Category: -01-SABCL Read book
CHAPTER XXXII Conclusion THE poetry of the future has to solve, if the suggestions I have made are sound, a problem new to…
-33_Kalidasa’s Characters.htm
Kalidasa’s Characters I. PURURAVAS PURURAVAS is the poet’s second study of kinghood; he differs substantially from Agnimitra. The latter is a prince, a soldier…
-33_On Wealth.htm
ON WEALTH The Prayer to Mammon Cast birth into the nether Hell; let all The useless tribe of talents farther fall; Throw…
Parabrahman These wanderings of the suns, these stars at play In the due measure that they chose of old, Nor only these,…
-33_Prince of Edur Act-2 Sc-1.htm
Act Two The forest near Dongurh. SCENE I In the forest near Dongurh. Bappa, Sungram. The Captain and Rajput soldiers,…
-33_Riks of Madhuchchhandas.htm
Riks of Madhuchchhandas TRANSLATION AND NOTES : 1.1.1-5 Agnimīḷe purohitam yajṇ̃asya devamṛtvijam, hotāram ratnadhātamam. Rik 1. ईळे (īḷe): to praise,…
-33_Sadananda’s Essence of Vedanta.htm
SADANANDA’S ESSENCE OF VEDANTA INVOCATION To the Absolute 1. I take refuge with Him who is sheer Existence, Intelligence and Bliss, impartible, beyond the purview…
-33_ The Creation of the Heterogeneous Nation.htm
chapter VII The Creation of the Heterogeneous Nation THE problem of a federal empire founded on the sole foundation that is firm and…
-33_The Difficulties of the Mental Being.htm
Chapter XIII The Difficulties of the Mental Being WE HAVE come to this stage in our development of the path of Knowledge that we…