Category: -05-Translations Read book
Bhavani (From a Sanskrit Hymn of Shankaracharya) Father nor mother, daughter nor son are mine, I obey no master, served am I…
-26_Bengali – Radha’s Complaint in Absence.htm
Part Two Translations from Bengali Section One Vaishnava Devotional Poetry Radha’s Complaint in Absence (Imitated from the Bengali of Chundidas)…
-27_Radha’s Appeal.htm
Radha’s Appeal (Imitated from the Bengali of Chundidas) O love, what more shall I, shall Radha speak, Since mortal words are weak? In…
-28_Karma – Radha’s Complaint.htm
Karma (Radha’s Complaint) Love, but my words are vain as air! In my sweet joyous youth, a heart untried, Thou tookst me in…
Appeal Thy youth is but a noon, of night take heed, — A noon that is a fragment of a day, And the…
-30_Twentytwo Poems of Bidyapati.html
Twenty-two Poems of Bidyapati 1 Childhood and youth each other are nearing; Her two eyes their office yield to the hearing. Her…
-31_Selected Poems of Bidyapati.htm
Selected Poems of Bidyapati 1 Wherever her twin fair feet found room There the flowers of the water bloom; Wherever her golden…
-32_Selected Poems of Nidhou.html
Selected Poems of Nidhou 1 Eyes of the hind, you are my jailors, sweetest; My heart with the hind’s frightened motion fleetest…
-33_Selected Poems of Horo Thakur.htm
Selected Poems of Horo Thacoor 1 (The soul beset by God wishes to surrender itself.) Who is this with smeared limbs…
-34_Selected Poems of Ganodas.htm
Selected Poems of Ganodas 1 (The soul, as yet divided from the Eternal, yet having caught a glimpse of his intoxicating beauty,…