Category: -05-Translations Read book
Posted in -05-Translations
-65_Hexameters from Homer.htm
Hexameters from Homer Down he fell with a thud and his armour clangoured upon him. * Down from the peaks of…
Posted in -05-Translations
-66_Latin – Hexameters from Virgil and Horace.htm
Part Five Translations from Latin Hexameters from Virgil and Horace Horse-hooves trampled the crumbling plain with a four-footed gallop. *…
Posted in -05-Translations
-67_Catullus to Lesbia.html
Catullus to Lesbia O my Lesbia, let us live for loving. Suns can set and return to light the morrow, We, when once…
Posted in -05-Translations
-68_Note on the Texts.html
Note on the Texts Note on the Texts Fluent in English from his childhood, Sri Aurobindo mastered five other languages — French, Latin,…