Category: -01-CWMCE Read book
Languages To unite East and West, to give the best of one to the other and make a true synthesis, a university will be…
-32_Selfless Admiration.htm
Selfless Admiration People are so unwilling to recognise anything that expresses the Divine that they are ever on the alert to find fault,…
-32_Series Four (1942-1970).htm
SERIES FOUR (1942-1070) To a disciple who joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1931 at the age of thirty-one. He worked in the Building…
Will and Perseverance WILL Will: power of consciousness turned towards effectuation. A persevering will surmounts all obstacles. One must have an unvarying…
-33_15 August 1956.htm
15 August 1956 “It is here that the emergence of the secret psychic being in us as the leader of the sacrifice is of…
-33_15 September.htm
15 September 1954 This talk is based upon Sri Aurobindo’s Bases of Yoga, Chapter 1, “Calm – Peace – Equality”. When one detaches…
-33_19 March 1951.htm
19 March 1951 “Mind is one movement, but there are many varieties of the movement, many strata, that touch and even press into each…
-33_21 October 1953.htm
21 October 1953 When a true artist concentrates and sees the Divine in himself, can he use art to express the Divine? And…
-33_24 August 1955.htm
24 August 1955 Mother reads from Lights on Yoga, “Surrender and Opening”. So? Sweet Mother, when we concentrate on one of your…
ENDURANCE Endurance: going to the very end of the effort without fatigue or relaxing. Endurance is the capacity of bearing without depression. …