Category: -01-SABCL Read book
Bhakti I AM not a Bhakta, for I have not renounced the world for God. How can I renounce what He took from…
-19_Book 2 Canto 13 In the Self of Mind.htm
Canto Thirteen In the Self of Mind At last there came a bare indifferent sky Where Silence listened to the cosmic Voice,…
-19_Book 9 Canto 01 Towards the Black Void.htm
PART THREE ( Books IX–XII ) Book Nine The Book of Eternal Night Canto One Towards the Black Void …
-19_Chapter Five.htm
CHAPTER FIVE urjoona “Thou declarest the renunciation of works, O Krishna, and again thou declares! Yoga in works. Which one alone of these twain…
Education INTELLECTUAL WE NOW come to the intellectual part of education, which is certainly a larger and more difficult, although not more important than…
-19_Facts and Opinions 31-7-1909.htm
Facts and Opinions Volume I – July 31, 1909 – Number 6 The Spirit in Asia A spirit moves abroad in the world…
-19_Katha Upanishad.htm
KATHA UPANISHAD FIRST CYCLE : FIRST CHAPTER 1. Vajashravasa, desiring, gave all he had. Now Vajashravasa had a son named Nachiketas. 2. As the…
-19_Mind and Supermind .htm
CHAPTER XVIII Mind and Supermind He discovered that Mind was the Brahman. Taittiriya Upanishad.¹ Indivisible, but as if divided in beings. …
-19_Rebirth and Karma.htm
Rebirth and Karma THE ancient idea of Karma was inseparably connected with a belief in the soul’s continual rebirth in new bodies….
-19_Religion as the Law of Life.htm
CHAPTER XVII Religion as the Law of Life SINCE the infinite, the absolute and transcendent, the universal, the One is the secret…