Category: -16-The-Supramental-Manifestation-Volume-16 Read book
Meditation What exactly is meant by meditation in Yoga? And what should be its objects? THE difficulty our correspondent finds is…
-51_The Universal Consciousness.htm
The Universal Consciousness "I have encountered in my life several examples of people living or trying to live in the universal consciousness and…
-52_Animal Souls Subtle Bodies.htm
Animal Souls, Subtle Bodies Are any of the following queries touched in Sanatana Dharma books of philosophy? The nature and formation of animal…
-53_Different Methods of Writing.htm
Different Methods of Writing What is the origin of the different methods of writing, – from right to left, from left to right or,…
-54_The Yoga and Its Objects.htm
The Yoga and Its Objects "…the book represents an early stage of Sri Aurobindo’s sadhana and only a part of it is applicable to…
APPENDIX Explanations given by Sri Aurobindo apropos of some passages in this book: Page 417, line 2. There is no need to…
-56_Bibliographical Note.htm
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE I. The eight essays of THE SUPRAMENTAL MANIFESTATION, the last of Sri Aurobindo’s prose writings, first appeared in the quarterly Bulletin of…