled at once.) (2) En depit de l'opposition le surhomme se depeint dans l'homme actuel. (Lipi). (3) 12. tejas, tapas, prakasha. (Lipi. ie the harmony of the three is now to be applied, imperfectly at first, to the karmasiddhi.[)] (4) Rupadrishti besides samadhi. (Lipi. Rupadrishti's release had been promised, but this lipi indicates the previous release of samadhi. Fulfilled immediately.[)] The following have been given. (5) More shipwrecks. (Lipi) (6) It is impossible to defeat the Bulgarians at Tchataldja . . by the false tejas. It is hopeless to expect assistance from the Euro- peans . . Defeat of the Bulgarians . . Dissolution of the Confederacy. (Lipi). (7) Songe. (Lipi, indicating some progress in Dream). No 6. seems to mirror the struggle between tejas & tamas and cannot be confidently accepted as anything but a lipi of vyapti, ie expressing thoughts of men or devatas concerned in the struggle going on in the Balkans. It is probable that neither represent the ultimate event. ([Written] 1st Febr). .. Later in the day the Ananda still farther increased and at night, for the first time, the development of waves of Ananda out of sim- ple touches, eg. the contact of the feet with the soil, was imposed on the system. This happened while walking and continued for several minutes. It is the sign of a new stage of progress in the physical siddhi. Rupadrishti was finally released from concealment in the subtle akasha; numerous images presented themselves, chitra of various kinds presented new developments of richness and a certain freedom was obtained in the akasharupa; but the perfect & developed forms are still momentary. Forms have once more begun to appear in the darkness. The improvement in samadhi was maintained, chitra especially of great richness and perfection appearing frequently, and in addition the commencement of the free
226 and niradhara shabdadrishti was indicated. Arogya, free in other respects, is yet attacked by the tejas in assimilation & by weak- ness of the chakra. In trikaldrishti there is a movement towards the enforcement of correctness in all mental motions; not only their proper arrangement and the perception of the truth to which each relates, but this movement has, as yet, only begun to emerge, although long promised. Considerable force had to be used to main- tain the utthapana. Dream was active, sometimes entirely free & accurate, almost equal to actual experience, sometimes coloured with present associations. The attack on the karmasiddhi may now be considered as having failed, since the effects produced have been unimportant. The siddhi at the end of January, stands in a condition of considerable advance accomplished, rapidity increasing, finality in sight. (1) The shuddhi is complete except for the relics of intellectual action that impede the vijnana and the occasional impacts of the old movements from the outskirts of the external swabhava. (2) Mukti is complete except for the same fragmentary sur- vivals. (3) Bhukti is complete except for some disturbing touches in the body and for the same fragmentary survivals. (4) Siddhi is in its last stage of struggle with the opposing forces. (5) Samata is complete with the same qualification (6) Shakti is complete in dasya & the passive members of the second chatusthay, complete in all else except sraddha and intensity of tejas. (7) Vijnana is complete in jnana, established & effective in trikalsiddhi but still imperfectly organised, established in power but still imperfect in effectiveness and organisation, established in lipi but still weak in the richer varieties and not completely organised, established in rupa, but still poor and manifested with difficulty, except in chitra & sthapatya, established in samadhi but still ham- pered in continuity, poor in antardrishta jagrat, ill-organised and in jagrat shabdadrishti etc elementary & infrequent, established & effective in prakamya vyapti, but imperfectly organised, established 227 in pranic mahima & laghima, but still resisted, deficient in anima. (8) Ananda of the body is established, but not yet sovran. Aro- gya imperfect in assimilation and kamachakra, doubtful in phlegm centres & skin, otherwise established. Utthapana is established in the pranic basis, active in primary & secondary, but everywhere hampered by defect of anima; of tertiary there is as yet no sign. Saundarya is manifest only in the slow alteration of certain lines in the feet & the trunk and in its subjective basis of youthful feeling. (9) Karmasiddhi is initially active in all points, but has not yet embarked on its triumphant progress. All is still struggle and preparation. The great feature of the siddhi now is that the objective alone resists, and there the resistance is artificially entertained, in some cases without any real basis, in others by taking exaggerated ad- vantage of old grooves in the Sat of matter or the vaja of forward acting mind. The movement of the siddhi in the immediate future must be in the totality of the seven chatusthayas. Not that all its members are equally developed, or that a separate stress on some of them is not still needed, but by the end of February this stress must have ceased and the whole must be united for the activities of life which are to replace the activities of the sadhana. Such siddhi as remains will grow by life and action and not by abhyasa in the ways of Yogic practice. The stress that is still necessary is due to the survival of the old elemental opposition which stands in the way of the siddhi being effectively expressed in life. This opposition is now a tamasic obstruction and will rapidly lose the little that it still keeps of the faculty of aggressive assault. Above all, the basis of samata is now perfect and once the medium of tejas is perfected, the instrument, vijnana, will equally liberate itself from the obstruction and no farther opposition can then prevail against the ananda and the karmasiddhi, the apas and the lila. January has been a period of strong increase and rooted establishment; February must be a period of perfect completion and faultless organisation, for in March, a new year begins. |