Category: -01-SABCL Read book
-23_The Spiritual Aim and Life.htm
CHAPTER XXI The Spiritual Aim and Life A SOCIETY founded upon spirituality will differ in two essential points from the normal human society…
-23_The Viziers of Bassora Act-5 Sc-3.htm
SCENE III A cell in Almuene’s house. Nureddene alone. NUREDDENE We sin our pleasant sins and then refrain And think that God’s deceived….
-23_Third Rendering.htm
The Birth of the War-God canto one : third rendering A God concealed in mountain majesty, Embodied to our cloudy physical sight…
-23_Vasavadutta-Act Two-Scene-1.htm
Act Two SCENE I A room in the palace at Cowsambie. Alurca, Vasuntha. ALURCA He’ll rule Cowsambie in the end, I think. VASUNTHA…
-23_Vyasa Some Characteristics.htm
Vyasa: Some Characteristics THE Mahabharata, although neither the greatest nor the richest masterpiece of the secular literature of India, is at the same time…
Who In the blue of the sky, in the green of the forest, Whose is the hand that has painted the glow? When…
-24_A Vision of Science.htm
A Vision of Science I dreamed that in myself the world I saw, Wherein three Angels strove for mastery. Law Was one, clear…
-24_Beyond the Modes of Nature.htm
TWENTY TWO Beyond the Modes of Nature SO FAR then extends the determinism of Nature, and what it amounts to is this that the…
-24_Book 10 Canto 04 The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real.htm
Canto Four The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real There came a slope that slowly downward sank; It slipped towards a stumbling…
-24_Book 3 Canto 03 The House of the Spirit and the New Creation.htm
Canto Three The House of the Spirit and the New Creation A mightier task remained than all he had done. To that…