Early Cultural Writings




Part One

The Harmony of Virtue

The Sole Motive of Man's Existence

The Harmony of Virtue

Beauty in the Real

Stray Thoughts

Part Two

On Literature

Bankim Chandra Chatterji

His Youth and College Life

The Bengal He Lived In

His Official Career

His Versatility

His Literary History

What He Did for Bengal

Our Hope in the Future

On Poetry and Literature


Characteristics of Augustan Poetry

Sketch of the Progress of Poetry from Thomson to Wordsworth

Appendix: Test Questions

Marginalia on Madhusudan Dutt's Virangana Kavya

Originality in National Literatures

The Poetry of Kalidasa

A Proposed Work on Kalidasa

The Malavas

The Age of Kalidasa

The Historical Method

The Seasons

Hindu Drama

Vikramorvasie: The Play

Vikramorvasie: The Characters

The Spirit of the Times

On Translating Kalidasa

Appendix: Alternative and Unused Passages and Fragments

On the Mahabharata

Notes on the Mahabharata

Notes on the Mahabharata [Detailed]

Part Three

On Education

Address at the Baroda College Social Gathering


The Brain of India

A System of National Education

The Human Mind

The Powers of the Mind

The Moral Nature

Simultaneous and Successive Teaching

The Training of the Senses

Sense— Improvement by Practice

The Training of the Mental Faculties

The Training of the Logical Faculty

Message for National Education Week (1918)

National Education

A Preface on National Education

Part Four

On Art

The National Value of Art

Two Pictures

Indian Art and an Old Classic

The Revival of Indian Art

An Answer to a Critic

Part Five

Conversations of the Dead

Dinshah, Perizade

Turiu, Uriu

Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi

Shivaji, Jaysingh

Littleton, Percival

Part Six

The Chandernagore Manuscript

Passing Thoughts [1]

Passing Thoughts [2]

Passing Thoughts [3]



Historical Impressions: The French Revolution

Historical Impressions: Napoleon

In the Society's Chambers

At the Society's Chambers

Things Seen in Symbols [1]

Things Seen in Symbols [2]

The Real Difficulty


Part Seven

Epistles / Letters From Abroad

Epistles from Abroad

Letters from Abroad

Part Eight



"Hymns to the Goddess"

"South Indian Bronzes"

"God, the Invisible King"


About Astrology

"Sanskrit Research"

"The Feast of Youth"


Part Nine

Bankim — Tilak — Dayananda

Rishi Bankim Chandra

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

A Great Mind, a Great Will

Dayananda: The Man and His Work

Dayananda and the Veda

The Men that Pass

Appendix One

Baroda Speeches and Reports

Speeches Written for the Maharaja of Baroda

Medical Department

The Revival of Industry in India

Report on Trade in the Baroda State

Opinions Written as Acting Principal

Appendix Two

Premises of Astrology

Premises of Astrology

Note on the Texts



The Training of the Mental Faculties


THE FIRST qualities of the mind that have to be developed are those which can be grouped under observation. We notice some things, ignore others. Even of what we notice, we observe very little. A general perception of an object is all we usually carry away from a cursory half-attentive glance. A closer attention fixes its place, form, nature as distinct from its surroundings. Full concentration of the faculty of observation gives us all the knowledge that the three chief senses can gather about the object, or if we touch or taste, we may gather all that the five senses can tell of its nature and properties. Those who make use of the sixth sense, the poet, the painter, the Yogin, can also gather much that is hidden from the ordinary observer. The scientist by investigation ascertains other facts open to a minuter observation. These are the components of the faculty of observation, and it is obvious that its basis is attention, which may be only close or close and minute.

We may gather much even from a passing glance at an object, if we have the habit of concentrating the attention and the habit of sattwic receptivity. The first thing the teacher has to do is to accustom the pupil to concentrate attention. We may take the instance of a flower. Instead of looking casually at it and getting a casual impression of scent, form and colour, he should be encouraged to know the flower -to fix in his mind the exact shade, the peculiar glow, the precise intensity of the scent, the beauty of curve and design in the form. His touch should assure itself of the texture and its peculiarities. Next, the flower should be taken to pieces and its structure examined with the same careful fullness of observation. All this should be done not as a task, but as an object of interest by skilfully arranged questions suited to the learner which will draw him on to observe and investigate one thing after the other until he has

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almost unconsciously mastered the whole.

