A room in Vasavadutta's apartments.
VASAVADUTTA I govern no longer what I speak and do.. Is this the fire my mother spoke of? Oh, It is sweet, it is sweet. But I will not be mastered By any equal creature. Let him serve Obediently and I will load his lovely head With costliest favours. He's my own, my own, My slave, my toy to play with as I choose, And shall not dare to play with me. I think he dares;
I do not know, I think he would presume. (she calls)
Umba! Bring Vuthsa to me from his tower.
Umba brings in Vuthsa and retires. Before me.
VUTHSA It is my sovereign's voice that speaks. Page – 273
Be silent! Lower thy eyes; they are too bold
Blame not my eyes,
VASAVADUTTA (with a shaken voice)
Dost thou really
VUTHSA Earth's one goddess, yes.
But, Vuthsa, men adore with humble eyes
Oh, let me so
VASAVADUTTA Vuthsa, thou must not presume.
O even when faint thy voice, thy every word Page – 274
VASAVADUTTA Wilt thou not let me free?
VUTHSA Yes, if thou bid; but do not.
VASAVADUTTA (bending down to caress his hair)
If really
VUTHSA What more, when this means all.
VASAVADUTTA But if thou serve me, is not all thou hast Mine, mine ? Why dost thou, Vuthsa, keep from me My own?
VUTHSA Take all; claim all.
VASAVADUTTA (collecting herself) Cowsambie first.
VUTHSA It shall be thine, a jewel for thy feet.
VASAVADUTTA Thy kingdom, Vuthsa, for my will to rule.
VUTHSA It shall be thine, the garden of thy pomp.
VASAVADUTTA Shall? Page – 275
Is it not far ? We must go there, my queen,
I wish .
Thou only shalt be over my heart a queen,
VASAVADUTTA (smiling) This reserve I yield. (hesitatingly)
But Vuthsa, if as subject of my sire,
VUTHSA My queen, it will be void.
VASAVADUTTA Void? And thy vow?
Would it not be disloyalty in me
VASAVADUTTA (vexed, yet pleased) O, thou play'st with me. Page – 276
No, queen. What's wholly mine, that wholly take.
Their names are endless. Bharuth first
Thy thoughts are high.
Dost thou desire this really in thy heart ?
VASAVADUTTA My rule thou hast vowed ?
To obey thee in all things
¹Degraded Page – 277
VASAVADUTTA Leave, Vuthsa, leave me. Take him, Umba, from me.
UMBA (entering, in Vasavadutta's ear) Who now is bribed ? We are all traitors now. She goes out with Vuthsa.
VASAVADUTTA O joy, if he and all were only mine. O greatness to be queen of him and earth. I grow a rebel to my father's house. Curtain Page – 278 |