Category: -03-CWSA Read book
-49_Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance towards the Sevenfold Knowledge.html
Chapter XIX Out of the Sevenfold Ignorance towards the Sevenfold Knowledge Seven steps has the ground of the Ignorance, seven steps has the…
-49_Sadhana in the Ashram.htm
Sadhana in the Ashram Communal Sadhana In respect to Yoga, what is the meaning of communal sadhana? There is no communal sadhana….
-49_Since Thous has Called Me.htm
Since thou hast called me Since thou hast called me, see that I Go not from thee, — surrounding me stand. In thy…
-49_Sonnets from Manuscripts Circa 1934 – 1947 – Contd.htm
The Infinite Adventure On the waters of a nameless Infinite My skiff is launched; I have left the human shore. All fades behind…
-49_The Higher Lines of Karma.htm
The Higher Lines of Karma THE THIRD movement of mind labours to bring the soul of man out of the tangle of the vital…
-49_World-Union or World-State.htm
Chapter XXII World-Union or World-State THIS, then, in principle is the history of the growth of the State. It is a history of…
-50_14 AUGUSTto24 SEPTEMBER 1919.htm
14 AUGUST 24 SEPTEMBER 1919 Yoga Diary August 14 1919. August 14th Thursday The ideality is advancing in the same steps. Thought…
-50_A Beauty Infinite.htm
A Beauty infinite A Beauty infinite, an unborn Power On Time’s vast forehead drew her mystic line, An unseen Radiance filled the primal…
-50_A Misunderstanding of Continents.htm
Section Two The East and the West A Misunderstanding of Continents The peculiar and striking opposition of thought, temperament,…
-50_APPENDIX I The Tangle of Karma.htm
APPENDIX I The Tangle of Karma OBVIOUSLY we must leave far behind us the current theory of Karma and its shallow attempt to…