Facts and Opinions 17.7.1909/4


Facts and Opinions  24.7.1909/5

An Unequal Fight


The Indiscretions of Sir Edward

God and His Universe


The Demand for Co-operation

The Scientific Position


What Co-operation?

Force Universal or Individual


Sir Edward's Menace

Faith and Deliberation


The Personal Result

Our "Inconsistencies"


A One-sided Proposal

Good out of Evil


The Only Remedy

Loss of Courage


The "Bengalee" and Ourselves

Intuitive Reason


God and Man




Exit Bibhishan


The Doctrine of Sacrifice

The Right of Association (Speech)


College Square Speech





Facts and Comments 4.9.1909/11


Facts and Opinions 11.9.1909/12

The Kaul Judgment


Impatient Idealists

The Implications in the Judgment


The Question of Fitness

The Social Boycott


Public Disorder and Unfitness

The Law and the Nationalist


The Hughly Conference

The Hughly Resolutions



Facts and Opinions 18.9.1909/13


Facts and Opinions 25.9.1909/14

The Two Programmes


The Convention President

The Reforms


Presidential Autocracy

The Limitations of the Act


Mr. Lalmohan Ghose

Shall We Accept the Partition?


The Past and the Future


Facts and Opinions 2.10.1909/15


Facts and Opinions 9.10.1909/16

The Rump Presidential Election


The Apostasy of the National Council

Nation-Stuff in Morocco


The Progress of China

Cook versus Peary


Partition Day


Nationalist Organisation


Nationalist Work in England

An Extraordinary Prohibition



Facts and Opinions 16.10.1909/17

Gokhale's Apologia

The People's Proclamation

The Anusilan Samiti

The National Fund


Union Day


Facts and Opinions 6.11.1909/18

Mahomedan Representation

The Growth of Turkey

China Enters

The Patiala Arrests

The Daulatpur Dacoity

Place and Patriotism

The Dying Race

The Death of Senor Ferrer

The Budget

A Great Opportunity

Buddha's Ashes

Students and Politics


The Assassination of Prince Ito

The Hindu Sabha


Facts and Opinions 13.11.1909/19


Facts and Opinions 20.11.1909/20



A Hint of Change

Social Reform and Politics


Pretentious Shams

The Deoghar Sadhu


THE Municipalities and Reform



Police Unrest in the Punjab  

The Great Election







Facts and Opinions 27.11.1909/21


Facts and Opinions 4.12.1909/22

The Bomb Case and Anglo-India


The Lieutenant-Governor's Mercy

The Nadiya President's Speech


An Ominous Presage

Mr. Macdonald's Visit


Chowringhee Humour



The Last Resort

The Alipur Judgment




Facts and Opinions 11.12.1909/23


Facts and Opinions 18.12.1909/24

The United Congress


Sir Pherozshah's Resignation

The Spirit of the Negotiations


The Council Elections

A Salutary Rejection


British Unfitness for Liberty

The English Revolution


The Lahore Convention

Aristocratic Quibbling





The Moderate Manifesto

The Transvaal Indians




Facts and Opinions 25.12.1909/25


Facts and Opinions 1.1.1910/26

The United Congress Negotiations


The Perishing Convention

A New Sophism


The Convention President's Address

Futile Espionage


The Alleged Breach of Faith

Convention Voyagers


The Nasik Murder



Transvaal and Bengal

Creed and Constitution



To My Countrymen


National Education


Facts and Opinions 8.1.1910/27


Facts and Opinions 15.1.1910/28

Sir Edward Baker's Admissions


The Patiala Case

Calcutta and Mofussil


The Arya Samaj and Politics

The Non-Official Majority


The Arya Disclaimer

Sir Louis Dane on Terrorism


What is Sedition?

