







Interpretation of the Veda


Note on the Texts


The Seventh Hymn to Mitra-Varuna




[Because they hold the great battle-force of the Truth, Mitra and Varuna lead us to the vastness of that Truth. By that force they rule all imperially, contain the Truth's clarities and their powers are manifested in all the godheads. Therefore should they put forth their power in these godheads for the human possession of the great felicity and wealth of the Truth in earth and heaven. They reach the Truth by the Truth; for they have its discernment full of the impulsion that goes straight to the knowledge; therefore they increase divinely without falling into the harms of the Ignorance. As lords of that powerful impulsion they bring down the heavens in a luminous rain upon the mortal and take possession of the vast as a home.]



1. Sing ye to Mitra and Varuna with the word that enlightens; because they have that great force, theirs is the Truth, the Vast.



2. All-rulers are they, yes, both of them, Mitra and Varuna, homes of the clarity, gods, manifested by the word in the gods.  



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3. Therefore put forth strength for our great felicity1 heavenly and earthly; for great is your force in the gods.



4. By the Truth you attain knowledge of the Truth, you possess a judgment of impelling force;2 O gods, you grow and come not to hurt.



5. Turning heaven to rain, winners of the streaming movement, masters of that forceful impulsion, you take possession of your vast home.


1 The felicity or happy wealth of the wide Truth-consciousness manifested not only in the higher mental planes of our consciousness, but in our physical being.

2 The straight impulsion which the gods possess; man, moving from the ignorance to the Truth by the ignorance, follows a crooked and wavering movement, has a judgment distressed by the falsehood and in his growth stumbles constantly into sin and suffering. By the growth of the gods in him, he is able to move without stumbling and suffering from Truth to greater Truth, straight, felicitously.


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