Memory and judgment are the next qualities that will be called upon, and they should be encouraged in the same unconscious way. The student should not be made to repeat the same lesson over again in order to remember it. That is a mechanical, burdensome and unintelligent way of training the memory. A similar but different flower should be put in his hands and he should be encouraged to note it with the same care, but with the avowed object of noting the similarities and differences. By this practice daily repeated the memory will naturally be trained. Not only so, but the mental centres of comparison and contrast will be developed. The learner will begin to observe as a habit the similarities of things and their differences. The teacher should take every care to encourage the perfect growth of this faculty and habit. At the same time the laws of species and genus will begin to dawn on the mind and, by a skilful following and leading of the young developing mind, the scientific habit, the scientific attitude and the fundamental facts of scientific knowledge may in a very short time be made part of its permanent equipment. The observation and comparison of flowers, leaves, plants, trees will lay the foundations of botanical knowledge without loading the mind with names and that dry set acquisition of informations which is the beginning of cramming and detested by the healthy human mind when it is fresh from nature and unspoiled by unnatural habits. In the same way by the observation of the stars, astronomy, by the observation of the earth, stones, etc., geology, by the observation of insects and animals, entomology and zoology may be founded. A little later chemistry may be started by interesting observation of experiments without any formal teaching or heaping on the mind of formulas and book knowledge. There is no scientific subject the perfect and natural mastery of which cannot be prepared in early childhood by this training of the faculties to observe, compare, remember and judge various classes of objects. It can be done easily and attended with a supreme and absorbing interest in the mind of the student. Once the taste is created, the boy can be trusted to follow it up with all the enthusiasm of youth in his leisure

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hours. This will prevent the necessity at a later age of teaching him everything in class.

The judgment will naturally be trained along with the other faculties. At every step the boy will have to decide what is the right idea, measurement, appreciation of colour, sound, scent, etc., and what is the wrong. Often the judgments and distinctions made will have to be exceedingly subtle and delicate. At first many errors will be made, but the learner should be taught to trust his judgment without being attached to its results. It will be found that the judgment will soon begin to respond to the calls made on it, clear itself of all errors and begin to judge correctly and minutely. The best way is to accustom the boy to compare his judgments with those of others. When he is wrong, it should at first be pointed out to him how far he was right and why he went wrong, afterwards he should be encouraged to note these things for himself. Every time he is right, his attention should be prominently and encouragingly called to it so that he may get confidence.

While engaged in comparing and contrasting, another centre is certain to develop, the centre of analogy. The learner will inevitably draw analogies and argue from like to like. He should be encouraged to use this faculty while noticing its limitations and errors. In this way he will be trained to form the habit of correct analogy, which is an indispensable aid in the acquisition of knowledge.

The one faculty we have omitted, apart from the faculty of direct reasoning, is imagination. This is a most important and indispensable instrument. It may be divided into three functions, the forming of mental images, the power of creating thoughts, images and imitations or new combinations of existing thoughts and images, the appreciation of the soul in things, beauty, charm, greatness, hidden suggestiveness, the emotion and spiritual life that pervades the world. This is in every way as important as the training of the faculties which observe and compare outward things. But that demands a separate and fuller treatment.

The mental faculties should first be exercised on things, afterwards on words and ideas. Our dealings with language are  

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much too perfunctory and the absence of a fine sense for words impoverishes the intellect and limits the fineness and truth of its operation. The mind should be accustomed first to notice the word thoroughly, its form, sound, sense; then to compare the form with other similar forms in the points of similarity and difference, thus forming the foundation of the grammatical sense; then to distinguish between the fine shades of sense of similar words and the formation and rhythm of different sentences, thus forming the foundation of the literary and the syntactical faculties. All this should be done informally, drawing on the curiosity and interest, avoiding set teaching and memorising of rules. The true knowledge takes its base on things, arthas, and only when it has mastered the thing, proceeds to formalise its information.

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