The Menace of Deportation





A Thing that Happened

A Practicable Boycott




Facts and Opinions 22.1.1910/29


Facts and Opinions 29.1.1910/30

Lajpatrai's Letters


The High Court Assassination

A Nervous Samaj


Anglo-Indian Prescriptions

The Banerji Vigilance Committees



Postal Precautions


The Elections

Detective Wiles





The Viceroy's Speech

The  New Policy




Facts and Opinions 5.2.1910/31


Passing Thoughts 12.2.1910/32

The Party of Revolution


Vedantic Art

Its Growth


Asceticism and Enjoyment

Its Extent


Aliens in Ancient India



The Scholarship of Mr. Risley




The Necessity of the Situation


The Gita and Terrorism

The Elections






The Doctrine of Sacrifice


THE genius of self-sacrifice is not common to all nations and to all individuals; it is rare and precious, it is the flowering of mankind's ethical growth, the evidence of our gradual rise from the self-regarding animal to the selfless divinity. A man capable of self-sacrifice, whatever his other sins, has left the animal behind him; he has the stuff in him of a future and higher humanity. A nation capable of a national act of self-sacrifice ensures its future.

Self-sacrifice involuntary or veiled by forms of selfishness is, however, the condition of our existence. It has been a gradual growth in humanity. The first sacrifices are always selfish — they involve the sacrifice of others for one's own advancement. The first step forward is taken by the instinct of animal love in the mother who is ready to sacrifice her life for the young, by the instinct of protection in the male who is ready to sacrifice his life for his mate. The growth of this instinct is the sign of an enlargement in the conception of the self. So long as there is identification of self only with one's own body and its desires, the state of the jīva is unprogressive and animal. It is only when the self enlarges to include the mate and the children that advancement becomes possible. This is the first human state, but the animal lingers in it in the view of the wife and children as chattels and possessions meant for one's own pleasure, strength, dignity, comfort. The family even so viewed becomes the basis of civilisation, because it makes social life possible. But the real development of the god in man does not begin until the family becomes so much dearer than the life of the body that a man is ready to sacrifice himself for it and give up his ease or even his life for its welfare or its protection. To give up one's ease for the family, that is a state which most men have attained; to give up one's life for the honour of the wife or the safety of the home is an act of a higher nature of which man is capable in individuals, in classes, but not in the mass. Beyond the family comes the com-


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munity and the next step in the enlargement of the self is when the identification with the self in the body and the self in the family gives way to the identification with the self in the community. To recognise that the community has a larger claim on a man than his family is the first condition of the advance to the social condition. It corresponds to the growth of the tribe out of the patriarchal family and to the perfection of those communal institutions of which our village community was a type. Here again, to be always prepared to sacrifice the family interest to the larger interest of the community must be the first condition of communal life and to give one's life for the safety of the community, the act of divinity which marks the consummation of the enlarging self in the communal idea. The next enlargement is to the self in the nation. The evolution of the nation is the growth which is most important now to humanity, because human selfishness, family selfishness, class selfishness having still deep roots in the past must learn to efface themselves in the larger national self in order that the God in humanity may grow. Therefore it is that Nationalism is the dharma of the age, and God reveals himself to us in our common Mother. The first attempts to form a nationality were the Greek city, the Semitic or Mongolian monarchy, the Celtic clan, the Aryan kula or jāti. It was the mixture of all these ideas which went to the formation of the mediaeval nation and evolved the modern peoples. Here again, it is the readiness to sacrifice self-interest, family interest, class interest to the larger national interest which is the condition of humanity's fulfilment in the nation and to die for its welfare or safety is the supreme act of self-consummation in the larger national ego. There is a yet higher fulfilment for which only a few individuals have shown themselves ready, the enlargement of the self to include all humanity. A step forward has been taken in this direction by the self-immolation of a few to humanitarian ideals, but to sacrifice the interests of the nation to the larger interest of humanity is an act of which humanity in the mass is not yet capable. God prepares, but He does not hasten the ripening of the fruit before its season. A time will come when this also will be possible, but the time is not yet. Nor would it be well for humanity if it came before the other and lesser identification were


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complete; for that would necessitate retrogression in order to secure the step which has been omitted. The advance of humanity is a steady progress and there is no great gain in rushing positions far ahead, while important points in the rear are uncaptured.

