Prayers And Meditations




Pre Contents


publisher's note



November 2

November 3

November 19

November 26

November 28

December 2

December 3

December 5

December 7

December 10

December 11




February 5

March 13

June 18

August 2

August 17

November 28

February 8

May 11

June 27

August 8

October 7

November 29

February 10

June 15

July 21

August 15

November 22

December 13

February 12

June 17

July 23

August 16

November 25

December 16


December 29




January 1

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 11

January 12

January 13

January 19

January 24

January 29

January 30

January 31




February 1

February 8

February 12

 February 16

February 21

February 27

February 2

February 9

February 13

February 17

February 22


February 5

February 10

February 14

February 19

February 23


February 7

February 11

February 15

February 20

February 25







June 9

June 15

June 18

June 22

June 26

June 2

June 11

June 14

June 19

June 23

June 27

June 3

June 12

June 16

June 20

June 24

June 28

June 4

June 13

June 17

June 21

June 25

June 29



June 30




July 1

July 7

July 12

July 17

July 22

July 31

July 4

July 8

July 13

July 18

July 23


July 5

July 10

July 15

July 19

July 25


July 6

July 11

July 16

July 21

July 27




August 2

August 6

August 13

August 20

August 26

August 31

August 3

August 8

August 16

August 21

August 27


August 4

August 9

August 17

August 24

August 28


August 5

August 11

August 18

August 25

August 29




September 1

September 6

September 13

September 17

September 24

September 30

September 4

September 9

September 14

September 20

September 25


September 5

September 10

September 16

September 22

September 28




October 5

October 6

October 7

October 8

October 10

October 11

October 12

October 14

October 16

October 17

October 23

October 25




November 3

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 20

November 21





December 4

December 10

December 12

December 15

December 22



January 2

January 18

March 3

March 8

July 31

November 26

January 11

January 24

March 4

April 19

November 2


January 17

February 15

March 7

May 24

November 7




January 15

November 28

December 8

December 14

December 25

December 30

January 22

December 4

December 9

December 20

December 26


January 23

December 5

December 10

December 21

December 27


June 7

December 7

December 12

December 24

December 29




January 4

January 10

January 25

March 31

April 10

A few days later

January 5

January 14

January 29

April 1

April 28

October 15

January 6

January 19

March 27

April 7

July 13

November 25

January 8

January 23

March 30

April 9

September 24



1918 - 1937

July 12, 1918

October 10, 1918

June 22, 1920

December 28, 1928

October 23, 1937

October 10, 1918

September 3, 1919

May 6, 1927

November 24, 1931




Bibliographical Note

January 1, 1914  


      To Thee, supreme Dispenser of all boons, to Thee who givest life its justification, by making it pure, beautiful and good, to Thee, Master of our destinies and goal of all our aspirations, was consecrated the first minute of this new year.

    May it be completely glorified by this consecration; may those who hope for Thee, seek Thee in the right path; may those who seek Thee find Thee, and those who suffer, not knowing where the remedy lies, feel Thy life gradually piercing the hard crust of their obscure consciousness.

    I bow down in deep devotion and in boundless gratitude before Thy beneficent splendour; in the name of the earth I give Thee thanks for manifesting Thyself; in its name I implore Thee to manifest Thyself ever more fully, in an uninterrupted growth of Light and Love.

    Be the sovereign Master of our thoughts, our feelings, our actions.

    Thou art our reality, the only Reality.

    Without Thee all is falsehood and illusion, all is dismal obscurity.

    In Thee are life and light and joy.

    In Thee is supreme Peace.  

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January 2, 1914  


      This marvellous silence manifests Thee despite the mad human agitation – the immutable and constant silence so living in all things that one has but to listen to hear it, in contrast with all that is futile noise, vain agitation, useless dispersion of energies. Let it flower in our being as a source of light and peace; may its power radiate over all in beneficent streams.

    Thou art the savour of all life and the reason for all activity, the goal of our thoughts.  

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January 3, 1914  


      It is always good to look within oneself from time to time and see that one is nothing and can do nothing, but afterwards one must turn one's eyes to Thee, knowing that Thou art all and Thou canst do all.

