Category: -05-Translations Read book
TRANSLATIONS CONTENTS Pre-content Part One Translations from Sanskrit Section ONE The Ramayana : Pieces from the Ramayana 1. Speech of…
VOLUME 5 THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO © Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust 1999 Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publication Department Printed at Sri Aurobindo…
-01_Speech of Dussaruth.htm
Part One Translations from Sanskrit Sri Aurobindo with students of the Baroda College, c. 1906 The first page of “Selected Poems of…
-02_An Aryan City – prose version.htm
An Aryan City PROSE VERSION Coshala named, a mighty country there was, swollen and glad; seated on the banks of the Sarayu it…
-03_The Book of the Wild Forest.htm
The Book of the Wild Forest Then, possessing his soul, Rama entered the great forest, the forest Dandaka with difficulty approachable by men and…
-04_The Defeat of Dhoomraksha.htm
The Defeat of Dhoomraksha But in their lust of battle shouted loud, Rejoicing, all the Apes when they beheld The dreadful Rakshas coming forth…
-05_Sabha Parva or Book of the Assembly Hall.html
Section Two The Mahabharata Sabha Parva or Book of the Assembly-Hall CANTO I The Building of the Hall And before…
-06_Virat Parva.htm
Virata Parva FRAGMENTS FROM ADHYAYA 17 “Arise! arise! why sleepest thou, Bhemasena, like one that is dead? For how is he other than dead,…
-07_Udyog Parva -Two Renderings of the First Adhyaya.htm
Udyoga Parva TWO RENDERINGS OF THE FIRST ADHYAYA Let the reciter bow down to Naraian, likewise to Nara the Highest Male, also to…
-08_Udyog Parva -Passages from Adhyayas 75 and 72.htm
Udyoga Parva PASSAGES FROM ADHYAYAS 75 AND 72 But the mighty-armed Keshava when he heard these words of Bhema, packed with mildness, words…