The national ego may easily mean nothing more than collective selfishness. I may be ready to sacrifice money and ease for the country in order to secure my wealth, fame or position and property which depend upon her security and greatness. I may be ready to sacrifice these and more for her because of the safety of the home and the hearth which her safety ensures. I may be ready to sacrifice much for her because her greatness, wealth, ease mean the greatness, wealth, ease of my community or my class. Or I may be ready to sacrifice everything to secure her greatness because of my pride in her and my desire to see my nation dominant and imperial. All these are forms of selfishness pursuing man into the wider life which is meant to assist in liberating him from selfishness. The curse of Capitalism, the curse of Imperialism which afflict modern nations are due to this insistence. It is the source of that pride, insolence and injustice which affect a nation in its prosperity and by that fatal progression which the Greeks with their acute sense for these things so clearly demarcated, it leads from prosperity to insolence and outrage and from insolence and outrage to that atē, that blind infatuation, which is God's instrument for the destruction of men and nations. There is only one remedy for this pursuing evil and it is to regard the nation as a necessary unit but no more in a common humanity.

There are two stages in the life of a nation, first, when it is forming itself or new-forming itself, secondly, when it is formed, organised and powerful. The first is the stage when Nationalism makes rightly its greatest demands on the individual, in the second it should abate its demands and, having satisfied, should preserve itself in Cosmopolitanism somewhat as the individual preserves itself in the family, the family in the class, the class in the nation, not destroying itself needlessly but recognising a larger interest. In the struggles of a subject nation to realise its separate existence, the larger interest can only be viewed in pros-


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pect and as a higher inspiration to a broad-minded and generous patriotism. No sacrifice of the nation to the larger interest is possible, for the nation must exist before it can sacrifice its interests for a higher good.

We are at present in the first or formative stage, and in this stage the demand of Nationalism is imperative. It is only by the sacrifices of the individual, the family and the class to the supreme object of building up the nation that under such adverse circumstances Nationalism can secure the first conditions for its existence. Every act of the new Nationalism has been a call for suffering and self-sacrifice. Swadeshi was such a call, arbitration was such a call, national education was such a call, above all, passive resistance was such a call. None of these things can be secured except by a general readiness to sacrifice the individual and the family to the interests of the nation. Nowadays a new call is visibly forming, the call on the higher classes to sacrifice their privileges and prejudices, as the Japanese Samurai did, for the raising up of the lower. The spread of a general spirit of ungrudging self-sacrifice is the indispensable prelude to the creation of the Indian nation. This truth is not only evident from the very nature of the movement we have initiated, but it is borne out by the tests of history and experience to which we have been recently asked to refer in each individual case before the act of sacrifice is decided. It is by the appeal to history and experience that the Nationalist party has convinced the intellect, just as by its inspiring ideals and readiness to suffer, it has carried with it the heart of the nation. The demand that we should in every individual case go into a review of the whole question is excessive and impossible. It is enough if we are generally convinced of the utility and necessity of sacrifice and feel the individual call. It must be remembered that we cannot argue from the condition of a people formed, free and prospering to that of a people subject, struggling and miserable. In the first case the individual is not called to frequent acts of self-sacrifice, but only to those regularly demanded by the nation and to a general readiness for special sacrifice in case of necessity, but in the second the necessity is a constant quantity. Nor is it a sound principle to demand in such circumstances an adequate value for every individual act of courage


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and self-denial. It would indeed be singular for the individuals of. a subject nation asked to pay the price of their liberty to say to the Dispenser of karma, "You shall give me so much in return for every individual sacrifice and we must know your terms beforehand. We will not trust you to the extent of a single pice worth of result for our sufferings." Not by such men or such a spirit have subject nations been delivered.


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