 Thou art the life of our life

 and the light of our being,

 Thou art the master of our destinies.              

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January 4, 1914  


      The tide of materialistic thoughts is always on the watch, waiting for the least weakness, and if we relax but one moment from our vigilance, if we are even slightly negligent, it rushes in and invades us from all sides, submerging under its heavy flood the result sometimes of numberless efforts. Then the being enters a sort of torpor, its physical needs of food and sleep increase, its intelligence is clouded, its inner vision veiled, and in spite of the little interest it really finds in such superficial activities, they occupy it almost exclusively. This state is extremely painful and tiring, for nothing is more tiring than materialistic thoughts, and the mind, worn out, suffers like a caged bird which cannot spread its wings and yet longs to be able to soar freely.

    But perhaps this state has its own use which I do not see.... In any case, I do not struggle; and like a child in its mother's arms, like a fervent disciple at the feet of his master, I trust myself to Thee and surrender to Thy guidance, sure of Thy victory.  

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January 5, 1914


      For a long while I have been sitting with this note-book before me, unable to make up my mind to write, so much is all within me mediocre, worthless, insipid, hopelessly commonplace. Not a single thought in my head, not a single feeling in my heart, a complete indifference to everything and an insurmountable dullness.

    How can such a state be of any use?

    I am a veritable zero in the world.

    But all this is not at all important. And provided Thy work is accomplished, Thy manifestation takes place and the earth becomes more and more Thy harmonious and fruitful kingdom, it matters little whether I accomplish this Work or not.

    And as it is certain that It will be done, I should have no reason to worry even if I felt like it. From the depths to the outermost surface, all this, my being, is only a handful of dust; it is but natural that it should be scattered on the winds and leave no trace behind.... 

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 January 6, 1914  


      Thou art the one and only goal of my life and the centre of my aspiration, the pivot of my thought, the key of the synthesis of my being. And as Thou art beyond all sensation, all feeling and all thought, Thou art the living but ineffable experience, the Reality lived in the depths of the being but untranslatable in our poor words; and it is because human intelligence is powerless to reduce Thee to a formula that some, a little disdainfully, label “sentiment” the knowledge that it is possible to have of Thee, but it is surely as far from sentiment as it is from thought. So long as one has not attained this supreme Knowledge, one has no solid basis or lasting centre for one's mental and emotional synthesis, and all other intellectual constructions can only be arbitrary, artificial and vain.

    Thou art eternal silence and perfect peace in what we are able to perceive of Thee.

    Thou art all the perfection we must acquire, all the marvels to be realised, all the splendour to be manifested.

    And all our words are but children's babblings when we venture to speak of Thee.

    In silence is the greatest reverence.  

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January 7, 1914  


      Give them all, O Lord, Thy peace and light, open their blinded eyes and their darkened understanding; calm their futile worries and their vain anxieties. Turn their gaze away from themselves and give them the joy of being consecrated to Thy work without calculation or mental reservation. Let Thy beauty flower in all things, awaken Thy love in all hearts, so that Thy eternally progressive order may be realised upon earth and Thy harmony be spread until the day all becomes Thyself in perfect purity and peace.

    Oh! let all tears be wiped away, all suffering relieved, all anguish dispelled, and let calm serenity dwell in every heart and powerful certitude strengthen every mind. Let Thy life flow through all like a regenerating stream that all may turn to Thee and draw from that contemplation the energy for all victories.  

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January 8, 1914  


      Let us shun the paths that are too easy and ask no effort, the paths which give us the illusion of having reached our goal; let us shun that negligence which opens the door to every downfall, that complacent self-admiration which leads to every abyss. Let us understand that however great may have been our efforts, our struggles, even our victories, compared with the distance yet to be travelled, the one we have already covered is nothing; and that all are equal – infinitesimal grains of dust or identical stars – before Eternity.

    But Thou art the conqueror of all obstacles, the Light that illumines all ignorance, the Love that vanquishes all pride. And no error can persist in front of Thee.  

