Category: -01-SABCL Read book
-35_The Training of the Senses.htm
FIVE The Training of the Senses THERE are six senses which minister to knowledge, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste, mind, and all…
-35_Towards the Supramental Time Vision.htm
Chapter XXV Towards the Supramental Time Vision ALL being, consciousness, knowledge moves, secretly for our present surface awareness, openly when we rise beyond it…
-35_Vasavadutta-Act Five-Scene-2.htm
SCENE II The pleasure-groves of the palace in Ujjayinie. Gopalaca, Vuthsa, Vicurna; at a distance under the trees Ungarica, Vasavadutta and Umba. GOPALACA…
-35_Yoga and Skill in Works.htm
Yoga and Skill in Works Yoga is skill in works. Gita YOGA, says the Gita, is skill in works, and…
-36_ Apsaras.htm
IV. APSARAS There is nothing more charming, more attractive in Kalidasa than his instinct for sweet and human beauty; everything he touches becomes the…
-36_Bibliographical Note.htm
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE THE SYNTHESIS OF YOGA first appeared serially in the Arya from August, 1914 to January, 1921 in four parts, preceded by an…
Epiphany Majestic, mild, immortally august, In silence throned, to just and to unjust One Lord of deep unutterable love, I saw Him, Shiva,…
-36_Hirobumi Ito.htm
HIROBHUMI ITO Page – 156 Page – 157
-36_On Firmness.htm
ON FIRMNESS Gods Cease never from the work thou hast begun Till thou accomplish. Such the great Gods be, Nor paused…
-36_On Ideals.htm
On Ideals IDEALS are truths that have not yet effected themselves for man, the realities of a higher plane of existence which have yet…