Category: -01-SABCL Read book
-35_Minor Characters.htm
III. MINOR CHARACTERS Nothing more certainly distinguishes the dramatic artist from the poet who has trespassed into drama than the careful pains he devotes…
-35_On Virtue.htm
ON VIRTUE Description of the Virtuous Homage to him who keeps his heart a book For stainless matters, prone great talk to prize…
-35_Prince of Edur Act-2 Sc-3.htm
SCENE III Bappa’s cot on the hillside. Bappa, the Captain, Coomood, decorating the cot with flowers. BAPPA Where was she when you had…
-35_Reality and the Cosmic Illusion .htm
Chapter VI Reality and the Cosmic Illusion The Eternal is true; the world is a lie….
-35_The Ashwins Lords of Bliss.htm
X THE ASHWINS, LORDS OF BLISS Rig-veda IV.45 Lo, that Light is rising up and the all-pervading car is being yoked on the…
-35_The Birth of Sin.htm
The Birth of Sin Lucifer, Sirioth LUCIFER What mighty and ineffable desire Impels thee, Sirioth? Thy…
-35_The Cosmic Consciousness.htm
Chapter XV The Cosmic Consciousness TO REALISE and unite oneself with the active Brahman is to exchange, perfectly or imperfectly according as the…
-35_ The Possibility of a World- Empire.htm
CHAPTER IX The Possibility of a World- Empire THE progress of the imperial idea from the artificial and constructive stage to the…
-35_The Process, Form and Substance of Poetry .htm
SECTION ONE The Process, Form and Substance of Poetry POETIC NOBILITY AND GRANDEUR: EPIC AND BALLAD MOVEMENTS I I am unable to agree…
-35_The Theory of the Vibhuti.htm
NINE The Theory of the Vibhuti THE importance of this chapter of the Gita is very much greater than appears at first view or…