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January 9, 1914  


      Lord, incomprehensible reality, Thou who ever fleest before our conquest, effective though it may be, Thou who shalt always be the Unknown despite all that we shall learn to know of Thee, despite all that we shall ravish from Thy eternal mystery, we would go forward, making a complete and constant effort, combining all the multiple paths leading to Thee, go forward like a rising, indomitable tide, breaking down all obstacles, crossing every barrier, lifting up every veil, scattering all clouds, piercing through all darkness, go forward towards Thee, ever to Thee, in a movement so powerful, so irresistible that a whole multitude may be drawn in our wake, and the earth, conscious of Thy new and eternal Presence, understand at last its true purpose, and live in the harmony and peace of Thy sovereign realisation.

    Teach us always more,

    Give us more light,

    Dispel our ignorance,

    Illumine our minds,

    Transfigure our hearts,

    And give us the Love that never runs dry, and makes Thy sweet law flower in every being.

    We are Thine for all Eternity.  

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January 10, 1914 


      My aspiration rises towards Thee ever the same in its almost childlike form, so ordinary in its simplicity, but my call is ever more ardent, and behind the faltering words there is all the fervour of my concentrated will. And I implore Thee, O Lord, in spite of the naïveté of this expression that is hardly intellectual, I implore Thee for more true light, true purity, sincerity and love, and all this for all, for the multitude constituting what I call my being, and for the multitude constituting the universal being; I implore Thee, though I know that it is perfectly useless to implore Thee, for we alone, in our ignorance and ill-will, can stand in the way of Thy glorious and total manifestation, but something childlike within me finds a support in this mental attitude; I implore Thee that the peace of Thy reign may spread throughout the earth.

    O inaccessible summit which we unceasingly scale without ever reaching Thee, sole Reality of our being whom we believe we have found only to see Thee immediately escape us, marvellous state which we think we have seized but which leads us farther and farther into ever unexplored depths and immensities; no one can say, “I have known Thee,” and yet all carry Thee in themselves, and in the silence of their soul can hear the echo of Thy voice; but this silence is itself progressive, and whatever be the perfection of the union we have realised, as long as we belong by our body to the

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 world of relativity, this Union with Thee can always grow more perfect.

    But all these words we use to speak about Thee are only idle talk. Grant that I may become Thy faithful servitor.  

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January 11, 1914  


      Every moment all the unforeseen, the unexpected, the unknown is before us, every moment the universe is created anew in its entirety and in every one of its parts. And if we had a truly living faith, if we had the absolute certitude of Thy omnipotence and Thy sole reality, Thy manifestation could at each moment become so evident that the whole universe would be transformed by it. But we are so enslaved to everything that is around us and has gone before us, we are so influenced by the whole totality of manifested things, and our faith is so weak that we are yet unable to serve as intermediaries for the great miracle of transfiguration.... But, Lord, I know that it will come one day. I know that a day will come when Thou wilt transform all those who come to us; Thou wilt transform them so radically that, liberated completely from the bonds of the past, they will begin to live in Thee an entirely new life, a life made solely of Thee, with Thee as its sovereign Lord. And in this way all anxieties will be transformed into serenity, all anguish into peace, all doubts into certainties, all ugliness into harmony, all egoism into self-giving, all darkness into light and all suffering into immutable happiness.       

     But art Thou not already performing this beautiful miracle? I see it flowering everywhere around us!

    O divine law of beauty and love, supreme liberator, there is no obstacle to Thy power.

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    Only our own blindness deprives us of the comforting sight of Thy constant victory.

    My heart sings a hymn of gladness and my thought is illumined with joy.

    Thy transcendent and marvellous love is the sovereign Master of the world.  

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January 12, 1914  


      A Teaching can be profitable only if it is perfectly sincere, that is, if it is lived while it is being given, and words often repeated, thoughts expressed frequently can no longer be sincere.... 

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January 13, 1914  


      Thou hast passed, O Lord, like a great wave of love over my life, and when I was immersed in it I knew integrally and intensely that I had offered to Thee – when? I do not know, at no precise moment and most probably always – my thought, my heart, my body in a living holocaust.

    And in that great love which enveloped me and that consciousness of perfect renunciation there was an immense serenity vaster than the universe and a sweetness so intense and so full of infinite compassion that tears began to flow slowly from my eyes. Nothing could have been more remote from both suffering and happiness, it was unutterable peace.

