Category: -05-Collected-Poems-Volume-05 Read book
-50_The Silence is all.htm
Silence is all 1 Silence is all, say the sages. Silence watches the work of the ages; In the book of Silence…
-51_Is this the end.htm
Is this the end Is this the end of all that we have been, And all we did or dreamed, – A name…
-52_Who art thou that camest.htm
Who art thou that camest Who art thou that earnest Bearing the occult Name, Wings of regal darkness Eyes of an…
-53_The Dwarf Napoleon.htm
The Dwarf Napoleon HITLER, OCTOBER 1939 Behold, by Maya’s fantasy of will A violent miracle takes sudden birth, The real…
-54_The Children of Wotan (1940).htm
The Children of Wotan (1940) “Where is the end of your armoured march, O children of Wotan? Earth shudders with fear at…
-55_Despair on the Staircase.htm
Despair on the Staircase Mute stands she, lonely on the topmost stair, An image of magnificent despair; The grandeur of a sorrowful surmise…
SHORT POEMS Fragments Morcundeya O will of God that stiffest and the Void Is peopled, men have called thee force, upbudyed…
-57_To the Cuckoo.htm
II SONNETS Early Period To the Cuckoo Sounds of the wakening world, the year’s increase, Passage of wind and all…
-58_The Kingdom Within.htm
II SONNETS 1930-1950 The kingdom Within There is a kingdom of the spirit’s ease. It is not in this…
-59_Cosmic Consciousness.htm
Cosmic Consciousness I have wrapped the wide world in my wider self And Time and Space my spirit’s seeing are. I…