Category: -05-Translations Read book
-15_Stanzaic Rendering of the Opening of Canto 1.htm
The Birth of the War-God EDITORS’ NOTE In the first and third versions of this translation, Sri Aurobindo left some lines or…
-16_Blank Verse Rendering of Conto 1.htm
The Birth of the War-God BLANK VERSE RENDERING OF CANTO I A god concealed in mountain majesty, Embodied to our cloudy physical sight…
-17_Expanded Version of Canto 1 and Part of Canto 2.html
The Birth of the War-God EXPANDED VERSION OF CANTO I AND PART OF CANTO II A god concealed in mountain majesty, Embodied…
-18_Skeleton Notes on the Kumarasambhavam – Canto V.html
Notes and Fragments Skeleton Notes on the Kumarasambhavam Canto V 1. Thus by Pinaka’s wielder burning the Mind-born before her eyes…
-19_The Line of Raghou – Two Renderings of the Opening.htm
The Line of Raghou TWO RENDERINGS OPENING OF THE To the Two whose beings are involved together like word with sense for the…
-20_The Cloud Messenger.htm
The Cloud Messenger FRAGMENTS FROM A LOST TRANSLATION the hills of mist Golden, the dwelling place of Faery kings, And mansions by…
-21_Bhartrihari – Century of Life.html
Section Four Bhartrihari The Century of Life The Nitishataka of Bhartrihari freely rendered into English verse I had at first entitled the…
-22_Bhartrihari – APPENDIX – Prefatory Note.html
APPENDIX Prefatory Note on Bhartrihari BHARTRIHARI’S Century of Morals (Nitishataka), a series of poetical epigrams or rather sentences upon human life and conduct…
-23_Opening of the Kiratarjuniya.htm
Section Five Other Translations from Sanskrit Opening of the Kiratarjuniya 1. Appointed to know the dealings of the Kurus’ lord with his…
-24_Bhagavat – Skandha -1.htm
Bhagawat SKANDHA I, ADHYAYA I 1. On Him we fix our thoughts from whom are birth and being and death, who knoweth the…