    O sublime Love, centre of our life, Marvel of marvels, at last I find Thee again and live anew in Thee, but how much more powerfully, how much more consciously than before! How much better I know Thee, understand Thee! Each time I find Thee anew, my communion with Thee grows more integral, more complete, more definitive.

    O Presence of ineffable beauty, thought of supreme redemption, sovereign power of salvation, with what joy all my being feels Thee living within it, sole principle of its life and of all life, wonderful builder of all thought, all will, all consciousness. On this world of illusion, this sombre

nightmare, Thou hast bestowed Thy divine reality, and each atom of matter contains something of Thy Absolute.

    Thou art, Thou livest, Thou radiatest, Thou reignest.  

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January 19, 1914  


      O Lord, divine Master of Love, Thou art the eternal victor, and those who become perfectly attuned to Thee, those who live for Thee alone and by Thee alone, cannot but win all victories; for in Thee is the supreme force, the force of complete disinterestedness, of perfect clear-sightedness, sovereign kindness.

    In Thee, by Thee, all is transfigured and glorified; in Thee is found the key to all mysteries and all powers. But one can attain Thee only if one no longer desires anything except to live in Thee, serve Thee, make Thy divine work triumph more swiftly for the salvation of a greater number of men.

    O Lord, Thou alone art real and all else is an illusion; for when one lives in Thee one sees and understands all things, nothing escapes Thy perfect knowledge, but everything wears another appearance; for all is Thou in essence, all being the fruit of Thy work, of Thy magnanimous intervention; and in the most sinister darkness Thou couldst kindle a star.

    May our devotion grow ever deeper.

    May our consecration grow ever more perfect.

    And mayst Thou, already the real sovereign of life, become in effect its true sovereign.  

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January 24, 1914 


      O Thou who art the sole reality of our being, O sublime Master of love, Redeemer of life, let me have no longer any other consciousness than of Thee at every instant and in each being. When I do not live solely with Thy life, I agonise, I sink slowly towards extinction; for Thou art my only reason for existence, my one goal, my single support. I am like a timid bird not yet sure of its wings and hesitating to take its flight; let me soar to reach definitive identity with Thee.  

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January 29, 1914 *


      It is Thy Presence in every being, O divine Master of love, that makes it possible for every man, even the most cruel, to be open to pity and even the most vile to respect, almost despite himself, honour and justice. It is Thou who, beyond all conventions and prejudices, illuminest with a special light, divine and pure, all that we are and all that we do, and makest us see clearly the difference between what we actually are and what we could be.

    Thou art the impassable barrier set up against the excess of evil, darkness and ill-will; Thou art the living hope in every heart of all possible and future perfections.

    To Thee all the fervour of my adoration.

    Thou art the gateway within reach of our conception leading to unsuspected and inconceivable splendours, splendours which will be revealed to us progressively.

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January 30, 1914  


      All that is conscious within me belongs unreservedly to Thee, and gradually I shall strive always harder to conquer the subconscient, the yet dark bedrock.

    O divine Master of love, eternal Teacher, Thou guidest our lives. It is in Thee alone and for Thee alone that we want to live; enlighten our consciousness, guide our steps, and grant that we may do the utmost we can, using all our energies solely to serve Thee.  

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January 31, 1914  


      Every morning may our thought rise fervently towards Thee, asking Thee how we can manifest and serve Thee best. At every moment in the manifold choices which we can make and which, despite their apparent insignificance, are always of great importance – since according to our decision we become subject to one category of determinisms or another – at every moment may our attitude be such that Thy divine Will may determine our choice and that thus it may be Thou who directest our entire life. According to the consciousness in which we are when taking a decision, we become subject to the determinism of the order of realities in which we are conscious; whence the consequences, often unforeseen and troublesome, that are contradictory to the general orientation of one's life and form obstacles which are sometimes terrible to overcome later. Therefore, O Lord, Divine Master of love, we want to be conscious of Thee and Thee alone, be identified with Thy supreme law each time we take a decision, each time we choose, so that it may be Thy Will which moves us, and that our life be thus effectively and integrally consecrated to Thee.

    In Thy Light we shall see, in Thy Knowledge we shall know, in Thy Will we shall realise. 

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